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Created October 11, 2020 12:32
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Header only implementation of boolean in modern C++

My boolean

Header only implementation of boolean in modern C++

#ifndef MY_BOOLEAN_H
#define MY_BOOLEAN_H
#include <ostream>
/// @namespace my
/// @brief My implementation of part of the standard library
namespace my {
/// @class Boolean
/// @brief Homemade boolean representation
class boolean final {
/// @enum Truth value
/// @brief Boolean truth value representation based on 8-bit unsigned int
enum class truth_value : uint8_t {
FALSE = 0, ///< @var False value
TRUE = 1, ///< @var True value
/// @var Boolean truth value, true by default
truth_value m_value{boolean::truth_value::TRUE};
/// @fn Boolean constructor
/// @brief Boolean default constructor
constexpr boolean() = default;
/// @fn Boolean constructor
/// @brief Boolean parametrized constructor
/// @param value Boolean init value
explicit constexpr boolean(boolean::truth_value value) : m_value{value} {}
/// @fn Boolean constructor
/// @brief Boolean cast constructor
/// @param value Boolean init value in int
explicit constexpr boolean([[maybe_unused]] uint8_t value) : m_value{
value == 0 ? boolean{boolean::truth_value::FALSE} : boolean{boolean::truth_value::TRUE}
} {}
/// @fn Boolean destructor
/// @brief Boolean default destructor
~boolean() = default;
/// @fn Boolean copy constructor
/// @brief Boolean default copy constructor
boolean(const boolean &) = default;
/// @fn Boolean move constructor
/// @brief Boolean default move constructor
auto operator=(const boolean &) -> boolean & = default;
/// @fn Boolean copy assignment
/// @brief Boolean default copy assignment
boolean(boolean &&) = default;
/// @fn Boolean move assignment
/// @brief Boolean default move assignment
auto operator=(boolean &&) -> boolean & = default;
/// @fn Not operator
/// @return Not current value
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator~() const -> boolean {
return (boolean(static_cast<boolean>((static_cast<uint8_t>(m_value) + 1) % 2)));
/// @fn And operator
/// @param other Other boolean
/// @return Current value and other value
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator&&(const boolean &other) const -> boolean {
return (static_cast<boolean>(static_cast<uint8_t>(m_value) * static_cast<uint8_t>(other.m_value)));
/// @fn Or operator
/// @param other Other boolean
/// @return Current value or other value
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator||(const boolean &other) const -> boolean {
return (boolean(static_cast<uint8_t>(m_value) + static_cast<uint8_t>(other.m_value)));
/// @fn Xor operator
/// @param other Other boolean
/// @return Current value xor other value
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator^(const boolean &other) const -> boolean {
return (static_cast<boolean>(static_cast<uint8_t>(m_value) + static_cast<uint8_t>(other.m_value) % 2));
/// @fn Truth value cast
/// @brief Cast current boolean to truth value
/// @return Truth value representation of current boolean value
[[nodiscard]] constexpr explicit operator boolean::truth_value() const {
return (m_value);
/// @fn To string
/// @return String representation of current boolean
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto to_string() const -> const char * {
constexpr auto *const true_str = "my true";
constexpr auto *const false_str = "my false";
switch (m_value) {
case truth_value::TRUE:return (true_str);
case truth_value::FALSE:return (false_str);
/// @fn Ostream redirection
/// @param os Ostream to print in
/// @return String representation of current boolean printed in stream
friend auto operator<<(std::ostream &os, const boolean &boolean) -> std::ostream & {
return os << boolean.to_string();
} // namespace my
#endif // MY_BOOLEAN_H
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)
add_executable(boolean my_boolean.h main.cpp)
#include <iostream>
#include <my_boolean.h>
auto main() -> int {
constexpr auto b1 = my::boolean{};
constexpr auto b2 = my::boolean{my::boolean::truth_value::FALSE};
constexpr auto not_b1 = ~b1;
constexpr auto b1_or_b2 = b1 or b2;
constexpr auto b1_and_b2 = b1 and b2;
constexpr auto b1_and_b2_or_b1 = (b1 and b2) or b1;
std::cout << "Default constructor: ";
std::cout << b1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "Constructor with my false value constructor: ";
std::cout << b2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "Not my true: ";
std::cout << not_b1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "My true or my false: ";
std::cout << b1_or_b2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "My true and my false: ";
std::cout << b1_and_b2 << std::endl;
std::cout << "My true and my false or my true: ";
std::cout << b1_and_b2_or_b1 << std::endl;
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
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