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# base
key in 'cmd' in the address of file explorer to open cmd
ctrl + left click to open new window
# hotkey
esc // clear input
# common
C: // go to C drive
D: // go to D drive
cd <path> // change directory in the same drive
cd /D <path> // change directory to D drive
cd // if no <path> given, then like linux pwd
copy /? // like linux cp
copy <src-path> <dst-path>
cls // like linux clear
dir // like linux ll
dir /s/b // s: all subdirectories, b: bare format (no heading information or summary)
dir /s/b *.dll *.exe
type // like linux cat
where // like linux which
mkdir /?
mkdir <directory-path>
mkdir <level1>\<level2>\... // ex. mkdir a\b\c\d\e
echo 100
echo. // empty line
echo 1 > a.txt
echo 2 >> a.txt
notepad a.txt
rmdir /? // rmdir <=> rd
rmdir <directory-path>
rmdir /s/q <directory-path> // ps. /s/q cannot be /sq
rmdir /s/q . // remove all contents of the current folder
del /?
del <file>
move <src-path> <dist-path>
move *.txt <dist-path>
tar -h
tar -zxvf <local-file-path.tar.gz> -C <change-to-some-dir> // x: extract, v: verbose, f: file, -C: change to directory (must exist)
tar -zcvf <local-file-path.tar.gz> <file-path1> [file-path2 ...] // c: create a new archive
tree /?
tree <directory-path> // like linux tree
tree /f /a <directory-path> // f: show fileName in directory, a: use ascii
explorer . // open a folder with current path
explorer C:\Windows // open a folder with path
explorer "C:\Program Files" // open a folder with path including space
start /?
start // open a new terminal
start . // open a folder with current path
start C:\Windows // open a folder with path
start "" "C:\Program Files" // open a folder with path including space
start nginx.exe // run nginex.exe in the current directory
shutdown /?
shutdown /l // l: logout
shutdown /s /t 0 /f // s: shutdown, t: delay tiime (second), f: force
shutdown /r /t 0 /f // r: restart
runas /?
runas /user:<user> <program> // run program as specific user
runas /user:administrator cmd.exe
chcp 65001 // chcp: change code page, 65001: UTF8, 950: Big5 (default)
curl -h // this is not the full help, this menu is stripped into categories
curl -h category // list an overview of all categories
curl -h <category>
curl -h auth
curl -h connection
curl -h curl
curl -h tls
curl -h all // list all options
curl -X <method> -H <header> -F <form> <url>
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer xxx" -F "message=yyy" // need " not '
sleep <seconds>
timeout /?
timeout /t <seconds> // /t <=> /T
timeout /t <seconds> /nobreak
timeout /t 3
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
timeout /t -1
timeout /t -1 /nobreak
date /?
date // set the date
date /t // /t <=> /T, show the date
time /?
time // set the time
time /t // /t <=> /T, show the time
msg /? // send a message to one or more users on the local or network
msg <username|sessionName|sessionId> <message>
msg * "Hello World" // *: send message to all sessions on specified server
msg * /V "Hello World" // V: display information about actions being performed
msg * /V /W "Hello World" // W: wait for response from user, useful with /V
pause // suspend processing of a batch program and display the message: Press any key to continue . . .
echo Enter any key to go && pause >nul // change the pause message
NOTE: @echo off vs. echo off
- case1: hide the prompt of the following command including itself
@echo off
echo 100
echo 200
echo 300
- case2: hide the prompt of the following command
echo off
echo 100
echo 200
echo 300
- case3: :: is a comment
::echo off
echo 100
echo 200
echo 300
# winrm / winrs
--- concept ---
ws-management (ws: webservice) is a specification of a soap-based protocol for the management of servers, devices, applications ...
windows remote management (aka. winrm) is microsoft implementation of ws-management
--- situation ---
computer A ------> computer B
- A & B is the same domain, and login user is administrator
- A & B is the same domain, and login user isn't administrator
- A & B isn't the same domain, and login user is administrator
- A & B isn't the same domain, and login user isn't administrator
*** winrm *** (windows remote management, server)
winrm /?
