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Created October 15, 2018 19:41
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## Entwine Point Tile
This specification draft is provided to illustrate specific technical choices
the Entwine format makes in regards to features, metadata communication, and
data access patterns. It represents a working draft of an Entwine Point Tiles
specification, which is is complimented by an open source implementation
available online at It can work with browser-based open
source visualization clients[Potree] and[Plasio] for visualization, and a driver for
the open source[PDAL] project can read data in EPT
Entwine Point Tile (EPT), contrasted in <<entwine-contrast>>, is a simple and
flexible octree-based storage format for point cloud data. It provides a number
of simple choices that make it suitable for data storage and organization for
statically-accessed point cloud data. EPT evolved from the authors' experience
developing the server-based point cloud web service called <<greyhound-contrast,
Greyhound>>, collaborating on the development of the <<potree-contrast,
PotreeConverter>>, and developing[LASzip] technology for
JavaScript browsers.
### Background
As described in the survey in <<Industry Survey>>, visualization of large-scale
point clouds is a primary desire of those looking to achieve a point cloud web
service infrastructure. The visualization problem is demanding in a number of
ways. First, responses must be quick, which means optimizing both the number of
requests and their size to a remote data source. Second, the data must be
organized in such a way that a client can control their own access throughout
the data domain. Third, the content encoding must be openly configurable and
flexible enough to encode any possible point cloud type. Finally, the protocol
a client must use to request data must be simple enough for developers to
leverage without significant software development.
When combined with cloud computing, the application of the tiling approach to
raster data allowed numerous client applications to leverage extremely large
datasources while controlling the pace and content of requested data. A similar
need exists in point cloud data, but point cloud tiles add some extra
complications in contrast to raster data. Of course, the extra dimensionality
is a significant part of the challenge, but so is the sometimes irregular
nature of large point cloud collections. Organizations that optimize for
density are stymied by collections of large density variations (such as long
strips of roadway LiDAR captures over a city or a state). Optimizations that
optimize for consistent spacing must account for variable density, which
challenges prediction of storage and access.
### Client request control
EPT borrows the hierarchy metadata approach that PotreeConverter implemented to
free itself from having to choose between a space-organized or a
density-organized approach. The hierarchy allows clients "peek" down the octree
from a node position to provide an exact count of upcoming points that would be
selected. This information allows clients to adjust their pacing while batching
their round trips appropriately. Without this mechanism, clients are at the
mercy of their responses, and they have little control over how long they must
wait to complete a response cycle.
### Requirements Coverage
In Section 6, we outlined a list of required and optional properties
that a point cloud web service should meet to provide an ideal
software stack for clients to build applications upon. This sub-section
describes how Entwine meets those requirements.
#### Required features
##### Data ingestion
Entwine utilizes[PDAL] for data access, which provides an
interface to a wide array of geospatial point cloud formats. Support for
additional required formats could be implemented in PDAL and Entwine can simply
leverage it for data processing.
##### Contiguous and non-contiguous data sources
Users can create resources with Entwine using whichever organizing
principle makes the most sense. For some situations, an entire data capture
over a long time period, such as the acquisition of LiDAR for an entire
country, might make the most sense. In others, specific acquisitions for
specific dates might be collated as needed from individual services. Each
approach is possible with EPT.
##### Range queries based on spatial partitions
Entwine organizes data octree-style with a hierarchical level of detail that
can be queried deterministically by clients.
##### Attribute filtering
ASPRS LAS-based LASzip is a default encoding for data, and clients
must request blocks of LAZ data and filter attributes as needed from that.
We have found this approach is just as efficient as a data organization approach
like I3S that splits up attributes into individual resources because of the
the fixed round trip time cost of requests.
##### Rasterized and voxelized representations
An EPT tree is realized as a cubic domain, and applications can project points
into voxel or raster cells as needed to create a rasterized or voxelized representation
of data.
##### Level of detail access
Entwine organizes the data as an octree, and clients are expected to accumulate
views of data by interpreting a deterministic tree shape from the resource's
metadata and utilizing EPT's "hierarchy" metadata to provide look-ahead
metadata for applications querying up and down the tree.
