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Deiner Zapata hoat23

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hoat23 / gist:74179448c3cc24cc3ddbc7e55a659d59
Last active August 12, 2022 15:40
### Run lambda
sam local invoke -e .\scripts\event.json --profile pro-evolution-tem --template .\template.yaml
### template.yaml
WSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: Outputs the time
pip uninstall pip setuptools && curl -s | python
chkdsk e: /f
e -> unidad de usb a recuperar
/F -> comando a usar
# Generate private key
openssl genrsa [-des3] -out CA.key 2048
# Generate public key
openssl rsa -in CA.key -pubout -out CA.PUBLIC.key
# Generate a certificate
openssl req -new -x509 -days 1826 -key CA.key -out CA.crt
# Create a server key