winrm e /?
winrm e winrm/config/listener // e <=> enumerate, list all instances of a management resource
winrm g /?
winrm g winrm/config // g <=> get, retrieving management information
winrm g winrm/config/client
winrm g winrm/config/service/auth
winrm qc /?
winrm qc // qc <=> quickconfig
*** winrs *** (windows remote shell, client)
winrs /?
winrs -r:<server-name> -u:<domain>\<user> <xxx.exe>
winrs -r:<server-name> -u:<domain>\<user> -p:<password> <xxx.exe>
winrs -r:http://<server-name>:5985 -u:<domain>\<user> -p:<password> <xxx.exe>
=> ref:
=> ref:
Q: check winrm
winrm e winrm/config/listener
winrm g winrm/config
sc query winrm // check the 'winrm' service is running or not
net localgroup "Remote Management Users" // TODO
Q: the user who isn't administrator remotely login the computer which is the same doamin
Q: the user who is administrator remotely login the computer which isn't the same doamin
Q: passwordless remotely login
=> ref:
Q: configure winrm over https
=> ref:
# info.
whoami /?
whoami /upn
whoami /fqdn
whoami /logonid
whoami /user
whoami /groups
whoami /groups /fo table // fo: format output (table is default)
whoami /groups /fo list
whoami /groups /fo csv
whoami /groups /nh // nh: no header
whoami /all
dsregcmd /?
dsregcmd /status
# process
tasklist /?
tasklist /v // v: verbose
tasklist /v /fi "<filter-name> <operator> <value>" // fi: filter
tasklist | findstr xxx
taskkill /?
taskkill /fi "<filter-name> <operator> <value>" [/f] // f: force
taskkill /pid <pid>
taskkill /im <xxx.exe>
=> ref:
# common variable
echo %PATH% // like linux echo $PATH
echo %PATH:;=&echo.% // each one on a new line
echo %HOMEDRIVE% // C:
echo %HOMEPATH% // \Users\<user>
echo %USERPROFILE% // C:\Users\<user>, like linux ~ (home directory path)
echo %windir%
echo %JAVA_HOME%
echo %CD%
=> ref:
# text (findstr)
findstr /?
findstr <string> <filename>
findstr 2022 a1.txt // find 2022 in a1.txt
findstr 2022 a1.txt a2.txt // find 2022 in a1.txt, a2.txt
findstr "2022 2018" a1.txt // find 2022 or 2018 in a1.txt
findstr /c:"2022 2018" a1.txt // find string "2022 2018" in a1.txt
=> ref:
# network
ipconfig /?
ipconfig // like linux ifconfig
ipconfig /all // display full configuration information
ipconfig /displaydns // display the contents of the dns resolver cache
ipconfig /flushdns // purge the dns resolver cache
ping /?
ping <ip> // ping pong by icmp
ping <name> // before icmp, need to resolve name
arp /?
arp -a // list all arp cache
arp -d // delete arp cache
netstat -h
netstat -an | find "80" // ps. "80" cannot be '80' or 80
netstat -ano | findstr 80
nbtstat /? // abbr of NetBIOS over TCP/IP Statistics
nbtstat -c // list all netbios cache
nbtstat -R // delete netbios cache (ps. need run as administrator)
# route
route /?
route print
route add <destination> mask <mask> <gateway-ip>
route delete <destination>
# service
sc /?
sc <command> <service-name>
sc query // list all services
sc query <service-name>
sc qc <service-name> // qc: query configuration
sc qsidtype <service-name> // qsidtype: query sid type
sc delete <service-name>
net start // list all running services
net start <service-name>
net stop <service-name>
=> ref:
# net
net /?
net help
net help names // explain different types of names in NET HELP syntax lines
net help syntax // explain how to read NET HELP syntax lines
net help services // list some of the services you can start
net help <command>
=> ref:
net help user
net user /?
net user // list the user accounts for the computer
net user <user> // show the specified user
net user <user> <password> /add
net user <user> <password> // change password
net user <user> /delete
net help accounts
net accounts /?
