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Created March 9, 2023 11:37
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simple hash map due to constraints (no resize, no remove)
class HashMap {
constexpr NumBuckets = Length * Factor;
struct N {
K key;
N* next;
N nodes[Length];
V values[Length];
N* freeList;
N* buckets[NumBuckets];
// Using indices instead of pointers in your impl will make things a lot smaller
HashMap() : buckets() // all buckets NULL
// put all the nodes into the freelist
freeList = &nodes[0];
for( i=0; i<Length-1; ++i )
nodes[i].next = &nodes[i+1];
// fun trick: using "offset to next node minus one" instead of indices means that memset(0) creates a fully linked list of nodes
// Note: Most functions require sequentially-consistent memory ordering!!
private N* AllocNode() { // pop a node off the free list
N* result = freeList;
if( result != NULL )
[expect freeList == result] // i.e. retry the atomic block from the start if this atomic assignment fails
freeList = result->next;
return result;
private void FreeNode(N* node) { // push a node into the free list
node->next = freeList;
[expect freeList == node->next]
freeList = node;
private N* Find(K k, N* bucket) { // Search the bucket for the key
for (N* n = bucket; n; n = n->next) {
if( n->key == k )
return n;
return NULL;
public V* Find(K k) { // pick a bucket that the key should be into, then search it
int bucketIndex = Hash(k) % NumBuckets;
N* bucket = buckets[bucketIndex];
N* found = Find(k, bucket);
if( !found ) {
return NULL;
return &values[found - nodes];
public bool Insert(K k, V v) {
// pick a bucket that the key should go into
int bucketIndex = Hash(k) % NumBuckets;
N* node = AllocNode();
if( !node ) {
return false; // we're out of space! throw out_of_memory, etc...
// write the key and value. make sure this hits memory before the atomic swap below!
node->key = k;
values[node - nodes] = v;
// push the node onto the front of the bucket
N* bucket = buckets[bucketIndex];
if( Find(k, buckets[bucket]) ) { // make sure it's not already in there
FreeNode(node); // undo the alloc!
return false; // key already present
node->next = bucket;
[expect bucket == node->next] // i.e. retry atomic block if atomic assignment fails
bucket = node;
// new node containing the key was added
return true;
void ForEach(Fn fn) // iterating the entire map is straightforward
for (int bucketIndex = 0; bucketIndex != NumBuckets; ++bucketIndex) {
N* bucket = buckets[bucketIndex];
for (N* n = bucket; n; n = n->next) {
fn(n->key, values[n - nodes]);
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