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Created June 13, 2022 14:05
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  • Save hnestmann/fa5bd41562520c99bee4e35e775764c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hnestmann/fa5bd41562520c99bee4e35e775764c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"basePath": "/",
"consumes": [
"definitions": {
"image": {
"properties": {
"alt": {
"type": "string"
"dis_base_link": {
"type": "string"
"link": {
"minLength": 1,
"type": "string"
"title": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"product_ref": {
"description": "Document representing a product reference.",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "The ID of the product reference.",
"type": "string"
"link": {
"description": "The link to the product reference.",
"maxLength": 100,
"type": "string"
"required": [
"product_search_hit": {
"description": "Document representing a product search hit.",
"properties": {
"currency": {
"description": "The ISO 4217 mnemonic code of the currency.",
"type": "string"
"hit_type": {
"description": "The type information for the search hit.",
"type": "string"
"image": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/image",
"description": "The first image of the product hit for the configured viewtype.",
"x-label": {
"default": "Standard Image"
"link": {
"description": "The URL addressing the product.",
"type": "string"
"orderable": {
"description": "A flag indicating whether the product is orderable.",
"type": "boolean"
"price": {
"description": "The sales price of the product. In case of complex products like master or set this is the minimum price of\n related child products.",
"format": "double",
"type": "number"
"price_max": {
"description": "The maximum sales of related child products in case of complex products like master or set.",
"format": "double",
"type": "number"
"price_per_unit": {
"description": "The sales price per unit of the product. In case of complex products like master or set this is the minimum price\n per unit of related child products.",
"format": "double",
"type": "number"
"price_per_unit_max": {
"description": "The maximum sales price per unit of related child products in case of complex products like master or set.",
"format": "double",
"type": "number"
"prices": {
"additionalProperties": {
"format": "double",
"type": "number"
"description": "The prices map with price book ids and their values.",
"type": "object"
"product_id": {
"description": "The id (SKU) of the product.",
"x-label": {
"default": "ID",
"en": "SKUAGE"
"type": "string"
"product_name": {
"description": "The localized name of the product.",
"x-label": {
"default": "Name"
"type": "string"
"product_type": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/product_type",
"description": "The type information for the product."
"represented_product": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/product_ref",
"description": "The first represented product."
"represented_products": {
"description": "All the represented products.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/product_ref"
"type": "array"
"variation_attributes": {
"description": "The array of represented variation attributes (for the master product only). This array can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/variation_attribute"
"type": "array"
"c_extend": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/c_product_extend"
"c_master": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/c_product_extend"
"c_variants": {
"description": "for each of the colors represented by this hit, this list contains arbitrary variation product-extend",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/c_product_extend"
"type": "array"
"c_colors": {
"description": "a list of colors for this hit with extended information",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "the localized color display name"
"orderable": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "true if we have at least one size in stock"
"value": {
"type": "string",
"description": "the color backend key"
"image": {
"type": "object",
"description": "processed image information (same format as classic frontend would use) to display color selector"
"selected": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "true if main search hit is part of this color slice"
"c_masterImages": {
"description": "all or viewtype filtered images assigned to master product. Essentially all photos available for every color",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"masterId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "the masterId these images are stored for"
"imageGroups": {
"description": "groups of images by viewtype and variation attribute",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"images": {
"description": "list of images",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/image"
"variationAttributes": {
"description": "variation attribute(s)/color mapped to this image list",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/variation_attribute"
"viewType": {
"description": "the viewtype mapped to this image list",
"type": "string"
"c_colorImages": {
"description": "list of images for this product",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/image"
"product_search_refinement": {
"description": "Document representing a product search refinement attribute.",
"properties": {
"attribute_id": {
"description": "The id of the search refinement attribute. In the case of an attribute refinement, this is the attribute id.\n Custom attributes are marked by the prefix \"c_\" (for example, \"c_refinementColor\"). In the case of a\n category refinement, the id must be \"cgid\". In the case of a price refinement, the id must be \"price\".",
"type": "string"
"label": {
"description": "The localized label of the refinement.",