Entwine Point Tiles borrows the hierarchy metadata approach that
PotreeConverter implemented to free itself from having to choose between a
space-organized or a density-organized approach. The hierarchy allows clients
"peek" down the octree from a node position to provide an exact count of
upcoming points that would be selected. This information allows clients to
adjust their pacing while batching their round trips appropriately. Without
this mechanism, clients are at the mercy of their responses, and they have
little control over how long they must wait to complete a response cycle.
##### Format compatibility
Entwine allows storage of a flexible list of dimensions, even when using the
LASzip encoding, by storing additional dimensions as "extra bytes" fields
in the LAS files. This allows applications to skip data they do not
understand, while more capable clients can consume data with full fidelity.
#### Optional features
##### Data compression
Entwine utilizes LASzip as a default content encoding, which provides
significant compression over uncompresed LAS, is supported in native and JavaScript
computing environments, and enjoys wide industry encoding and decoding
##### 3D Surface Construction
Entwine leaves it to clients to provide surface construction capabilities, but
we note that octrees are often constructed as a data indexing approach for
3D surface construction algorithms, and clients can utilize the data organization
provided by EPT to achieve these surfaces.
##### Decentralized data redundancy
Unlike a raster pyramid, a point cloud tileset built in an additive approach
duplicates more than a single band of conveniently compressible content.
Each pyramid level adds significant data overhead to fetch, store, compress,
and filter. For a point cloud tiling scheme to scale to point clouds representing
all of the aerial LiDAR for a country, for example, a duplicative tree
might add a full 60% of request and storage overhead – overhead that is felt
throughout in performance and cost.
Like existing raster or vector tiling approaches, each request to an Entwine
Point Tile set is idempotent. Multiple requests for the same resource will
always return the same results. This indemnity allows servers to treat data
atomically, and it allows clients to parallelize simply.
##### Temporal partitioning
When combined with cloud computing, the application of the tiling approach to
raster data allowed numerous client applications to leverage extremely large
datasources while controlling the pace and content of requested data. A similar
need exists in point cloud data, but point cloud tiles add some extra
complications in contrast to raster data. Of course, the extra dimensionality
is a significant part of the challenge, but so is the sometimes irregular
nature of large point cloud collections. Organizations that optimize for
density are stymied by collections of large density variations (such as long
strips of roadway LiDAR captures over a city or a state). Optimizations that
optimize for consistent spacing must account for variable density, which
challenges prediction of storage and access.
### Metadata files
#### ``ept.json``
The core metadata required to interpret the contents of an EPT dataset. All EPT
data resources must have an ``ept.json`` file at their root level. An example
file might look like the following:
"bounds": [634962.0, 848881.0, -1818.0, 639620.0, 853539.0, 2840.0],
"boundsConforming": [635577.0, 848882.0, 406.0, 639004.0, 853538.0, 616.0],
"dataType": "laszip",
"hierarchyStep": 6,
"hierarchyType": "json",
"numPoints": 10653336,
"offset": [637291.0, 851210.0, 511.0],
"scale": 0.01,
"schema": [
{ "name": "X", "type": "int32" },
{ "name": "Y", "type": "int32" },
{ "name": "Z", "type": "int32" },
{ "name": "Intensity", "type": "uint16" },
{ "name": "ReturnNumber", "type": "uint8" },
{ "name": "NumberOfReturns", "type": "uint8" },
{ "name": "ScanDirectionFlag", "type": "uint8" },
{ "name": "EdgeOfFlightLine", "type": "uint8" },
{ "name": "Classification", "type": "uint8" },
{ "name": "ScanAngleRank", "type": "float" },
{ "name": "UserData", "type": "uint8" },
{ "name": "PointSourceId", "type": "uint16" },
{ "name": "GpsTime", "type": "double" },
{ "name": "Red", "type": "uint16" },
{ "name": "Green", "type": "uint16" },
{ "name": "Blue", "type": "uint16" }
"reprojection": { "out": "EPSG:3857" },
"srs" : "EPSG:3857",
"ticks" : 256
##### bounds
A 6-tuple in the form `[xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax]` describing the
**cubic** bounds of the octree indexing structure.
NOTE: This value is always in native coordinate space, any `scale` or `offset`
values will not have been applied, and it presented in the coordinate system
matching the `srs` value.
##### boundsConforming
A 6-tuple in the form `[xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax]` describing the
narrowest or tightest bounds conforming to the maximal extents of the data.
