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Last active December 9, 2020 11:55
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package leibniz.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
class newtype extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro NewTypeMacros.newtypeAnnotation
private[macros] object NewTypeMacros {
def newtypeAnnotation(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
import definitions.{ AnyTpe, AnyRefTpe, NullTpe, NothingTpe }
def fail(msg: String) = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
def run() = annottees match {
case List(clsDef: ClassDef) => runClass(clsDef)
case List(clsDef: ClassDef, modDef: ModuleDef) => runClassWithObj(clsDef, modDef)
case _ => fail("Unsupported newtype definition")
def runClass(clsDef: ClassDef) = {
runClassWithObj(clsDef, q"object ${}".asInstanceOf[ModuleDef])
def runClassWithObj(clsDef: ClassDef, modDef: ModuleDef) = {
val ClassDef(mods, typeName, tparams, template) = clsDef
val Template(parents, _, body) = template
val q"object $objName extends { ..$objEarlyDefs } with ..$objParents { $objSelf => ..$objDefs }" = modDef
val ctor = getConstructor(body)
val valDef = extractConstructorValDef(ctor)
val shouldGenerateApplyMethod = mods.hasFlag(Flag.CASE)
val shouldGenerateValExtensionMethod = body.collectFirst {
case vd: ValDef if vd.mods.hasFlag(Flag.PARAMACCESSOR) && == => ()
val instanceMethods = getInstanceMethods(body)
val baseRefinementName = TypeName(typeName.decodedName + "$newtype")
if (tparams.isEmpty) {
val maybeApplyMethod = if (!shouldGenerateApplyMethod) Nil else List(
q"def apply(${}: ${valDef.tpt}): Type = ${}.asInstanceOf[Type]"
val maybeValDefMethod = if (!shouldGenerateValExtensionMethod) Nil else List(
q"def ${}: ${valDef.tpt} = repr.asInstanceOf[${valDef.tpt}]"
val extensionMethods = maybeValDefMethod ++ instanceMethods
val maybeOpsDef = if (extensionMethods.isEmpty) Nil else List(
implicit final class Ops$$newtype(private val repr: Type) extends AnyVal {
type $typeName = ${typeName.toTermName}.Type
object $objName extends { ..$objEarlyDefs } with ..$objParents { $objSelf =>
type Repr = ${valDef.tpt}
type Base >: ${ if (NullTpe <:< valDef.tpt.tpe) NullTpe else NothingTpe }
<: ${ if (valDef.tpt.tpe <:< AnyRefTpe) AnyRefTpe else AnyTpe }
trait Tag extends ${ if (valDef.tpt.tpe <:< AnyRefTpe) AnyRefTpe else AnyTpe }
type Type = Base with Tag
} else {
// NewTypes with arity
// Converts [F[_], A] to [F, A]; needed for applying the defined type params.
val tparamNames: List[TypeName] =
// Type params with variance removed for building methods.
val tparamsNoVar: List[TypeDef] = =>
TypeDef(Modifiers(Flag.PARAM),, td.tparams, td.rhs)
val maybeApplyMethod = if (!shouldGenerateApplyMethod) Nil else List(
q"def apply[..$tparamsNoVar](${}: ${valDef.tpt}): Type[..$tparamNames] = ${}.asInstanceOf[Type[..$tparamNames]]"
val maybeValDefMethod = if (!shouldGenerateValExtensionMethod) Nil else List(
q"def ${}: ${valDef.tpt} = repr.asInstanceOf[${valDef.tpt}]"
val extensionMethods = maybeValDefMethod ++ instanceMethods
val maybeOpsDef = if (extensionMethods.isEmpty) Nil else List(
implicit final class Ops$$newtype[..$tparams](private val repr: Type[..$tparamNames]) extends AnyVal {
type $typeName[..$tparams] = ${typeName.toTermName}.Type[..$tparamNames]
object $objName extends { ..$objEarlyDefs } with ..$objParents { $objSelf =>
type Repr[..$tparams] = ${valDef.tpt}
type Base >: ${ if (NullTpe <:< valDef.tpt.tpe) NullTpe else NothingTpe }
<: ${ if (valDef.tpt.tpe <:< AnyRefTpe) AnyRefTpe else AnyTpe }
trait Tag[..$tparamNames] extends ${ if (valDef.tpt.tpe <:< AnyRefTpe) AnyRefTpe else AnyTpe }
type Type[..$tparams] = Base with Tag[..$tparamNames]
def getConstructor(body: List[Tree]): DefDef = body.collectFirst {
case dd: DefDef if == termNames.CONSTRUCTOR => dd
}.getOrElse(fail("Failed to locate constructor"))
def getInstanceMethods(body: List[Tree]): List[DefDef] = body.flatMap {
case vd: ValDef =>
if (vd.mods.hasFlag(Flag.CASEACCESSOR) || vd.mods.hasFlag(Flag.PARAMACCESSOR)) Nil
else fail("val definitions not supported, use def instead")
case dd: DefDef =>
if ( == termNames.CONSTRUCTOR) Nil else List(dd)
case x =>
fail(s"illegal definition in newtype: $x")
def extractConstructorValDef(dd: DefDef): ValDef = dd.vparamss match {
case List(List(vd)) => vd
case _ => fail("Unsupported constructor, must have exactly one argument")
def validateParents(parents: List[Tree]): Unit = {
val ignoredExtends = List(tq"scala.Product", tq"scala.Serializable", tq"scala.AnyRef")
val unsupported = parents.filterNot(t => ignoredExtends.exists(t.equalsStructure))
if (unsupported.nonEmpty) {
fail(s"newtypes do not support inheritance; illegal supertypes: ${unsupported.mkString(", ")}")
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