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Last active August 11, 2023 11:26
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Kernel Dev

Kernel Module Debugging


  • 2 VMs - one to run the kernel and one to debug
    • In the following I will call them DEBUG_VM and RUN_VM
    • I used 2 arch-based VMs
  • GDB installed in DEBUG_VM
    • Optional with GEF extension for easier use
  • Needed for automation scripts later
    • Running ssh server on RUN_VM

      • Generate ssh keys without passphrase to connect from DEBUG_VM to RUN_VM without passwords
    • Passwordless sudo on RUN_VM

    • Create a target RUN_VM in your ~/.ssh/config

        Host RUN_VM
        	HostName <RUN_VM_IP>
        	User <username>
        	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<your_key>


  • Install same Kernel on both VMs
    • Must be configured for debugging
    • see
    • the command make scripts_gdb creates an invalid python script scripts/gdb/linux/
      • Open the script and remove all UL's
    • Compile the Kernel on DEBUG_VM and install the produced kernel on both VMs
      • I just copied (rsync) the whole kernel folder from DEBUG_VM to RUN_VM and compiled it again but it should be possible to only exec make modules_install again
  • RUN_VM needs to expose the debugging interface to the host machine
    • Exit VMware
    • Open the VMware config file of RUN_VM
      • e.g. C:\User\<username>\Documents\Virtual Machines\RUN_VM\RUN_VM.vmx
    • add the following lines:
      • debugStub.listen.guest64 = "TRUE"
      • debugStub.listen.guest64.remote = "TRUE"
  • Boot both VMs on the same Kernel
  • Optional: Move your kernel module (including Makefile) into a subfolder of the kernel build director on DEBUG_VM
    • e.g.
      • linux-6.3.8/mymodule/
        • Makefile
        • network-listener-ipv6.c
    • With this GDB is able to automatically find the source code for your kernel module
    • There might be other ways to achieve this but I only used this one
    • I will refer to this folder as mymodule
  • Now you can compile kernel modules on DEBUG_VM copy the .ko file to RUN_VM and load the module
    • Its a good idea to automate this step. I create 2 scripts for that in mymodule
      • script on RUN_VM:

          make LLVM=1
          sudo rmmod network-listener-ipv6
          sudo insmod network-listener-ipv6.ko
      • script on DEBUG_VM:

          # compile modules
          make LLVM=1
          # Copy modules
          scp *.ko RUN_VM:~/kernel/linux-6.3.8/mymodule/
          # Reload modules
          ssh -t RUN_VM -- bash '~/kernel/linux-6.3.8/mymodule/
      • You need to replace:

        • the module name
        • the server name / ip RUN_VM
        • the path to mymodule
        • the path to


  • Find your hosts IP address
    • I will refer to it as HOST_IP
  • On DEBUG_VM go to your kernel build folder
  • run gdb vmlinux
  • connect to RUN_VM:
    • When using GEF:
      • gef-remote <HOST_IP> 8864
    • Without:
      • target remote <HOST_IP>:8864
  • Load symbols:
    • lx-symbols
    • A list of kernel modules should be printed
  • Set a breakpoint to your function
    • e.g. b <mymodule-path>/network-listener-ipv6.c:<line>
  • continue: c
  • Now you can start normal debugging
  • Do not forget to run detach before you quite GDB otherwise RUN_VM will be dead and you must boot it again
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