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Created July 7, 2011 11:20
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Using RX for object level CQRS, method proxy and logging.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
namespace FpCs
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var test = new Proto();
test.SetI.Subscribe(i => Console.WriteLine("New I = " + i));
var sSubscr = test.SetS.Subscribe(s => Console.WriteLine("New S = " + s));
test.SetI.Select(i => test)
.Merge(test.SetS.Select(i => test)).Select((proto, index) => new { P = proto, I = index + 1 })
.Subscribe(s => Console.WriteLine("Proto after change " + s.P + " this is " + s.I + " change"));
test.SetS.OnNext("new s");
Action<int, ISubject<int>> proxy = (i, old) => old.OnNext(i + 1);
proxy.AddAsBeforeProxyTo(ref test.SetI);
public class Proto
public Proto()
var i = 0;// like a fields
var s = "";
SetI = new Subject<int>();
SetI.Subscribe(ni => i = ni);
SetS = new Subject<String>();
SetS.Subscribe(ns => s = ns);
GetI = () => i;
GetS = () => s;
public ISubject<int> SetI; //like a properties
public Func<int> GetI;
public ISubject<string> SetS;
public Func<string> GetS;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{{s={0} i={1}}}", GetS(), GetI());
public static class SubjectHelper
//Need to rtfm to know how to do it correctly
public static void AddAsBeforeProxyTo<T>(this Action<T, ISubject<T>> proxy, ref ISubject<T> acc)
var p = new Subject<T>();
var old = acc;
p.Subscribe(x => proxy(x, old));
acc = p;
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New I = 1
Proto after change {s= i=1} this is 1 change
New S = s
Proto after change {s=s i=1} this is 2 change
Proto after change {s=new s i=1} this is 3 change
New I = 6
Proto after change {s=new s i=6} this is 4 change

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