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Forked from adamcrews/certificate_synthetic.js
Last active June 7, 2022 17:03
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New Relic SSL/TLS Synthetic
To use this synthetic, set the following Secure credentials under the Synthetic tab:
NEW_RELIC_INSIGHTS_API_KEY - Your api key for Newrelic Insights from the Insights Api Keys.
NEW_RELIC_INSIGHTS_URL - Your URL for Newrelic Insights events from the Insights Api Keys.
CERTS_TO_MONITOR - A list of hosts to check via https, separated by a comma and a space, for example:,
Create a new Synthetic monitor (browser script), copy the entire contents of this script to the monitor.
Set the monitor to run once a day from a single location.
Once you have executed the script once, NRQL queries, graphs, and alert(s):
This will provide a list of hosts monitored, ordered with the shortest time remaining first:
SELECT * FROM SSLCertificateCheck since 24 hours ago ORDER BY DaysToExpiration
This will display the count of certificates expiring in the next 30 days:
SELECT count(*) AS 'TLS expiring in the next 30 days' FROM SSLCertificateCheck WHERE DaysToExpiration < 30 since 24 hours ago
Additionally, you can create an alert to ping someone that a cert needs attention:
SELECT count(*) AS 'Number of Expiring Certs' FROM SSLCertificateCheck WHERE DaysToExpiration < 7
var request = require('request'),
assert = require('assert'),
Q = require('q');
var urlsToMonitor = $secure.CERTS_TO_MONITOR.split(', ');
var licenseKey = $secure.NEW_RELIC_INSIGHTS_API_KEY;
var insightsURL = $secure.NEW_RELIC_INSIGHTS_URL;
function treatAsUTC(date) {
var result = new Date(date);
result.setMinutes(result.getMinutes() - result.getTimezoneOffset());
return result;
function daysBetween(startDate, endDate) {
var millisecondsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
return Math.round((treatAsUTC(endDate) - treatAsUTC(startDate)) / millisecondsPerDay);
function processSite(urlToMonitor) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
console.log('Preparing to monitor ' + urlToMonitor);
var r = request({
url: 'https://' + urlToMonitor + '/',
method: 'HEAD',
gzip: true,
followRedirect: false,
followAllRedirects: false,
strictSSL: false
function(res) {
var certDetails = (res.req.connection.getPeerCertificate());
var currentDate = new Date();
var certExpirationDate = new Date(certDetails.valid_to);
var certificateIssuer = certDetails.issuer.O;
var daysToExpiration = daysBetween(currentDate, certExpirationDate);
console.log('This certificate was issued by ' + certificateIssuer, '');
console.log('This SSL certificate will expire on ' + certExpirationDate, '');
console.log('**** Date at time of testing: ' + currentDate);
console.log('**** Days to expiration: ' + daysToExpiration);
console.log('Creating event for: ' + urlToMonitor);
function insertInsightsEvent(urlToMonitor, certificateIssuer, daysToExpiration, expirationMilliseconds) {
var options = {
uri: insightsURL,
body: '[{"eventType":"SSLCertificateCheck","Url":"https://' + urlToMonitor + '/","Issuer":"' + certificateIssuer + '","DaysToExpiration":' + daysToExpiration + ', "ExpirationDate":' + expirationMilliseconds + '}]',
headers: {
'X-Insert-Key': licenseKey,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
console.log("Posting event for: "+urlToMonitor);, function(error, response, body) {
console.log(response.statusCode + " status code");
assert.ok(response.statusCode == 200, 'Expected 200 OK response');
var info = JSON.parse(body); assert.ok(info.success == true, 'Expected True results in Response Body, result was ' + info.success); console.log("SSL cert check completed successfully");
insertInsightsEvent(urlToMonitor, certificateIssuer, daysToExpiration, certExpirationDate.getTime()); deferred.resolve();
return deferred.promise;
for (var i = 0; i < urlsToMonitor.length; i++) {
var urlToMonitor = urlsToMonitor[i];
// Do this to fake out the monitor into success
$browser.get('https://' + urlsToMonitor[0] + '/');
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