"type": "string"
"values": {
"description": "The sorted array of refinement values. This array can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/product_search_refinement_value"
"type": "array"
"required": [
"product_search_refinement_value": {
"description": "Document representing a product search refinement value.",
"properties": {
"description": {
"description": "The localized description of the refinement value.",
"type": "string"
"hit_count": {
"description": "The number of search hits when selecting the refinement value. Can be 0.",
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"label": {
"description": "The localized label of the refinement value.",
"type": "string"
"presentation_id": {
"description": "The optional presentation id associated with the refinement value.\n The presentation id can be used, for example, to associate an id with\n an HTML widget.",
"type": "string"
"value": {
"description": "The refinement value. In the case of an attribute refinement, this is the bucket,\n the attribute value, or a value range. In the case of a category refinement, this is the\n category id. In the case of a price refinement,k this is the price range. Ranges are\n enclosed by parentheses and separated by \"..\"; for example, \"(100..999)\" and \"(Aa..Fa)\"\n are valid ranges.",
"type": "string"
"values": {
"description": "The array of hierarchical refinement values. This array can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/product_search_refinement_value"
"type": "array"
"product_search_result": {
"description": "Document representing a product search result.",
"properties": {
"count": {
"description": "The number of returned documents.",
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"data": {
"items": {
"type": "object"
"type": "array"
"fetch_date": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"hits": {
"description": "The sorted array of search hits. This array can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/product_search_hit"
"type": "array"
"next": {
"description": "The URL of the next result page.",
"type": "string"
"previous": {
"description": "The URL of the previous result page.",
"type": "string"
"query": {
"description": "The query String that was searched for.",
"type": "string"
"refinements": {
"description": "The sorted array of search refinements. This array can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/product_search_refinement"
"type": "array"
"search_phrase_suggestions": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/suggestion",
"description": "The suggestion given by the system for the submitted search phrase."
"selected_refinements": {
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "string"
"description": "A map of selected refinement attribute id/value(s) pairs. The sorting order is the same as in request URL.",
"type": "object"
"selected_sorting_option": {
"description": "The id of the applied sorting option.",
"type": "string"
"sorting_options": {
"description": "The sorted array of search sorting options. This array can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/product_search_sorting_option"
"type": "array"
"start": {
"description": "The zero-based index of the first search hit to include in the result.",
"format": "int32",
"minimum": 0,
"type": "integer"
"total": {
"description": "The total number of documents.",
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"product_search_sorting_option": {
"description": "Document representing a product search sorting option.",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "The id of the sorting option.",
"type": "string"
"label": {
"description": "The localized label of the sorting option.",
"type": "string"
"product_type": {
"description": "Document representing a product type.",
"properties": {
"bundle": {
"description": "A flag indicating whether the product is a bundle.",
"type": "boolean"
"item": {
"description": "A flag indicating whether the product is a standard item.",
"type": "boolean"
"master": {
"description": "A flag indicating whether the product is a master.",
"type": "boolean"
"option": {
"description": "A flag indicating whether the product is an option.",
"type": "boolean"
"set": {
"description": "A flag indicating whether the product is a set.",
"type": "boolean"
"variant": {
"description": "A flag indicating whether the product is a variant.",
"type": "boolean"
"variation_group": {
"description": "A flag indicating whether the product is a variation group.",
"type": "boolean"
"suggested_category": {
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "The id of the category.",
"type": "string"
"link": {
"description": "The URL addressing the category.",
"type": "string"
"name": {
"description": "The localized name of the category.",
"type": "string"
"parent_category_name": {
"description": "The name of the parent category.",
"type": "string"
"suggested_content": {
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "The id of the content.",
"type": "string"
"link": {
"description": "The URL addressing the content.",
"type": "string"
"name": {
"description": "The localized name of the content.",
"type": "string"
"suggested_phrase": {
"description": "Document representing a suggested search phrase.",
"properties": {
"exact_match": {
"description": "Returns whether this suggested phrase exactly matches the user input search phrase.",
"type": "boolean"
"phrase": {
"description": "Returns the suggested search phrase.",
"type": "string"
"suggested_product": {
"description": "Document representing a product search hit.",
"properties": {
"currency": {
"description": "The ISO 4217 mnemonic code of the currency.",
"type": "string"
"image": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/image",
"description": "The first image of the product hit for the configured viewtype."