NOTE: This value is always in native coordinate space, any `scale` or `offset`
values will not have been applied, and it presented in the coordinate system
matching the `srs` value.
##### dataType
A string describing the binary format of the tiled point cloud data. Possible values:
- `laszip`: Data are LASzip[] compressed, with file extension `.laz`.
- `binary`: Data are uncompressed binary data a format matching the `schema`, with file extension `.bin`.
##### hierarchyStep
This value indicates the octree depth modulo at which the hierarchy storage is
split up. This value may not be present at all, which indicates that the
hierarchy is stored contiguously without any splitting. See the `Hierarchy`
##### hierarchyType
A string describing the hierarchy storage format. See the `Hierarchy` section.
The hierarchy itself is always represented as JSON, but this value may indicate
a compression method for this JSON. Possible values:
- `json`: Hierarchy is stored uncompressed with file extension `.json`.
- `gzip`: Hierarchy is stored as Gzip[] compressed JSON with file extension `.json.gz`.
- `encoded`: Servers use a registered content encoding such as `Content-Encoding: gzip`
##### numPoints
A number indicating the total, exact, and inclusive number of points indexed
into this EPT dataset.
##### offset
The offset at which this data was indexed – an array of length three. This value
will not exist for absolutely positioned data. If `offset` is present, then
absolutely positioned values for spatial coordinates can be determined as
`absolutelyPositionedValue = serializedValue * scale + offset`.
NOTE: for a `dataType` of `laszip`, offset information must be read from the
LAZ header since individual files may be serialized with a local offset.
##### reprojection
An optional value representing reprojection performed during the indexing step.
If present, this value is a JSON object with required string value `out`,
representing the output spatial reference system. Optional value `in`
represents the input coordinate system used, which may be omitted if input
coordinate systems are inferred from file headers.
##### scale
The scale factor for this data. May be either a number, an array of length 3,
or may not be present at all in the case of absolutely positioned data. If
`scale` is present, then absolutely positioned values for spatial coordinates
can be determined as `absolutelyPositionedValue = serializedValue * scale +
##### schema
An array of objects that represent the indexed dimensions - every dimension has
a `name` and a `type`. Spatial coordinates with names `X`, `Y`, and `Z` will
always be present as the first 3 values of this array. Valid values for `type`
are `uint8`, `uint16`, `uint32`, `uint64`, `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`,
`float`, and `double`.
For a `dataType` of `binary`, the `schema` provides information on the binary
contents of each file. However for `laszip` data, the file should be parsed
according to its header, as individual [LASzip
formats]( may
combine dimension values. For example, for point format IDs 0-4,
`ReturnNumber`, `NumberOfReturns`, `ScanDirectionFlag`, and `EdgeOfFlightLine`
dimensions are bit-packed into a single byte.
##### srs
An object describing the spatial reference system for this indexed dataset, or
may not exist if a spatial reference could not be determined and was not set
manually. In this object there are string keys with string values of the
following descriptions:
* `authority`: Typically `"EPSG"` (if present), this value represents the
authority for the horizontal and vertical codes.
* `horizontal`: Horizontal coordinate system code with respect to the given
`authority`. If present, `authority` must exist.
* `vertical`: Vertical coordinate system code with respect to the given
`authority`. If present, `authority` must exist.
* `wkt`: A WKT specification of the spatial reference.
##### ticks
This value represents the number of ticks in one dimension for the grid size
used for the octree. For example, a `ticks` value of `256` means that the root
volume of the octree is the `bounds` cube at a resolution of `256 * 256 * 256`.
For aerial LiDAR data which tends to be mostly flat in the Z-range, for
example, this would loosely correspond to a practical resolution of `256 * 256`
points per volume. Each subsequent depth bisects this volume, leading to 8
sub-volumes with the same grid size, which corresponds to double the resolution
in each dimension.
##### version
Version string.
#### `ept-files.json`
This file is a JSON array with an object entry for each point cloud source file
indexed as input. The length of this array specifies the total number of input
files. Each entry contains sparse metrics about each input file and its status
in the EPT build process. An example might look like:
"path" : "non-point-cloud-file.txt",
"status" : "omitted"
"bounds": [635577.79, 848882.15, 406.14, 639003.73, 853537.66, 615.26],
"numPoints": 10653336,
"path" : "",
"pointStats" : { "inserts" : 10653336, "outOfBounds" : 0 },
"srs" : "wkt-here...",
"status" : "inserted"
#### ept-build.json
This file may be ignored by EPT reader clients, and is used to store
builder-specific information which may be necessary to specify parameters
required to continue an existing build at a later time.
