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Last active April 27, 2018 16:47
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// see
// and
import cats.Applicative
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.effect.IO
sealed abstract class Bit
object Bit {
final class Xor(a: => Bit, b: => Bit) extends Bit {
lazy val left: Bit = a
lazy val right: Bit = b
final class Delay(a: => Bit) extends Bit {
lazy val arg: Bit = a
final class Input(val values: List[Boolean]) extends Bit
final class Var(val name: String) extends Bit
class Network {
import Bit._
lazy val input: Bit = new Var("input")
lazy val parity: Bit = new Xor(new Delay(parity), input)
sealed abstract class BitF[+A]
object BitF {
final case class Xor[A](a: A, b: A) extends BitF[A]
final case class Delay[A](a: A) extends BitF[A]
final case class Input(values: List[Boolean]) extends BitF[Nothing]
final case class Var(name: String) extends BitF[Nothing]
val network: Network = new Network
// Graph(Map(1 -> Delay(0), 2 -> Var(input), 0 -> Xor(1,2)),0)
type Unique = BigInt
final case class Graph[E[_]](nodes: Map[Unique, E[Unique]], id: Unique)
trait StableName[A] {
type Id
def stableName(a: A): IO[Id]
object StableName {
final class AnyRefId[A <: AnyRef](val value: A) {
override def equals(that : Any): Boolean = that match {
case that : AnyRefId[b] => value eq that.value
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = System.identityHashCode(value)
implicit def anyRefStableName[A <: AnyRef]: StableName[A] { type Id = AnyRefId[A] } =
new StableName[A] {
type Id = AnyRefId[A]
def stableName(a: A): IO[Id] = IO { new AnyRefId(a) }
trait MuRef[A] {
type DeRef[X]
def mapDeRef[F[_], U](a: A)(f: A => F[U])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[DeRef[U]]
implicit val bit: MuRef[Bit] { type DeRef[X] = BitF[X] } =
new MuRef[Bit] {
type DeRef[X] = BitF[X]
def mapDeRef[F[_], U](bit: Bit)(f: Bit => F[U])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[DeRef[U]] = bit match {
case bit : Bit.Xor => (f(bit.left), f(bit.right)).mapN(BitF.Xor.apply)
case bit : Bit.Delay => f(bit.arg).map(BitF.Delay.apply)
case bit : Bit.Input => F.pure(BitF.Input(bit.values))
case bit : Bit.Var => F.pure(BitF.Var(
object Graph {
def reify[T](t: T)(implicit T: MuRef[T], S: StableName[T]): IO[Graph[T.DeRef]] = for {
ctx <- Context.make[S.Id, T.DeRef]
r <- reifyWithContext[T, S.Id, T.DeRef](t, ctx)(T, S)
} yield r
private[this] final class Context[RefId, F[_]] private () {
private[this] var _idMap: Map[RefId, BigInt] = Map.empty
private[this] var _pfMap: Map[BigInt, F[BigInt]] = Map.empty
private[this] var _uniqueId: BigInt = BigInt(0)
def pfMap: IO[Map[BigInt, F[BigInt]]] = IO { _pfMap }
def lookupRefId(id: RefId): IO[Option[BigInt]] = IO { _idMap.get(id) }
def newUnique: IO[BigInt] = IO {
val result = _uniqueId
_uniqueId += 1
def addRefId(id: RefId, gid: BigInt): IO[Unit] = IO { _idMap += id -> gid }
def addPF(from: BigInt, ref: F[BigInt]): IO[Unit] = IO { _pfMap += from -> ref }
private[this] object Context {
def make[RefId, F[_]]: IO[Context[RefId, F]] = IO { new Context[RefId, F] }
private[this] def reifyWithContext[T, I, F[_]](t: T, ctx: Context[I, F])
(implicit T: MuRef[T] { type DeRef[X] = F[X] }, S: StableName[T] { type Id = I }): IO[Graph[F]] = for {
root <- findNodes[T, I, F](t, ctx, Set())
pfMap <- ctx.pfMap
} yield Graph(pfMap, root)
private[this] def findNodes[T, I, F[_]](j: T, ctx: Context[I, F], s: Set[BigInt])
(implicit T: MuRef[T] { type DeRef[X] = F[X] }, S: StableName[T] { type Id = I }): IO[BigInt] = for {
refId <- S.stableName(j)
optId <- ctx.lookupRefId(refId)
root <- optId match {
case Some(id) =>
if (s.contains(id)) IO.pure(id)
else for {
res <- T.mapDeRef(j)(n => findNodes[T, I, F](n, ctx, s + id))
_ <- ctx.addPF(id, res)
} yield id
case None => for {
id <- ctx.newUnique
_ <- ctx.addRefId(refId, id)
res <- T.mapDeRef(j)(n => findNodes[T, I, F](n, ctx, s + id))
_ <- ctx.addPF(id, res)
} yield id
} yield root
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