"link": {
"description": "The URL addressing the product.",
"type": "string"
"price": {
"description": "The sales price of the product. In the case of complex products like a master or a set, this is the minimum price of\n related child products.",
"format": "double",
"type": "number"
"product_id": {
"description": "The id (SKU) of the product.",
"type": "string"
"product_name": {
"description": "The localized name of the product.",
"type": "string"
"suggested_term": {
"description": "Document representing a suggested term.",
"properties": {
"completed": {
"description": "Returns whether this term value is a completion match.",
"type": "boolean"
"corrected": {
"description": "Returns whether this term value is a correction match.",
"type": "boolean"
"exact_match": {
"description": "Returns whether this term value is a exact match.",
"type": "boolean"
"value": {
"description": "Returns the term value.",
"type": "string"
"suggested_terms": {
"description": "Document representing a list of suggested terms for each term of a search phrase.",
"properties": {
"original_term": {
"description": "Returns the original term that the suggested terms relates to.",
"type": "string"
"terms": {
"description": "Returns the suggested terms.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/suggested_term"
"type": "array"
"suggestion": {
"description": "Document representing a suggestion.",
"properties": {
"brands": {
"description": "The sorted list of suggested brands. This list can be empty.",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"type": "array"
"categories": {
"description": "The sorted list of suggested categories. This list can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/suggested_category"
"type": "array"
"content": {
"description": "The sorted list of suggested content. This list can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/suggested_content"
"type": "array"
"custom_suggestions": {
"description": "The sorted list of suggested custom suggestions. This list can be empty.",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"type": "array"
"products": {
"description": "The sorted list of suggested products. This list can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/suggested_product"
"type": "array"
"suggested_phrases": {
"description": "A list of suggested phrases. This list can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/suggested_phrase"
"type": "array"
"suggested_terms": {
"description": "A list of suggested terms. This list can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/suggested_terms"
"type": "array"
"variation_attribute": {
"description": "Document representing a variation attribute.",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "The id of the variation attribute.",
"minLength": 1,
"type": "string"
"name": {
"description": "The localized display name of the variation attribute.",
"type": "string"
"values": {
"description": "The sorted array of variation values. This array can be empty.",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/variation_attribute_value"
"type": "array"
"required": [
"variation_attribute_value": {
"description": "Document representing a variation attribute value.",
"properties": {
"description": {
"description": "The localized description of the variation value.",
"type": "string"
"image": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/image",
"description": "The first product image for the configured viewtype and this variation value."
"image_swatch": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/image",
"description": "The first product image for the configured viewtype and this variation value. (typically the swatch image)"
"name": {
"description": "The localized display name of the variation value.",
"type": "string"
"orderable": {
"description": "A flag indicating whether at least one variant with this variation attribute value is available to sell.",
"type": "boolean"
"value": {
"description": "The actual variation value.",
"minLength": 1,
"type": "string"
"required": [
"c_product_extend": {
"description": "Puma specific additions to product information",
"properties": {
"masterProductId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The master product represented by the search hit. Regardless of the hit type"
"lastUpdated": {
"type": "string",
"description": "last modified timestamp of represented variant/master in standard iso string."
"priceInfo": {
"type": "object",
"description": "information for list price, sales price and several promotions"
"c_badge": {
"type": "string",
"description": "the badge info displayvalue"
"c_badgeValue": {
"type": "string",
"description": "the badge info backend key"
"c_percentageDiscountBadge": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "how much percent saving we expose to the user"
"c_bvAverageRating": {
"type": "string",
"description": "bazaarvoice average rating"
"c_bvReviewCount": {
"type": "string",
"description": "bazaarvoice number of reviews"
"c_collection": {
"type": "string"
"c_materialComposition": {
"type": "array"
"c_pisaAlternativeView": {
"type": "string"
"c_pisaDefaultView": {
"type": "string"
"c_restrictedCountries": {
"type": "array"
"c_restrictedStates": {
"type": "array"
"c_specialMessage": {
"type": "string"
"c_specialMessageHTML": {
"type": "string"
"c_manufacturerInfo": {
"type": "string"
"c_displaycontrolOutOfStock": {
"type": "object",
"description": "uses frontend implementation of classic to expose how add to cart button should be presented to user"
"c_styleNumber": {
"type": "string",
"description": "master product + color combinded string"
"EAN": {
"type": "string"
"c_modelMeasurement": {
"type": "object",
"description": "combines various product attributes for frontend to show model infos"
"c_modelMeasurementText": {
"type": "object",
"description": "combines various product attributes for frontend to show model infos"
"searchableIfUnavailable": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "if true, returned item might not necessarily have stock."
