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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
-- 数独を解く
solveSudoku matrix
| matrix /= solved = solveSudoku solved
| solved /= backtracked = solveSudoku backtracked
| otherwise = matrix
solved = solveSudokuDirectly matrix
backtracked = solveSudokuByBacktracking solved
solveSudokuDirectly matrix
| matrix == solved = matrix
| otherwise = solveSudokuDirectly solved
solvedHorizontal = map solveSudoku1Line matrix
solvedVertical = transpose . map solveSudoku1Line . transpose $ solvedHorizontal
solved3x3Box = boxToRow . map solveSudoku1Line . boxToRow $ solvedVertical
solved = solved3x3Box
-- 3x3のボックスの内容が順序を保ったまま1行になるように行列を組み替える
boxToRow = structureMatrix . map transpose . sliceMatrix
sliceMatrix = map (map (chunksOf 3)) . (chunksOf 3)
structureMatrix = concat . map (map concat)
-- 数独の1列を解く
-- 候補のリストのリストcellsを受け取り、列内で確定できる分を確定する
-- 1イテレーション回すだけなので、解ききるとは限らない
-- 例:
-- solveSudoku1Line [[1],[2,3],[3],[4,6],[4,5,6,7,8],[6,9],[7,8,9],[7,8,9],[9]]
-- = [[1],[2],[3],[4,6],[5],[6],[7,8],[7,8],[9]]
solveSudoku1Line cells = map ((fixCell occurredOnce) . (removeIfUnfixed fixedElems)) cells
fixedElems = uniqueElems cells
occurredOnce = uniqueElems (groupElems cells)
uniqueElems = map head . filter ((1==).(length))
groupElems = group . sort . concat
-- cell内にxsと重複する内容が1つだけあったらcellの内容をそれに置き換える
-- xsと重複する要素が2個あったら空リストを返す(バックトラック時の矛盾検出用)
fixCell xs cell
| length dups == 1 = dups
| length dups >= 2 = []
| otherwise = cell
where dups = intersect xs cell
-- cell内にxsと重複する内容があり、cellが1要素でなければ、重複する要素を除去する
removeIfUnfixed xs cell
| length cell == 1 = cell
| otherwise = deleteFirstsBy (==) cell xs
-- バックトラッキングを使って数独を解く
-- 1マスの値を確定させてみて矛盾が見つからないものだけ残す
solveSudokuByBacktracking matrix = zipWith (backtrackingOnRow matrix) [0..8] matrix
backtrackingOnRow matrix i cells = zipWith (backtrackingOnCell matrix i) [0..8] cells
backtrackingOnCell _ _ _ [] = []
backtrackingOnCell _ _ _ cell@(x:[]) = cell
backtrackingOnCell matrix i j cell = filter (isPossibleValue matrix i j) cell
-- 数独の行列のi行j列がnだとして、矛盾がないか調べる
-- i,j は0スタート
isPossibleValue :: [[[Int]]] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
isPossibleValue matrix i j n = dropWhile ([]/=) (concat solved) == []
solved = solveSudokuDirectly candMatrix
candMatrix = adjustAtIndex (replaceAtIndex j [n]) i matrix
adjustAtIndex f n ls = a ++ (f b:c) where (a, (b:c)) = splitAt n ls
replaceAtIndex n item ls = a ++ (item:b) where (a, (_:b)) = splitAt n ls
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