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Forked from khaledosman/dynamodb-helpers.js
Created April 2, 2019 15:57
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dynamodb helpers
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
AWS.config.update({ region: 'us-east-1' })
const { DynamoDB } = AWS
const dynamoDB = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient()
module.exports.query = function (attributeName, attributeValue, tableName) {
const params = {
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
[`#${attributeName}`]: attributeName
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
[`:${attributeName}`]: attributeValue
// FilterExpression: `#${attributeName} = :${attributeName}`,
KeyConditionExpression: `#${attributeName} = :${attributeName}`,
TableName: tableName
return dynamoDB.query(params).promise()
module.exports.getItem = function (attributeName, attributeValue, tableName) {
const params = {
TableName: tableName,
Key: { [attributeName]: attributeValue }
return dynamoDB.get(params).promise()
module.exports.putItem = function (item, tableName) {
console.log('table', process.env.DYNAMODB_TABLE)
const params = {
TableName: tableName,
Item: item
return dynamoDB.put(params).promise()
module.exports.updateItem = function (keyAttribute, keyValue, attrsToUpdate, attrValues, tableName) {
const expressionAttributeNames = => {
return { [`#${attrToUpdate}`]: attrToUpdate }
}).reduce((accum, item) => ({ ...accum, ...item }), {})
const expressionAttributeValues =, index) => {
return { [`:${attrToUpdate}`]: attrValues[index] }
}).reduce((accum, item) => ({ ...accum, ...item }), {})
console.log('attrNames', expressionAttributeNames)
console.log('attrValues', expressionAttributeValues)
const updateExpression = => `#${attrToUpdate} = :${attrToUpdate}`).join(', ')
const params = {
TableName: tableName,
Key: {
[keyAttribute]: keyValue
UpdateExpression: 'set ' + updateExpression,
ExpressionAttributeNames: expressionAttributeNames,
ExpressionAttributeValues: expressionAttributeValues
return dynamoDB.update(params).promise()
module.exports.deleteItem = function (attributeName, attributeValue, tableName) {
const params = {
TableName: tableName,
Key: {
[attributeName]: attributeValue
return dynamoDB.delete(params).promise()
module.exports.scan = function (keys, values, tableName, filterExpression) {
const expressionAttributeNames = => {
return { [`#${attrToUpdate}`]: attrToUpdate }
}).reduce((accum, item) => ({ ...accum, ...item }), {})
const expressionAttributeValues =, index) => {
return { [`:${attrToUpdate}`]: values[index] }
}).reduce((accum, item) => ({ ...accum, ...item }), {})
console.log('attrNames', expressionAttributeNames)
console.log('attrValues', expressionAttributeValues)
let _filterExpression = => `#${attrToUpdate} = :${attrToUpdate}`).join(' AND ')
_filterExpression = filterExpression ? `${_filterExpression} AND ${filterExpression}` : _filterExpression
const params = {
ExpressionAttributeNames: expressionAttributeNames,
ExpressionAttributeValues: expressionAttributeValues,
TableName: tableName,
FilterExpression: _filterExpression
return dynamoDB.scan(params).promise()
module.exports.appendToList = function (attributeName, attributeValue, keyToUpdate, jsonVals = [], tableName) {
const params = {
TableName: tableName,
Key: {
[attributeName]: attributeValue
UpdateExpression: 'SET #c = list_append(#c, :vals)',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#c': keyToUpdate
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':vals': jsonVals
ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW'
return dynamoDB.update(params).promise()
module.exports.updateItemInList = function (attributeName, attributeValue, keyToUpdate, listItemIndex, value, tableName) {
const params = {
TableName: tableName,
Key: {
[attributeName]: attributeValue
UpdateExpression: `SET #item[${listItemIndex}] = :value`,
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#item': keyToUpdate
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':value': value
ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW'
return dynamoDB.update(params).promise()
module.exports.deleteItemFromList = function (attributeName, attributeValue, keyToUpdate, listItemIndex, tableName) {
console.log('EXPRESSION', `REMOVE #item[${listItemIndex}]`)
const params = {
TableName: tableName,
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#item': keyToUpdate
Key: {
[attributeName]: attributeValue
UpdateExpression: `REMOVE #item[${listItemIndex}]`,
ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW'
return dynamoDB.update(params).promise()
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