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Created December 7, 2016 23:41
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public static string ToDynamicUpdate(this DataRow dr, string tableName, string primaryKeyField, string primaryKeyValue)
var command = @"DECLARE
UPDATE {0} SET {1} WHERE {2};
var valueList = new List<string>();
var declareCommand = string.Empty;
var setCommand = string.Empty;
foreach (var item in dr.Table.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>())
if (dr[item] == DBNull.Value)
valueList.Add((item.ToString()).ConvertToStandardName() + "= NULL");
if (item.DataType == typeof(int))
valueList.Add((item.ToString()).ConvertToStandardName() + "= " + dr[item].ToString());
else if (item.DataType == typeof(bool))
valueList.Add((item.ToString()).ConvertToStandardName() + "= " + (dr[item] == Boolean.FalseString ? "0" : "1"));
else if (item.DataType == typeof(DateTime))
valueList.Add((item.ToString()).ConvertToStandardName() + "= " + String.Format("TO_DATE('{0}', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')", dr[item]));
else if (item.DataType == typeof(Guid))
valueList.Add((item.ToString()).ConvertToStandardName() + "= '" + (dr[item].ToString()).ToUpper() + "'");
else if (item.DataType == typeof(byte[]))
var hex = Utility.ConvertByteArrayToString(((byte[])dr[item]));
declareCommand += String.Format("p{0} RAW(100000); ", item.ToString());
setCommand += String.Format("p{0} := hextoraw('{1}');", item.ToString(), hex);
valueList.Add(String.Format("{0} = p{1}", (item.ToString()).ConvertToStandardName(), item.ToString()));
var tmp = dr[item].ToString();
if (tmp.Length > 2000)
declareCommand += String.Format("p{0} varchar2(32767); ", item.ToString());
setCommand += String.Format("p{0} := {1};", item.ToString(), tmp.ConvertToSafeString());
valueList.Add(String.Format("{0} = p{1}", (item.ToString()).ConvertToStandardName(), item.ToString()));
valueList.Add((item.ToString()).ConvertToStandardName() + "= " + (dr[item].ToString()).ConvertToSafeString());
var condition = CreateCondition(primaryKeyField, primaryKeyValue, ChangeType.UPDATED);
return String.Format(command, tableName.ConvertToStandardName(), String.Join(",", valueList), condition, declareCommand, setCommand);
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