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Created January 3, 2013 17:36
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class Stomp
public $uri = 'tcp://localhost';
public $port = 61613;
public $connect_timeout_sec = 60;
public $read_timeout_sec = 60;
public $read_timeout_usec = 0;
public $socket = null;
public function __construct()
protected function openSocket()
$connect_errno = null;
$connect_errstr = null;
$this->socket = @fsockopen($this->uri, $this->port, $connect_errno, $connect_errstr, $this->connect_timeout_sec);
protected function hasFrameToRead()
$read = array($this->socket);
$write = null;
$except = null;
// I'm OK with this stream_select blocking for 60 seconds. I'd rather not have it block for a short
// period of time and have to sleep() in an infinite loop.
$has_frame_to_read = @stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->read_timeout_sec, $this->read_timeout_usec);
if ($has_frame_to_read !== false) {
$has_frame_to_read = count($read);
if ($has_frame_to_read === false) {
throw new RuntimeException('Check failed to determine if the socket is readable');
} else if ($has_frame_to_read > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function readFrame()
if (!$this->hasFrameToRead()) {
return false;
$rb = 1024;
$data = '';
$end = false;
do {
// This is the problem line.
// Once I know there is a frame available, I want to read it until the NULL
// byte \x00 is reached.
// However, if say the frame is 1224 bytes in length, then the first 1024 will
// be read instantly, and the second call to fread will block for 60 seconds
// since only 200 bytes are available.
$read = fread($this->socket, $rb);
if ($read === false || $read === "") {
return $this->readFrame();
$data .= $read;
if (strpos($data, "\x00") !== false) {
$end = true;
$data = trim($data, "\n");
$len = strlen($data);
} while ($len < 2 || $end == false);
// Further processing of "frame" occurs here
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