net accounts // display the current settings for password, logon limitations, and domain information
net help localgroup
net localgroup /?
net localgroup // display the local groups on the computer
net localgroup <localgroup> // show the specified localgroup
net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users"
net localgroup "Remote Management Users"
net localgroup <localgroup> /comment:<text> // if text contains space, use /comment:"<text>"
net localgroup <localgroup> /add
net localgroup <localgroup> /delete
net localgroup <localgroup> <user>[ <user> ...] /add // separate multiple entries with a space
net localgroup <localgroup> <user>[ <user> ...] /delete // separate multiple entries with a space
net help share
net share /?
net share // list information about all resources being shared on the computer
net help use
net use // list all computer's connections
net use \\server\shared_folder <password> /user:<user> // add a connection
net use \\server\shared_folder /delete // delete a connection
net use z: \\server\shared_folder <password> /user:<user> // add a connection as a network disk (ex. z:)
net use z: /delete // delete a network disk (ex. z:)
Q: after delete a connection, still available use
A: if you want to delete cached credentials, you need to restart explorer.exe
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe && explorer // im: imagename
=> ref:
if the above doesn't work, then try
net stop workstation
net start workstation
# bcdedit (boot configuration data store editor)
bcdedit /?
bcdedit /? <command>
bcdedit /? /enum
bcdedit /? /set
bcdedit /? /v
bcdedit // the /enum command is the default, so running "bcdedit" without parameters is equivalent to running "bcdedit /enum ACTIVE"
bcdedit /enum // list entries in a store
bcdedit /enum ACTIVE
bcdedit /enum <type> /v // /v: display entry identifiers in full, rather than using names for well-known identifiers
bcdedit /enum ACTIVE /v
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
NOTE: introduction of bcdedit
The Bcdedit.exe command-line tool modifies the boot configuration data store.
The boot configuration data store contains boot configuration parameters and
controls how the operating system is booted. These parameters were previously
in the Boot.ini file (in BIOS-based operating systems) or in the nonvolatile
RAM entries (in Extensible Firmware Interface-based operating systems). You can
use Bcdedit.exe to add, delete, edit, and append entries in the boot
configuration data store.
# wmic (windows management instrument command-line)
*** wmic is deprecated ***
wmic /?
wmic computersystem get Model, Name, Manufacturer, SystemType
wmic os get Caption, Version, BuildNumber, Manufacturer
wmic nic get Name, Speed, NetConnectionID
wmic diskdrive get Model, Size, InterfaceType
wmic memorychip get Capacity, DeviceLocator, Speed
wmic cpu get Name, Caption, MaxClockSpeed
wmic path win32_videocontroller get Caption, VideoModeDescription, AdapterRAM
wmic partition get DeviceID, Size, Type
# wsl2 (windows subsystem for linux)
wsl --status
wsl -l // -l <=> --list
wsl -l -v // -v <=> --verbose
wsl -l -q // -q <=> --quiet
wsl -l -o // -o <=> --online, display a list of available distributions for install with 'wsl --install'
wsl --install -d <distro> // -d <=> --distribution
wsl // run the default distribution
wsl -d <distro> // -d <=> --distribution, run the specified distribution
wsl -d <distro> -u <username> // -u <=> --user, run as the specified user
wsl -d <distro> --cd <directory> // set the specified directory as the current working directory
wsl --shutdown // immediately terminate all running distributions and the wsl 2
NOTE: how to install
=> ref:
NOTE: open by file explorer
# java
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.18+10\bin;%PATH% // for temp
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.18+10 // for temp
java -version
echo %JAVA_HOME%
# dotnet
curl -o %HOMEPATH%\Downloads\dotnet-install.ps1 -L
powershell %HOMEPATH%\Downloads\dotnet-install.ps1
setx PATH "%PATH%;%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\dotnet" // IMPORTANT: setx limits 1024 length
dotnet --info
=> ref:
=> ref:
# nvm (node version manager)
nvm version
nvm list // list the node.js installations
nvm list available // see what can be installed
nvm install 16.13.2
nvm use 16.13.2
=> ref:
# iis
iisreset /?
iisreset /status
iisreset /restart
Q: after deploy to iis, why my program cannot see updated environment variable PATH ?