"id": {
"type": "string"
"customer-groups-response": {
"description": "Document representing a customer groups response",
"properties": {
"c_result": {
"description": "The list of customer groups",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"example": [
"product-extend-response": {
"description": "Document representing a product extend response",
"properties": {
"c_result": {
"description": "The list of requested products",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/c_product_extend"
"example": [
"masterProductId": "381773",
"lastUpdated": "2022-05-20T14:47:06.000Z",
"priceInfo": {
"originalPrice": {
"value": 80,
"currency": "USD",
"pricebook": "usd-list-prices",
"validFrom": "2021-02-08T19:08:24.000Z",
"validTo": null
"salePrice": {
"value": 80,
"currency": "USD",
"pricebook": "usd-list-prices",
"validFrom": "2021-02-08T19:08:24.000Z",
"validTo": null
"c_badge": null,
"c_badgeValue": null,
"c_percentageDiscountBadge": 0,
"c_bvAverageRating": "3.6667",
"c_bvReviewCount": "3",
"c_collection": null,
"c_materialComposition": [],
"c_pisaAlternativeView": null,
"c_pisaDefaultView": null,
"c_restrictedCountries": [],
"c_restrictedStates": null,
"c_specialMessage": "",
"c_specialMessageHTML": "",
"c_manufacturerInfo": {},
"c_displaycontrolOutOfStock": {
"addToCart": false,
"displayMsg": "Sold Out",
"ctaText": "Sold Out",
"ctaUpdateText": "Sold Out",
"badge": "soldout"
"c_styleNumber": "381773_02",
"c_taxDisplayMsg": null,
"EAN": "4063698271752",
"c_modelMeasurement": {},
"c_modelMeasurementText": false,
"searchableIfUnavailable": false,
"primaryCategoryId": "mens-shoes-classics",
"id": "194579271791"
"cache-key-response": {
"description": "Document representing a product extend response",
"properties": {
"c_result": {
"description": "The personalization cache information",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"hash": {
"type": "string",
"description": "the hashed value of personal information"
"cacheInfo": {
"type": "string",
"description": "only available on non-prod. Debugging information about how the hash was created"
"example": {
"hash": "21553a35a1fac7f94db71e56181950ea008b4ecf69c442077bbe41e0b8f9807e",
"cacheInfo": "INR,ATVPromo_Exclusion Group,All minus Affiliates,All minus Employees,All minus Karanataka,COD_TestGroup_Not,Country_India,Everyone,Unregistered,nosourcecode,Outlet_ 20%off,Outlet_ 15%off,Outlet_ 10%off,nosales-category-promotion-IN,sales-category-promotion-IN,PrepaidOffer_5%,DailyDeal_CalloutU_1,v1655111475371/js"
"x-documents": "",
"host": "",
"info": {
"title": "Shop API",
"version": "22.4"
"paths": {
"/s/{siteId}/dw/shop/v22_4/product_search": {
"get": {
"description": "Provides keyword and refinement search functionality for products. Only returns the product id, link and name in\n the product search hit. Other search hit properties can be added by using the expand parameter. The search result\n contains only products that are online and assigned to site catalog.\n This resource does not return detailed information about variation products. If a variation product matches the query, \n basic information for the parent master product is returned. Use the products resource \n to retrieve more details about a variation product.",
"operationId": "getProductSearch",
"parameters": [
"description": "the siteid to connect to.",
"in": "path",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "siteId",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": "NA"
"description": "The query phrase to search for.",
"in": "query",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "q",
"type": "string"
