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Created February 16, 2015 04:04
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dat.column <- read.csv("column.csv", head=FALSE, fileEncoding="UTF-8", colClasses="character")
varnames <- dat.column[, 2]
names(varnames) <- dat.column[, 1]
dat <- read.csv("data.csv", fileEncoding="UTF-8", colClasses=dat.column[, 3])
dat <- dat[!duplicated(cbind(dat$price, dat$lat, dat$lon)), ]
dat$price[dat$id == "300056150013621013622"] <- NA # 価格の桁間違い?
dat$area[dat$id %in% c("300054130041305041305", "300105420003450004117")] <- NA # 面積の桁間違い?
dat$latitude[dat$id == "300059820006005006005"] <- NA # 緯度不正
dat$longitude[dat$id == "300059820006005006005"] <- NA # 経度不正
dat.lm <- cbind(
log.price = log(dat$price),
dat[, c("time", "", "S", "L", "D", "K", "area", "age", "floor", "num.floor", "days.published")],
type.mansion = as.numeric(dat$type == "マンション"), = as.numeric(grepl("一戸建て", dat$type)),
struct.mokuzo = as.numeric(dat$struct == "木造"),
struct.concrete = as.numeric(dat$struct == "ALC" | grepl("コンクリート", dat$struct)),
dir.N = as.numeric(dat$dir == "北"),
dir.NE = as.numeric(dat$dir == "北東"),
dir.E = as.numeric(dat$dir == "東"),
dir.SE = as.numeric(dat$dir == "南東"),
dir.S = as.numeric(dat$dir == "南"),
dir.SW = as.numeric(dat$dir == "南西"),
dir.W = as.numeric(dat$dir == "西"),
parking = as.numeric(dat$parking != "なし"),
dat[, paste0("C", 1:17)],
dat[, paste0("E", (1:99)[-39])]
dat.lm <- dat.lm[, -which(colnames(dat.lm) == "E89")] # 暖房機: E7冷房と高相関 (0.881)
dat.lm <- dat.lm[, -which(colnames(dat.lm) == "")] # area と高相関 (0.836)
dat.lm <- dat.lm[, -which(colnames(dat.lm) == "E72")] # シャワー: E48洗濯機置き場と高相関 (0.835)
dat.lm$E92 <- as.numeric(dat.lm$E92 | dat.lm$E84)
dat.lm <- dat.lm[, -which(colnames(dat.lm) == "E84")] # 敷地内ゴミ置き場: E92専用ゴミ置き場と統合 (0.798)
dat.lm <- dat.lm[, -which(colnames(dat.lm) == "E53")] # 電話機: E88テレビと高相関 (0.769)
dat.lm <- dat.lm[, -which(colnames(dat.lm) == "E6")] # 可動間仕切り: E87アプローチライトと高相関 (0.763)
dat.lm <- dat.lm[, -which(colnames(dat.lm) == "type.mansion")] # struct.concrete と高相関 (0.725)
dat.lm <- dat.lm[, -which(colnames(dat.lm) == "num.floor")] # floor と高相関 (0.715)
dat.lm <-
varnames <- c(
log.price = "log(価格)",
type.mansion = "マンション", = "一戸建て",
struct.mokuzo = "木造", struct.concrete = "コンクリート建築",
dir.N = "北向き", dir.NE = "北東向き", dir.E = "東向き", dir.SE = "南東向き",
dir.S = "南向き", dir.SW = "南西向き", dir.W = "西向き"
## ----
## check corelations
cor.dat <- cor(dat.lm)
large.cor <- matrix(abs(cor.dat) > 0.7, nrow(cor.dat)) & upper.tri(cor.dat)
large.cor.index <- arrayInd(which(large.cor), .dim=dim(large.cor))
matrix(colnames(dat.lm)[large.cor.index], nrow(large.cor.index)),
## ----
## plot function
my.barplot.lm <- function(var, est, err=NULL) {
var <- factor(varnames[var], levels=varnames[var])
ggdat <- data.frame(var=var, est=est, sign=est>=0)
if (!is.null(err)) ggdat$err = err
g <- ggplot(ggdat, aes(x=var, y=est, colour=sign, fill=sign))
g <- g + coord_flip()
g <- g + scale_colour_manual(values=c(hsv(0, 1, 0.75), hsv(0.6, 1, 0.75)))
g <- g + scale_fill_manual(values=c(hsv(0, 0.5, 1), hsv(0.6, 0.5, 1)))
g <- g + theme(legend.position="none")
g <- g + scale_x_discrete(name="")
g <- g + scale_y_continuous(name="推定値")
g <- g + geom_bar(stat="identity")
if (!is.null(ggdat$err)) {
g <- g + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=est-err, ymax=est+err), width=0.3)
## ----
## lm
if (!file.exists("aiclm.Rdata")) {
aiclm.dat <- step(lm(log.price ~ ., data=dat.lm))
save(aiclm.dat, file="aiclm.Rdata")
} else {
coef.aiclm.dat <- summary(aiclm.dat)$coef[-1, ]
coef.aiclm.dat <- coef.aiclm.dat[order(coef.aiclm.dat[, 1]), ]
rownames(coef.aiclm.dat), coef.aiclm.dat[, 1], err=coef.aiclm.dat[, 2] * qnorm(0.975))
ggsave("aiclm.svg", width=6, height=8, family="Meiryo")
if (!file.exists("biclm.Rdata")) {
biclm.dat <- step(lm(log.price ~ ., data=dat.lm), k=log(nrow(dat.lm)))
save(biclm.dat, file="biclm.Rdata")
} else {
coef.biclm.dat <- summary(biclm.dat)$coef[-1, ]
coef.biclm.dat <- coef.biclm.dat[order(coef.biclm.dat[, 1]), ]
rownames(coef.biclm.dat), coef.biclm.dat[, 1], err=coef.biclm.dat[, 2] * qnorm(0.975))
## ----
## glmnet
X <- as.matrix(dat.lm)[, -1]
y <- dat.lm[, 1]
glmnet.dat <- glmnet(X, y)
cri <- mapply(function(lambda, df) {
beta <- as.numeric(coef(glmnet.dat, lambda))
resid <- drop(y - cbind(rep(1, nrow(X)), X) %*% beta)
log(var(resid)) + log(nrow(X)) * df / nrow(X)
}, glmnet.dat$lambda, glmnet.dat$df)
best.i <- which.min(cri)
coef.glmnet.dat <- drop(coef(glmnet.dat, glmnet.dat$lambda[best.i]))[-1]
coef.glmnet.dat <- coef.glmnet.dat[coef.glmnet.dat != 0]
coef.glmnet.dat <- sort(coef.glmnet.dat)
my.barplot.lm(names(coef.glmnet.dat), coef.glmnet.dat)
## ----
## msgps
msgps.dat <- msgps(as.matrix(dat.lm)[, -1], dat.lm[, 1], penalty="alasso")
coef.msgps.dat <- drop(coef(msgps.dat, tuning=msgps.dat$dfbic_result$tuning))[-1]
coef.msgps.dat <- coef.msgps.dat[coef.msgps.dat != 0]
coef.msgps.dat <- sort(coef.msgps.dat)
my.barplot.lm(names(coef.msgps.dat), coef.msgps.dat)
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