# nginx
nginx -h
nginx -v // show version and exit
nginx -V // show version and configure options then exit
nginx -t // test configuration and exit
nginx -T // test configuration, dump it and exit
nginx -s <signal> // send signal to a master process: stop, quit, reopen, reload
nginx -s stop // stop is a quick shutdown.
nginx -s quit // quit is a graceful shutdown. nginx finishes serving the open connections before shutdown.
nginx -s reopen // reopen a log file to split the older log file
start nginx.exe
type logs\access.log
type logs\error.log
type logs\ // record the pid of the master process (not worker processes)
type conf\nginx.conf
=> ref:
# nssm (non-sucking service manager)
nssm install [service-name] // open add gui
nssm edit <service-name> // open edit gui
nssm status <service-name>
nssm remove <service-name>
# proxy
ngrok -h
ngrok -v
ngrok http 8080
cloudflared -h
cloudflared -v
cloudflared tunnel -h
cloudflared tunnel list -h
cloudflared tunnel list
cloudflared tunnel info -h
cloudflared tunnel info <tunnel-name>
cloudflared tunnel create -h
cloudflared tunnel create <tunnel-name>
cloudflared tunnel route -h
cloudflared tunnel route dns -h
cloudflared tunnel route dns <tunnel-name> <hostname>
# other
osk // on screen keyboard
gow // gnu on windows
gow -h // -h <=> --help
gow -l // -l <=> --list, list all executables
=> ref:
# [note] change prompt text
prompt $d $t $_$P$G
=> ref:
# [note] Run (aka. 執行) hotkey
win + r
# [note] Run
regedit (登錄編輯程式)
mmc (主控台)
dxdiag (DirectX 診斷工具)
msinfo32 (系統資訊)
msconfig (系統設定)
mspaint (小畫家)
mstsc (遠端桌面連線)
calc (小算盤)
notepad (記事本)
control (控制台)
control keymgr.dll (認證管理員) // 控制台\使用者帳戶\認證管理員
control /name Microsoft.CredentialManager (認證管理員)
control /name Microsoft.WindowsFirewall (Windows Defender 防火牆)
explorer (檔案總管) // alternatively, win + e
powershell -NoProfile
powershell -NoLogo
pwsh (PowerShell 7)
pwsh -NoProfile
pwsh -NoLogo
servermanager (伺服器管理員, windows server only)
inetmgr (Internet Information Services (IIS) 管理員)
taskmgr (工作管理員)
resmon (資源監視器)
recent // open a file explorer which path is C:\Users\<user>\Recent
rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,0 (桌面圖示設定)
rundll32 keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr (已儲存的使用者名稱和密碼)
=> observer: Task Manager 'Details' tab
=> IMPORTANT: C:\Windows\System32 (this is in %PATH%)
=> ref:
taskschd.msc (工作排程器)
eventvwr.msc (事件檢視器)
compmgmt.msc (電腦管理)
diskmgmt.msc (磁碟管理)
certlm.msc (憑證 - 本機電腦)
certmgr.msc (憑證 - 目前的使用者)
gpedit.msc (本機群組原則編輯器)
secpol.msc (本機安全性原則)
services.msc (服務)
wf.msc (具有進階安全性的 Windows Defender 防火牆)
=> observer: Task Manager 'Details' tab
=> IMPORTANT: C:\Windows\System32\mmc.exe
appwiz.cpl (控制台\程式集\程式和功能)
sysdm.cpl (系統內容)
main.cpl (滑鼠 - 內容)
shell:startup (C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup)
shell:sendto (C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo)
shell:appsfolder (Applications)
# [note] regedit (登錄編輯程式)
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles
# [note] gpedit.msc (本機群組原則編輯器)
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Run > Logon > These Programs at User Logon
# [note] secpol.msc (本機安全性原則)
secpol.msc is under gpedit.msc
Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > Shut down the system
# [note] taskschd.msc (工作排程器)
=> ref:
debug by eventvwr.msc (事件檢視器) // Windows Logs -> Application
# [note] auto execute a .exe when the computer start
using 'services.msc', 'Startup type' of the service is 'Automatic'
we can find log from 'Event Viewer' (事件檢視器) // Windows Logs -> Application
# [note] auto execute a .exe when any user logon on
- way1
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
- way2: regedit
- way3: gpedit.msc
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Run > Logon > These Programs at User Logon
