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Created August 30, 2023 02:54
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jsonb SQL accessor generator
import json
import typing
import sys
What this does:
Take in a representative jsonb blob and generate hierarchical sql accessors for all its fields.
python3 'representative json blob'
def key_path_as_sql(path: list[str]):
Format as a hierarchially indented sql getter from jsonb
p = ", ".join([item for item in path])
sqlStmt = """{whitespace}workflow_state#>>'{{{path}}}'""".format(whitespace = " "*(len(path)-1), path=p)
return sqlStmt
def path_builder(obj: dict, current_path: list = [], accum_paths = []):
Extract the JSON structure into paths for Max-approved SQL jsonb extraction.
for key in obj.keys():
if isinstance(obj[key], dict):
path_builder(obj[key], current_path + [key], accum_paths = accum_paths)
return accum_paths
json_string = json_string = sys.argv[1]
json_data = json.loads(json_string)
paths = path_builder(json_data)
sql_stmts = [key_path_as_sql(p) for p in paths]
print(",\n".join(stmt for stmt in sql_stmts))
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