"description": "Parameter that represents a refinement attribute/value(s) pair. Refinement attribute id and\n value(s) are separated by '='. Multiple values are supported by a sub-set of refinement attributes and\n can be provided by separating them using a pipe (URL\n encoded = \"|\"). Value ranges can be specified like this: refine=price=(100..500) Multiple refine\n parameters can be provided by adding an underscore in combination with an integer counter right behind\n the parameter name and a counter range 1..9. I.e. refine_1=c_refinementColor=red|green|blue. The\n following system refinement attribute ids are supported:\n * `cgid`: Allows to refine per single category id. Multiple category ids are not supported.\n * `price`: Allows to refine per single price range. Multiple price ranges are not supported.\n * `pmid`: Allows to refine per promotion id(s). Potentially useful for puma `sales-category-promotion-$country$` & `nosales-category-promotion-$country$`\n * `htype`: Allow to refine by including only the provided hit types. Accepted types are 'product', 'master', 'set', 'bundle', 'slicing_group' (deprecated), 'variation_group'.\n * `orderable_only`: Unavailable products will be excluded from the search results if true is set. Multiple refinement values are not supported.\n Notable Puma specific filters are\n * `styleNumber`: a reference to the color-level of a product (8-digit). This can be used to get color specific data\n * `soldOut` controls wether the products returned should contain soldout prodes\n * `c_isAutomatedNewArrival` `c_isAutomatedNewArrivalSiteSpecific` controls wether the included products contain only new arrivals, as the category can be overpopulated and the filter brings it down to actual new arrivals\n ",
"in": "query",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"default": [
"name": "refine",
"type": "array"
"description": "The id of the sorting option to sort the search hits.",
"in": "query",
"name": "sort",
"type": "string"
"description": "The result set index to return the first instance for. Default value is 0.",
"format": "int32",
"in": "query",
"minimum": 0,
"name": "start",
"type": "integer"
"description": "The maximum number of instances per request. Default value is 25.",
"format": "int32",
"in": "query",
"maximum": 200,
"minimum": 1,
"name": "count",
"type": "integer"
"description": "The expand parameter. A comma separated list with the allowed values (availability, images,\n prices, represented_products, variations)",
"in": "query",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"name": "expand",
"type": "array"
"description": "Puma specific c_expand parameter. A comma separated list with additional modules to pull in per product\n* `default` - currently unused. In the future this controls wether c_extend is added to response\n* `master` - the product-extend for the master product of the search hit\n* `variants` - provides product-extend for a represented variant of all colors represented by search hit\n* `variationmodel` - provides all variants and their respective color and size\n* `colorImages` - all or viewtype-filtered list of images for the current color\n* `allImages` - all or viewtype-filtered list of images for the master-product\n* `colors` - list of colors with extended information for the master-product\n* `quickColors` - list of colors with basic information for the master-product",
"in": "query",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"name": "c_expand",
"type": "array"
"description": "Puma specific catalog viewtype to filter in colorImages/allImages. e.g. extralarge",
"in": "query",
"name": "c_imageViewType",
"default": "extralarge",
"type": "string"
"description": "Puma specific way to control wether quickcolors should apply a generic stock filter. If set to true, the search will return colors with actual stock levels known to b2c commerce; If set to false, the products will return colors with regardless of their stock level; if not submitted the product flag searchableIfUnavailable will control this on product by product level.",
"in": "query",
"name": "c_quickColorsOrderableOnly",
"type": "boolean"
"description": "The currency mnemonic specified for price. This parameter is effective only if specified expand parameter value contains prices.",
"in": "query",
"name": "currency",
"type": "string"
"description": "The locale context.",
"in": "query",
"name": "locale",
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"400": {
"description": "Thrown in case a specified expand parameter value is unknown. or Thrown if a price refinement parameter is malformed."
