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Created January 22, 2021 01:11
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Graph Modeling - Invoice data
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import cv2
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import itertools
import networkx as nx
class Grapher:
This class is used to generate:
1) the graph (in dictionary form) { source_node: [destination_node1, destination_node2]}
2) the dataframe with relative_distances
Inputs: The class consists of a pandas dataframe consisting of cordinates for bounding boxe and the image of the invoice/receipt.
def __init__(self, filename, data_fd):
self.filename = filename
self.data_fd = data_fd
file_path = os.path.join(self.data_fd, "raw/box", filename + '.csv')
interim_path = os.path.join(self.data_fd, "interim", filename + '.csv')
image_path = os.path.join(self.data_fd, "raw/img", filename + '.jpg')
self.df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=None, sep='\n')
self.image = cv2.imread(image_path)
self.df_withlabels = pd.read_csv(interim_path)
def graph_formation(self, export_graph = False):
Line formation:
1) Sort words based on Top coordinate:
2) Form lines as group of words which obeys the following:
Two words (W_a and W_b) are in same line if:
Top(W_a) <= Bottom(W_b) and Bottom(W_a) >= Top(W_b)
3) Sort words in each line based on Left coordinate
This ensures that words are read from top left corner of the image first,
going line by line from left to right and at last the final bottom right word of the page is read.
df with words and cordinates (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)
image read into cv2
df with words arranged in orientation top to bottom and left to right, the line number for each word, index of the node connected to
on all directions top, bottom, right and left (if they exist and satisfy the parameters provided)
_____________________y axis______________________
| top
x axis ___________________
| left | bounding box | right
| |___________________|
| bottom
iterate through the rows twice to compare them.
remember that the axes are inverted.
df, image = self.df, self.image
preprocessing the raw csv files to favorable df
df = df[0].str.split(',', expand=True)
temp = df.copy()
temp[temp.columns] = temp.apply(lambda x: x.str.strip())
temp.fillna('', inplace=True)
temp[8]= temp[8][:,9:], sep =", ")
temp[temp.columns] = temp.apply(lambda x: x.str.rstrip(", ,"))
temp = temp.loc[:, :8]
temp.drop([2,3,6,7], axis=1, inplace=True)
temp.columns = ['xmin','ymin','xmax','ymax','Object']
temp[['xmin','ymin','xmax','ymax']] = temp[['xmin','ymin','xmax','ymax']].apply(pd.to_numeric)
df = temp
assert type(df) == pd.DataFrame,f'object_map should be of type \
{pd.DataFrame}. Received {type(df)}'
assert type(image) == np.ndarray,f'image should be of type {np.ndarray} \
. Received {type(image)}'
assert 'xmin' in df.columns, '"xmin" not in object map'
assert 'xmax' in df.columns, '"xmax" not in object map'
assert 'ymin' in df.columns, '"ymin" not in object map'
assert 'ymax' in df.columns, '"ymax" not in object map'
assert 'Object' in df.columns, '"Object" column not in object map'
#remove empty spaces both in front and behind
for col in df.columns:
df[col] = df[col].str.strip()
except AttributeError:
#further cleaning
#sort from top to bottom
df.sort_values(by=['ymin'], inplace=True)
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
#subtracting ymax by 1 to eliminate ambiguity of boxes being in both left and right
df["ymax"] = df["ymax"].apply(lambda x: x - 1)
master = []
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
#flatten the nested list
flat_master = list(itertools.chain(*master))
#check to see if idx is in flat_master
if idx not in flat_master:
top_a = row['ymin']
bottom_a = row['ymax']
#every line will atleast have the word in it
line = [idx]
for idx_2, row_2 in df.iterrows():
#check to see if idx_2 is in flat_master removes ambiguity
#picks higher cordinate one.
if idx_2 not in flat_master:
#if not the same words
if not idx == idx_2:
top_b = row_2['ymin']
bottom_b = row_2['ymax']
if (top_a <= bottom_b) and (bottom_a >= top_b):
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'words_indices': master, 'line_number':[x for x in range(1,len(master)+1)]})
#explode the list columns eg : [1,2,3]
df2 = df2.set_index('line_number').words_indices.apply(pd.Series).stack()\
df2['words_indices'] = df2['words_indices'].astype('int')
#put the line numbers back to the list
final = df.merge(df2, left_on=df.index, right_on='words_indices')
final.drop('words_indices', axis=1, inplace=True)
3) Sort words in each line based on Left coordinate
final2 =final.sort_values(by=['line_number','xmin'],ascending=True)\
df = final2
1) Read words from each line starting from topmost line going towards bottommost line
2) For each word, perform the following:
- Check words which are in vertical projection with it.