### Point cloud data
The point data itself is arranged in a 3D analogous manner to [slippy
map]( tiling schemes.
The filename scheme `Zoom-X-Y` is expanded to three dimensions as
`Depth-X-Y-Z`. As opposed to raster tiling schemes where coarser-resolution
data is replaced as its sub-tiles are traversed, the point cloud data is
instead additive, meaning that full-resolution is obtained by the accumulated
traversal from depth `0` to the last depth containing a positive point count
for the selected area.
The root volume, is always named `0-0-0-0`. This volume always represents the
volume of the cubic `bounds` value from `entwine.json` split in each dimension
by `ticks`. So a `bounds` with a volume of 256 cubic meters, with a `ticks`
value of `256`, corresponds to a root node with a maximum of 1 point per cubic
Each node at depth `D` may have up to 8 child nodes at depth `D + 1` which
represent bisected sub-volumes. To zoom in, depth `D` is incremented by one,
and each of `X`, `Y`, and `Z` are doubled and then possibly incremented by one.
Coordinates are treated as Cartesian during this bisection, so `X -> 2 * X`
represents the sub-volume where the new maximum `X` value is the midpoint from
its parent, and `X -> 2 * X + 1` represents the sub-volume where the new
minimum `X` value is the midpoint from its parent.
In web-mercator, for example, where `X` increases going eastward and `Y`
increases going northward, a traversal from `0-0-0-0` to `1-1-0-1` represents a
traversal to the east/south/down sub-volume.
There is no fixed maximum resolution depth, instead the tiles must be traversed
until no more data exists. For look-ahead capability, see `Hierarchy`.
### Hierarchy
The hierarchy section contains information about what nodes exist and how many
points they contain. The file format is simple JSON object, with string keys
of `D-X-Y-Z` mapping to a point count for the corresponding file. The root
file of the hierarchy data exists at `ept-hierarchy/0-0-0-0.json`. For
"0-0-0-0": 65341,
"1-0-0-0": 438,
"2-0-1-0": 322,
"1-0-0-1": 56209,
"2-0-1-2": 4332,
"2-1-1-2": 20300,
"2-1-1-3": 64020,
"3-2-3-6": 32004,
"4-4-6-12": 1500,
"4-5-6-13": 2400,
"3-3-3-7": 542,
"1-0-1-0": 30390,
"2-1-2-0": 2300,
"1-1-1-1": 2303
Note that this sample is visually arranged hierarchically for clarity, which is
not the case in practice.
Furthermore, if `entwine.json` contains a `hierarchyStep` key, then the
hierarchy is split into multiple files whenever `D % hierarchyStep == 0`. The
next filename corresponds to the `D-X-Y-Z` value of the local root node at this
depth. The above example, with a `hierarchyStep` of `3`, would look like:
"0-0-0-0": 65341,
"1-0-0-0": 438,
"2-0-1-0": 322,
"1-0-0-1": 56209,
"2-0-1-2": 4332,
"2-1-1-2": 20300,
"2-1-1-3": 64020,
"3-2-3-6": 32004,
"3-3-3-7": 542,
"1-0-1-0": 30390,
"2-1-2-0": 2300,
"1-1-1-1": 2303
"3-2-3-6": 32004,
"4-4-6-12": 1500,
"4-5-6-13": 2400
"3-3-3-7": 542
The local root node of each subfile is duplicated in its parent file so that
child hierarchy files can be guaranteed to exist during traversal if their key
exists in the parent file.
#### Source file metadata
To be lossless and facilitate a full reconstitution of original source data
files from an EPT index, full metadata for each input file should be retained.
The contents of `entwine-files.json` give the total number `N` of input files,
and full file metadata can be found in the structure:
### Examples contains numerous live examples of[Potree]
utilizing EPT data sources for significantly-sized collections of data. To date
the largest single contiguous point cloud web service indexed
:figure-caption: Figure
.Denmark Entwine Point Tile hosted on[Amazon Web Services][S3] and visualized through[Potree]
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