# [note] auto execute a .exe when a specified user logon on
- way1
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
# [note] backinfo.exe
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "BackInfo" /d "C:\software\Backinfo\BackInfo.exe"
=> link:
=> ref:
# [note] where is the record of desktop background (aka. wallpaper)
Run regedit
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
=> ref:
# [note] add fscapture.exe to the context menu (aka. right-click menu)
reg add "HKCR\*\shell\FastStone Capture"
reg add "HKCR\*\shell\FastStone Capture" /v Icon /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\FastStone Capture\Icon1.ico"
reg add "HKCR\*\shell\FastStone Capture\command" /ve /d "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\FastStone Capture\FSCapture.exe\" \"%1\""
# [note] edit regedit
where reg
reg /?
reg query /?
reg query <keyname> // keyname (aka. 機碼): [\\machine\]rootkey\subkey
machine: default value is current compute
rootkey: HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC
reg query <keyname> /v <valuename>
reg query "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" // if keyname contains space, then need ""
reg query "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v WallPaper
reg add /?
reg add <keyname> /d <data> // <=> reg add <keyname> /ve /d <data>
reg add <keyname> /ve /d <data> // adds an empty valuename (aka. (預設值)) for the key
reg add <keyname> /ve // empty the empty valuename
reg add <keyname> /v <valuename> /d <data>
reg add <keyname> /v <valuename> /d <data> /t <type> // type: REG_SZ | REG_MULTI_SZ | REG_EXPAND_SZ | REG_DWORD | REG_QWORD | REG_BINARY | REG_NONE (defalut: REG_SZ)
reg add <keyname> /v <valuename> /d <data> /t <type> /f // f: force
reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v WallPaper /d C:\pic1.png /f
# [note] edit user rights assignment
ntrights /? // 'right' is just 'privilege'
ntrights -u <user> -r <right> // revoke the right
ntrights -u <user> +r <right> // grant the right
=> link:
=> ref:
# [note] change network from public to private
=> ref:
# [note] list users currently logged on
query user
=> ref:
# [note] rdp (remote desktop protocol)
a windows based protocol
- allows remote logon (defualt is not)
- allows up to 2 users logon at the same time
- disallows the same user logon at the same time
- a user remote logon doesn't get the newest access_token if that user doesn't sign out
- 'disconnect' isn't equal to 'sing out'
PS. rdp port
Run regedit
keyname: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp
valuename: PortNumber
data: 3389
NOTE: remove rdp connection entries from "Remote Desktop Connection" client
reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default"
reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default" /v MRU2 // MRU0 ~ MRU9
=> ref:
# [note] track process create or stop
Run gpedit.msc
Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Audit Policy
Audit process tracking
=> ref:
# [note] order of resolve name
- ping <name>
- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
- dns (Domain Name System)
- nbns (NetBIOS Name Service)
- nslookup <name>
- dns (Domain Name System)
# [note] nslookup
nslookup /?
nslookup <domain> // resolve domain to ip (using default server) (default -type=a)
nslookup <domain> <server> // resolve domain to ip (using specified server) (default -type=a)
nslookup -type=ptr <ip> // resolve ip to domain (using default server)
nslookup -type=ptr <ip> <server> // resolve ip to domain (using specified server)
// enter interactive mode
nslookup // using default server
nslookup - <server> // using specified server
nslookup - // using google primary dns server
> help
> set type=<type> // type: a, cname, ptr ...
