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Created June 18, 2023 17:46
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code puzzles
object Puzzles {
* 8 queens
* generalized to any N
object Queens {
* entry point
def queens(n: Int): Int = {
if (n < 2) 1
else queensRec(0, n, Nil)
def queensRec(currentRow: Int,
boardWidth: Int,
placements: List[Int]): Int = {
if (currentRow == boardWidth - 1){
if ((0 until boardWidth).find(column => !placements.contains(column)).exists(canPlaceQueen(placements, currentRow))) 1
else 0
else (0 until boardWidth).collect { case col if !placements.contains(col) && canPlaceQueen(placements, currentRow)(col) =>
queensRec(currentRow + 1, boardWidth, col :: placements)
def canPlaceQueen(queens: List[Int], row: Int): Int => Boolean = col => {
queens.foldRight(true -> 0){ case (queenCol, (validSoFar, queenRow)) =>
(validSoFar && !(row - queenRow == math.abs(col - queenCol)), queenRow + 1)
* Given a string of a logical expression without parenthesis,
* that consists only of the characters T,F for true and false,
* and boolean operators: &,|,^ for AND, OR, XOR,
* return the ratio of possible evaluations of entire expression as true,
* and the number of evaluations as false,
* when non-benign parenthesis are added per evaluation.
object EvaluationRatio {
* entry point
def countEval(expr: String, result: Boolean): (Int, Int) = {
if (expr.isEmpty) 0 -> 0
else {
require(expr.matches("([FT][\\|\\&\\^])*[FT]"), "expression must be all bools separated by operators")
dynCountEval(expr.toList, Map.empty)._1
def dynCountEval(expr: List[Char], cache: Map[String, (Int, Int)]): ((Int, Int), Map[String, (Int, Int)]) = expr match {
case 'F' :: Nil => (1, 0) -> cache
case 'T' :: Nil => (0, 1) -> cache
case lst =>
val opIndices = (1 until lst.length by 2)
opIndices.foldLeft(((0, 0), cache)) { case (((fCnt, tCnt), currCache), opIndex) =>
val (pexp, op :: sexp) = lst.splitAt(opIndex)
val pkey = pexp.mkString
val skey = sexp.mkString
val ((pfcnt, ptcnt), nxt0Cache) = fetchFromCacheOrRecurse(pkey, pexp, currCache)
val ((sfcnt, stcnt), nxt1Cache) = fetchFromCacheOrRecurse(skey, sexp, nxt0Cache)
val (nfcnt, ntcnt) = op match {
case '&' => ((pfcnt * (sfcnt + stcnt)) + (ptcnt * sfcnt), ptcnt * stcnt)
case '|' => (pfcnt * sfcnt, (ptcnt * (sfcnt + stcnt)) + (pfcnt * stcnt))
case '^' => ((pfcnt * sfcnt) + (ptcnt * stcnt), (pfcnt * stcnt) + (ptcnt * sfcnt))
((fCnt + nfcnt, tCnt + ntcnt), nxt1Cache)
def fetchFromCacheOrRecurse(key: String,
expr: List[Char],
cache: Map[String, (Int, Int)]): ((Int, Int), Map[String, (Int, Int)]) = {
if (cache.contains(key)) cache(key) -> cache
else {
val (counts, nextCache) = dynCountEval(expr, cache)
counts -> nextCache.updated(key, counts)
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