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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1111 Invalid use of group function (SQL: select `i`.`id` as `invoice_id`, `i`.`client_id`, `i`.`mod_user_id`, `i`.`invoice_type_id`, `i`.`created_at` as `i_created_at`, `c`.`id` as `client_id`, `c`.`first_name`, `c`.`last_name`, `c`.`company`, `u`.`id` as `user_id`, `u`.`username`, `p`.`id` as `payment_id`, `p`.`paid`, `p`.`created_at` as `p_created_at`, `pt`.`name` as `payment_type`, (SUM(p.amount) - SUM(p.fee)) as p_total, SUM(t.list) as t_list, ((SUM(t.list) + (SUM(d.fee) + SUM(d.additional_cost))) - (SUM(p.amount) - SUM(p.fee))) as balance from `j_invoice` as `i` inner join `j_client` as `c` on `c`.`id` = `i`.`client_id` inner join `j_users` as `u` on `u`.`id` = `i`.`mod_user_id` inner join `j_invoice_payment` as `p` on `p`.`invoice_id` = `i`.`id` inner join `j_payment_type` as `pt` on `pt`.`id` = `p`.`payment_method_id` inner join `j_invoice_ticket` as `it` on `it`.`invoice_id` = `i`.`id` inner join `j_ticket` as `t` on `t`.`id` = `it`.`ticket_id` inner join `j_invoice_delivery` as `d` on `d`.`invoice_id` = `i`.`id` where (SUM(t.list) + SUM(d.fee) + SUM(d.additional_cost) - (SUM(p.amount) - SUM(p.fee))) = 0 group by `i`.`id` order by `i`.`updated_at` desc)
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