> <ip|domain>
> exit
# [note] link type
soft link (symlink)
hard link
=> ref:
=> ref:
Q: how to observe a directory which link using ?
way1: cmd > dir
way2: install "Link Shell Extension", then right-click a directory > properties > Link Properties
Q: "directory junction" vs "directory symbolic link"
# [note] add or remove items in app list on start menu
%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs // for all users
%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs // for current user
C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs // for new accounts added to pc
=> ref:
# [note] change cmd to powershell
C:\Users\Administrator>where powershell
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $PSVersionTable // notice: prompt begin with 'PS'
PS C:\Users\Administrator> exit
# [note] set a variable
set a=100
setx b 200
setx -m c 300 // m: the variable is set in the system wide (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) environment, default: in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER environment
echo %a%
echo %b% // need to reopen cmd
=> ref:
=> ref:
PS. set a variable by prompt or expression
set /?
set /p num=input a number: // p: allow to set the value of a variable to a line of input entered by the user
echo %num%
set /a xx=%num% + 100 // a: specifie that the string to the right of the equal sign is a numerical expression that is evaluated
set yy=%num% + 100
echo %xx%
echo %yy%
PS. list all of the environment variables
PS. list all of the environment variables that begin with xxx
set <xxx>
set l
set logon
=> ref:
PS. list all of the environment variables by reg
user variables: reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment"
system variables: reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
# [note] add default route and default gateway
route add mask // is a example of default gateway
# [note] show command line in the task manager
=> ref:
=> ref:
# [note] openssh
openssh includes ssh.exe, ssh-keygen.exe, scp.exe
=> ref:
# [note] multi-line one command
echo 100 ^
200 ^
# [note] change mouse style
Run main.cpl
'Pointers' tab
=> link:
=> ref:
Run regedit
- current mouse style
keyname: computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Cursors
valuename: (Default)
- custom mouse style
keyname: computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes
valuename: <config-name>
# [note] in win11, change mouse right click to win10
reg add HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32 /ve /f
# [note] how to restart file explorer
=> ref:
# [note] windows hotkey
win + 1 // open which is pinned at 1st in the taskbar
win + 2 // open which is pinned at 2nd in the taskbar
win + <num> // open which is pinned at <num>-th in the taskbar
win + 0 // open which is pinned at 10th in the taskbar
win + + // open 'Magnifier'
win + l // lock computer
win + d // show desktop
win + i // open 'Windows Settings'
win + u // open 'Windows Settings | Ease of Access'
win + g // open 'Xbox Game Bar'
win + v // open 'Clipboard'
win + x // open winx menu
win + s // open search menu
win + r // open 'Run'
win + e // open a new file explorer
win + . // open emoji
win + shift + s // open 'Snip & Sketch'
ctrl + sfhit + esc // open 'Task Manager'
ctrl + w // close a window
shift + f10 // display the shortcut menu for the selected item (ex. context menu)
alt + d // edit address bar
alt + tab // task switcher
alt + esc // cycle through opened windows
f2 // rename
f4 // edit address bar
f5 // refresh
# [note] copy as path
shift + right-click -> in context menu, select 'Copy as path'
# [note] kerberos
# [note] ntlm
# [note] clink
clink combines the native windows shell cmd.exe with the powerful command line editing features of the GNU Readline library
=> ref:
=> ref:
# [note] ocr (optical character recognition)
tesseract --help // show minimal help message
tesseract --help-extra // show extra help for advanced users
tesseract --help-psm // show page segmentation modes
tesseract --help-oem // show ocr engine modes
tesseract --version
tesseract --list-langs // list available languages for tesseract engine
tesseract <image-path> <output-path>
tesseract <image-path> <output-path> -l <lang>
tesseract xxx.png yyy -l chi_tra // output: yyy.txt
PS. install tesseract on windows
- step1. download from
- step2. install tesseract and choose languages // ex. chinese
- step3. set 'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR' to the environment variable 'Path'
- step4. verify the installation // by tesseract --version
=> ref:
=> ref:
tesseract is one of the ocr engine
tesseract is developed by google
# [note] learn
=> ref:
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