"default": {
"description": "",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/product_search_result"
"security": [
"client_id": []
"customers_auth": []
"tags": [
"/s/{siteId}/dw/shop/v22_4/custom_objects/CustomApi/customer-group": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"description": "the siteid to connect to.",
"in": "path",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "siteId",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": "NA"
"summary": "getShoppersCustomerGroup",
"description": "Retrieves all customer groups for the JWT given",
"operationId": "getShoppersCustomerGroup",
"responses": {
"default": {
"description": "",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/customer-groups-response"
"tags": [
"/s/{siteId}/dw/shop/v22_4/custom_objects/CustomApi/product-extend": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"description": "the siteid to connect to.",
"in": "path",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "siteId",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": "NA"
"description": "the product to look for",
"in": "query",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "c_products",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": 194579271791
"summary": "getExtendedProductInfo",
"description": "Retrieves all customer groups for the JWT given",
"operationId": "getExtendedProductInfo",
"responses": {
"default": {
"description": "the list of requested products",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/product-extend-response"
"tags": [
"/s/{siteId}/dw/shop/v22_4/custom_objects/CustomApi/cache-key": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"description": "the siteid to connect to.",
"in": "path",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "siteId",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": "NA"
"description": "simulates wether we are on production or not",
"in": "query",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "simulateprod",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean",
"default": true
"summary": "getCacheKey",
"description": "Gets the cache key of current JWT",
"operationId": "getCacheKey",
"responses": {
"default": {
"description": "the cache key response",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/cache-key-response"
"tags": [
"/s/{siteId}/dw/shop/v22_4/custom_objects/CustomApi/rrd": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"description": "the siteid to connect to.",
"in": "path",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "siteId",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": "NA"
"summary": "getRRD",
"description": "Gets some RRD Stuff (simplus could provide more info)",
"operationId": "getRRD",
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "Result is available"
"tags": [
"/s/{siteId}/dw/shop/v22_4/custom_objects/CustomApi/send-otp-over-sms": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"description": "the siteid to connect to.",
"in": "path",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "siteId",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": "NA"
"summary": "sendOtpOverSMS",
"description": "triggers otp over sms (astound could provide more info)",
"operationId": "sendOtpOverSMS",
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "Result is available"
"tags": [
"/s/{siteId}/dw/shop/v22_4/custom_objects/CustomApi/resend-otp-over-sms": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"description": "the siteid to connect to.",
"in": "path",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "siteId",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": "NA"
"summary": "resendOtpOverSMS",
"description": "re-triggers otp over sms (astound could provide more info)",
"operationId": "resendOtpOverSMS",
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "Result is available"
"tags": [
"/s/{siteId}/dw/shop/v22_4/custom_objects/CustomApi/send-otp-over-email": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"description": "the siteid to connect to.",
"in": "path",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "siteId",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": "NA"
"summary": "sendOtpOverEmail",
"description": "triggers otp over email (astound could provide more info)",
"operationId": "sendOtpOverEmail",
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "Result is available"
"tags": [
"/s/{siteId}/dw/shop/v22_4/custom_objects/CustomApi/find-customer-by-phone": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"description": "the siteid to connect to.",
"in": "path",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "siteId",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": "NA"
"summary": "findCustomerByPhone",
"description": "Finds customer by phone",
"operationId": "findCustomerByPhone",
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "Result is available"
"tags": [
"/s/{siteId}/dw/shop/v22_4/custom_objects/CustomApi/validate-otp-and-login": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"description": "the siteid to connect to.",
"in": "path",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "siteId",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": "NA"
"summary": "validateOtp",
"description": "validate otp and login",
"operationId": "validateOtp",
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "Result is available"
"tags": [
"/s/{siteId}/dw/shop/v22_4/custom_objects/CustomApi/ambassador-check-balance": {
"get": {
"parameters": [
"description": "the siteid to connect to.",
"in": "path",
"maxLength": 50,
"name": "siteId",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"default": "NA"
"summary": "ambassadorCheckBalance",
"description": "Checks balance of ambassador cards",
"operationId": "ambassadorCheckBalance",
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "Result is available"
"tags": [
"produces": [
"securityDefinitions": {
"customers_auth": {
"x-authorizationUrl": "",
"description": "User authentication either for a registered or a guest customer (selectable in request body). Access via Base64 encoded customer:password string as 'Authorization: Basic' header.",
"type": "basic"
"client_id": {
"description": "Add client ID for application identification. Alternative as 'client_id' query parameter.",
"in": "header",
"name": "x-dw-client-id",
"type": "apiKey"
"swagger": "2.0"
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