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Created November 15, 2017 03:31
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sealed abstract class SingletonOf[A, +B] {
object SingletonOf {
type <::[A, +B] = SingletonOf[A, B]
def single[A <: Singleton](a: A): SingletonOf[A, A] =
new SingletonOf[A, A] { }
type Nat = Nat.Type
object Nat {
type Base
trait Tag extends Any
type Type <: Base with Tag
type Z <: Type
type S[N] <: Type
val Z: Z = 0L.asInstanceOf[Z]
def S[N](n: N)(implicit ev: N <:: Nat): S[N] =
(n.asInstanceOf[Long] + 1).asInstanceOf[S[N]]
def cata[N, F[_]](n: N)(k: Cata[F])(implicit N: N <:: Nat): F[N] = {
val m: Long = n.asInstanceOf[Long]
var i: Long = 0
var r: F[_] = k.z
while (i < m) {
r = k.s[N](r.asInstanceOf[F[N]])
i += 1
def fold[N, F[_]](n: N)(k: Fold[F])(implicit N: N <:: Nat): F[N] = {
val m: Long = n.asInstanceOf[Long]
if (m == 0) k.z.asInstanceOf[F[N]]
else k.s[N]((m - 1).asInstanceOf[N]).asInstanceOf[F[N]]
trait Cata[F[_]] {
def z: F[Z]
def s[N](n: F[N])(implicit ev: N <:: Nat): F[S[N]]
trait Fold[F[_]] {
def z: F[Z]
def s[N](n: N)(implicit ev: N <:: Nat): F[S[N]]
implicit val zIsSingleton: Z <:: Type = new SingletonOf[Z, Type] { }
implicit def sIsSingleton[N](implicit N: N <:: Type): S[N] <:: Type = new (S[N] <:: Type) { }
import Nat.{ Z, S }
type F[_] = Long
println(Nat.cata(S(S(S(Z))))(new Nat.Cata[F] {
def z: Long = 0
def s[N](n: Long)(implicit ev: N <:: Nat): Long = n + 1
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