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Created July 6, 2010 03:58
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* learning_c
* Created by Constantine on 7/5/10.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h> // declares strcmp().
#include <stdlib.h> // We'll need that later for malloc() and realloc
struct BookmarksEntry
// right now this has a limitation of 255 characters for a URL,
// will look into how to do it longer
char url[255];
char description[500];
int rating;
bool isSfw;
// track the amount of "database" entries
int totalDBEntries = 0;
struct BookmarksEntry *myBookmarks = NULL;
void CreateNewEntry()
int sfw = 0;
// should create new entry in the myBookmarks struct
// find the length or size of the myBookmarks variable
// realloc the current myBookmarks and add one to the current size
// then use the last item in the array to store the entry
if (myBookmarks == NULL)
myBookmarks = malloc(sizeof(struct BookmarksEntry));
if (myBookmarks == NULL)
struct BookmarksEntry *newPtr = NULL;
// takes the existing bookmarks db, the count of how many db items we have, and the size of the struct we made
// to assign it to a new pointer
// the reason we dont directly assign it is because we can run into out of memory errors
newPtr = realloc(myBookmarks, (totalDBEntries+1) *sizeof(struct BookmarksEntry));
if (newPtr == NULL)
printf("OOM :(");
myBookmarks = newPtr;
printf("Enter a URL for your bookmark:\n>");
scanf("%255s", myBookmarks[totalDBEntries -1].url);
fpurge( stdin );
printf("Enter a description:\n>");
scanf("%500s", myBookmarks[totalDBEntries -1].description);
fpurge( stdin );
printf("Enter a rating, 1-6 (neutral midpoint):\n>");
scanf("%d", &myBookmarks[totalDBEntries -1].rating);
fpurge( stdin );
printf("Is this safe for work? (1 for yes, anything other number for no):\n>");
scanf("%d", &sfw);
if (sfw == 1)
myBookmarks[totalDBEntries -1].isSfw = true;
myBookmarks[totalDBEntries -1].isSfw = false;
void ListCurrentEntries()
// lists all entries in the myBookmarks struct
// walk through myBookmarks and list each entry
int x = 0;
while (x < totalDBEntries)
printf("Bookmark %d URL: %s \n", (x+1),myBookmarks[x].url);
printf("Bookmark %d description: %s \n", (x+1), myBookmarks[x].description);
printf("Bookmark %d rating: %d \n", (x+1), myBookmarks[x].rating);
void CleanMem()
// cleans out the stored memory locations of everything we have done
if (myBookmarks != NULL)
myBookmarks = NULL;
totalDBEntries = 0;
int main()
fpurge( stdin );
char userInput[5];
bool theNeverEndingStory = true;
while (theNeverEndingStory == true)
printf("Please type new, list, or quit:\n");
printf("new list quit:\n>");
scanf("%5s", userInput);
if(strcmp(userInput, "new") == 0)
if(strcmp(userInput, "list") == 0)
if(strcmp(userInput, "quit") == 0)
theNeverEndingStory = false;
else printf("what the butt?");
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