- Calculate RD_l and RD_r for each of them
- Select nearest neighbour words in horizontal direction which have least magnitude of RD_l and RD_r,
provided that those words do not have an edge in that direciton.
- In case, two words have same RD_l or RD_r, the word having higher top coordinate is chosen.
- Repeat steps from 2.1 to 2.3 similarly for retrieving nearest neighbour words in vertical direction by
taking horizontal projection, calculating RD_t and RD_b and choosing words having higher left co-ordinate
incase of ambiguity
- Draw edges between word and its 4 nearest neighbours if they are available.
df after lines properly aligned
graph in the form of a dictionary, networkX graph, dataframe with
#horizontal edges formation
grouped = df.groupby('line_number')
#for undirected graph construction
horizontal_connections = {}
left_connections = {}
right_connections = {}
for _,group in grouped:
a = group['index'].tolist()
b = group['index'].tolist()
horizontal_connection = {a[i]:a[i+1] for i in range(len(a)-1) }
#storing directional connections
right_dict_temp = {a[i]:{'right':a[i+1]} for i in range(len(a)-1) }
left_dict_temp = {b[i+1]:{'left':b[i]} for i in range(len(b)-1) }
#add the indices in the dataframes
for i in range(len(a)-1):
df.loc[df['index'] == a[i], 'right'] = int(a[i+1])
df.loc[df['index'] == a[i+1], 'left'] = int(a[i])
dic1,dic2 = left_connections, right_connections
#verticle connections formation
bottom_connections = {}
top_connections = {}
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
if idx not in bottom_connections.keys():
right_a = row['xmax']
left_a = row['xmin']
for idx_2, row_2 in df.iterrows():
#check for higher idx values
if idx_2 not in bottom_connections.values() and idx < idx_2:
right_b = row_2['xmax']
left_b = row_2['xmin']
if (left_b <= right_a) and (right_b >= left_a):
bottom_connections[idx] = idx_2
top_connections[idx_2] = idx
#add it to the dataframe
df.loc[df['index'] == idx , 'bottom'] = idx_2
df.loc[df['index'] == idx_2, 'top'] = idx
#once the condition is met, break the loop to reduce redundant time complexity
#combining both
result = {}
dic1 = horizontal_connections
dic2 = bottom_connections
for key in (dic1.keys() | dic2.keys()):
if key in dic1: result.setdefault(key, []).append(dic1[key])
if key in dic2: result.setdefault(key, []).append(dic2[key])
G = nx.from_dict_of_lists(result)
if export_graph:
if not os.path.exists('../../figures/graphs'):
plot_path ='../../figures/graphs/' + self.filename + 'plain_graph' '.jpg'
layout = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G)
layout = nx.spring_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, layout, with_labels=True)
plt.savefig(plot_path, format="PNG", dpi=600)
# connect with the interim file that has labels in it
df['labels'] = self.df_withlabels['9']
self.df = df
return G,result, df
#features calculation
def get_text_features(self, df):
gets text features
Args: df
Returns: n_lower, n_upper, n_spaces, n_alpha, n_numeric,n_special
data = df['Object'].tolist()
character and word features
special_chars = ['&', '@', '#', '(',')','-','+',
'=', '*', '%', '.', ',', '\\','/',
'|', ':']
# character wise
n_lower, n_upper, n_spaces, n_alpha, n_numeric,n_special = [],[],[],[],[],[]
for words in data:
lower, upper,alpha,spaces,numeric,special = 0,0,0,0,0,0
for char in words:
if char.islower():
lower += 1
# for upper letters
if char.isupper():
upper += 1
# for white spaces
if char.isspace():
spaces += 1
# for alphabetic chars
if char.isalpha():
alpha += 1
# for numeric chars
if char.isnumeric():
numeric += 1
if char in special_chars:
special += 1
#features.append([n_lower, n_upper, n_spaces, n_alpha, n_numeric, n_digits])
df['n_numeric'],df['n_special'] = n_upper, n_alpha, n_spaces, n_numeric,n_special
def relative_distance(self, export_document_graph = False):
1) Calculates relative distances for each node in left, right, top and bottom directions if they exist.
