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Created January 18, 2016 07:01
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Aggregation stage for akka-streams to serve as a "smart buffer", a kind of hybrid for conflate and buffer stages
object Aggregate {
private[this] val inc: Any ⇒ Long = _⇒1L
def apply[In,Out](max: Long, seed: In ⇒ Out)(aggregate: (Out, In) ⇒ Out) =
AggregateWeighted[In,Out](max, inc, seed)(aggregate)
object AggregateWeighted {
def apply[In,Out](max: Long, costFn: In ⇒ Long, seed: In ⇒ Out)(aggregate: (Out, In) ⇒ Out) =
new AggregateWeighted(max, costFn, seed, aggregate)
class AggregateWeighted[In,Out] private(max: Long, costFn: In ⇒ Long, seed: In ⇒ Out, aggregate: (Out, In) ⇒ Out) extends DetachedStage[In, Out]{
private var agg: Any = null
private var left: Long = max
private var pending: Any = null
private[this] def flush(ctx: DetachedContext[Out]) = {
val result = agg.asInstanceOf[Out]
agg = null
left = max
if(pending != null) {
val elem = pending.asInstanceOf[In]
agg = seed(elem)
left -= costFn(elem)
pending = null
override def onPush(elem: In, ctx: DetachedContext[Out]): UpstreamDirective = {
val cost = costFn(elem)
if (agg == null) {
left -= cost
agg = seed(elem)
else if (left <= 0 || left - cost < 0) {
pending = elem
else {
left -= cost
agg = aggregate(agg.asInstanceOf[Out], elem)
if (!ctx.isHoldingDownstream && pending == null) ctx.pull()
else if(!ctx.isHoldingDownstream) ctx.holdUpstream()
else flush(ctx)
override def onPull(ctx: DetachedContext[Out]): DownstreamDirective = {
if (ctx.isFinishing) {
if (agg == null) ctx.finish()
else {
val result = agg.asInstanceOf[Out]
left = max
if (pending == null) {
agg = null
else {
val elem = pending.asInstanceOf[In]
agg = seed(elem)
left -= costFn(elem)
pending = null
else if(ctx.isHoldingBoth) flush(ctx)
else if (agg == null) ctx.holdDownstream()
else {
val result = agg.asInstanceOf[Out]
left = max
if(pending != null) {
val elem = pending.asInstanceOf[In]
agg = seed(elem)
left -= costFn(elem)
pending = null
else {
agg = null
override def onUpstreamFinish(ctx: DetachedContext[Out]): TerminationDirective = ctx.absorbTermination()
override def restart(): AggregateWeighted[In, Out] = {
agg = null
left = max
pending = null
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