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Last active October 22, 2020 13:38
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<h1 class="f2 mb0"><span class="gold">k</span>note</h1>
<p class="f5 mt1 mb4 lh-copy">A simple note-taking app.</p>
<form action="/note" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<ol class="list pl0">
<li class="mv3">
<label class="f6 b db mb2" for="image">Upload an image</label>
<input class="f6 link dim br1 ba b--black-20 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib black bg-white pointer" type="file"
<input class="f6 link dim br1 ba bw1 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib black bg-white pointer ml2" type="submit"
value="Upload" name="upload">
<li class="mv3"><label class="f6 b db mb2" for="description">Write your content here</label>
<textarea class="f4 db border-box hover-black w-100 measure ba b--black-20 pa2 br2 mb2" rows="5"
name="description"><#if description??>${description}</#if></textarea>
<input class="f6 link dim br1 ba bw1 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib black bg-white pointer" type="submit" value="Publish"
<ul class="list pl0"><p class="f6 b db mb2">Notes</p>
<#if notes??>
<#list notes as note>
<li class="mv3 bb bw2 b--light-yellow bg-washed-yellow ph4 pv2"><p class="measure"></p>
<p class="lh-copy f6">You don't have any notes yet.</p>
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