rd_l, rd_r = relative distances left , relative distances right. The distances are divided by image width
rd_t, rd_b = relative distances top , relative distances bottom. The distances are divided by image length
2) Exports the complete document graph for visualization
result dataframe from graph_formation()
dataframe with features and exports document graph if prompted
df, img = self.df, self.image
image_height, image_width = self.image.shape[0], self.image.shape[1]
plot_df = df.copy()
for index in df['index'].to_list():
right_index = df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'right'].values[0]
left_index = df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'left'].values[0]
bottom_index = df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'bottom'].values[0]
top_index = df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'top'].values[0]
#check if it is nan value
if np.isnan(right_index) == False:
right_word_left = df.loc[df['index'] == right_index, 'xmin'].values[0]
source_word_right = df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'xmax'].values[0]
df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'rd_r'] = (right_word_left - source_word_right)/image_width
for plotting purposes
getting the mid point of the values to draw the lines for the graph
mid points of source and destination for the bounding boxes
right_word_x_max = df.loc[df['index'] == right_index, 'xmax'].values[0]
right_word_y_max = df.loc[df['index'] == right_index, 'ymax'].values[0]
right_word_y_min = df.loc[df['index'] == right_index, 'ymin'].values[0]
df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'destination_x_hori'] = (right_word_x_max + right_word_left)/2
df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'destination_y_hori'] = (right_word_y_max + right_word_y_min)/2
if np.isnan(left_index) == False:
left_word_right = df.loc[df['index'] == left_index, 'xmax'].values[0]
source_word_left = df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'xmin'].values[0]
df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'rd_l'] = (left_word_right - source_word_left)/image_width
if np.isnan(bottom_index) == False:
bottom_word_top = df.loc[df['index'] == bottom_index, 'ymin'].values[0]
source_word_bottom = df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'ymax'].values[0]
df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'rd_b'] = (bottom_word_top - source_word_bottom)/image_height
"""for plotting purposes"""
bottom_word_top_max = df.loc[df['index'] == bottom_index, 'ymax'].values[0]
bottom_word_x_max = df.loc[df['index'] == bottom_index, 'xmax'].values[0]
bottom_word_x_min = df.loc[df['index'] == bottom_index, 'xmin'].values[0]
df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'destination_y_vert'] = (bottom_word_top_max + bottom_word_top)/2
df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'destination_x_vert'] = (bottom_word_x_max + bottom_word_x_min)/2
if np.isnan(top_index) == False:
top_word_bottom = df.loc[df['index'] == top_index, 'ymax'].values[0]
source_word_top = df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'ymin'].values[0]
df.loc[df['index'] == index, 'rd_t'] = (top_word_bottom - source_word_top)/image_height
#replace all tne NaN values with '0' meaning there is nothing in that direction
df[['rd_r','rd_b','rd_l','rd_t']] = df[['rd_r','rd_b','rd_l','rd_t']].fillna(0)
if export_document_graph:
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
#bounding box
cv2.rectangle(img, (row['xmin'], row['ymin']), (row['xmax'], row['ymax']), (0, 0, 255), 2)
if np.isnan(row['destination_x_vert']) == False:
source_x = (row['xmax'] + row['xmin'])/2
source_y = (row['ymax'] + row['ymin'])/2
(int(source_x), int(source_y)),
(int(row['destination_x_vert']), int(row['destination_y_vert'])),
(0,255,0), 2)
text = "{:.3f}".format(row['rd_b'])
text_coordinates = ( int((row['destination_x_vert'] + source_x)/2) , int((row['destination_y_vert'] +source_y)/2))
cv2.putText(img, text, text_coordinates, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.4, (255,0,0), 1)
#text_coordinates = ((row['destination_x_vert'] + source_x)/2 , (row['destination_y_vert'] +source_y)/2)
if np.isnan(row['destination_x_hori']) == False:
source_x = (row['xmax'] + row['xmin'])/2
source_y = (row['ymax'] + row['ymin'])/2
(int(source_x), int(source_y)),
(int(row['destination_x_hori']), int(row['destination_y_hori'])), \
(0,255,0), 2)
text = "{:.3f}".format(row['rd_r'])
text_coordinates = (int((row['destination_x_hori'] + source_x)/2) , int((row['destination_y_hori'] +source_y)/2))
cv2.putText(img, text, text_coordinates, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.4, (255,0,0), 1)
# cv2.imshow("image", img)
# cv2.waitKey(0)
# cv2.destroyAllWindows()
if not os.path.exists('../../figures/graphs'):
plot_path ='../../figures/graphs/' + self.filename + 'docu_graph' '.jpg'
cv2.imwrite(plot_path, img)
#drop the unnecessary columns
df.drop(['destination_x_hori', 'destination_y_hori','destination_y_vert','destination_x_vert'], axis=1, inplace=True)
return df
if __name__ == "__main__":
file = '339'
connect = Grapher(file)
G,result, df = connect.graph_formation(export_graph=True)
df = connect.relative_distance(export_document_graph = True)
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