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Created October 22, 2011 21:05
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Design By contract with types in runtime in c#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace TypesContracts
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = Size(null);//result: argument exception
Console.WriteLine(Lenght(null));//result 0
DivByZero(0);// result: argument exception
Log(5);//result: log 5 to console
AddTenSymbols("");//result: if result string has lenght more than 10 then log result string/
static Check<string, IsNotNull<string>> Size(Check<object, IsNotNull<object>> obj)
return obj.ToString();
static int Lenght(Check<string, AndReplaceByEmptyIfNull> str)
string stri = str;
return stri.Length;
//return ((string)str).Length;
static int DivByZero(Check<int, If<int, EqualsTo<Zero>, ThenThrowArgumentException<int>>> i)
return 1 / i;
static Check<int, If<int, BothTrue<Not<EqualsTo<Zero>>, Not<MoreThan<Ten>>>, ThenLog<int>>> Log(int i)
return i;
static Check<string, If<string, Member<string, int, StringLenght, MoreThan<Ten>>, ThenLog<string>>> AddTenSymbols(string s)
return s + "asffgsdfgd"; ;
public struct Check<T, U> where U : Constraint<T>, new()//we cant create shortcurs for struct or maybe we can?
private T _val;
public Check(T val)
_val = new U().CheckAndReturn(val);
public static implicit operator T(Check<T, U> d)
return d._val;
public static implicit operator Check<T, U>(T d)
return new Check<T, U>(d);
public T Val { get { return _val; } }
public override string ToString()
return _val.ToString(); // or we can throw exception
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return _val.Equals(obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return _val.GetHashCode();
public abstract class Constraint<T>
public abstract T CheckAndReturn(T inp);
public class IsNotNull<T> : Constraint<T> where T : class
public override T CheckAndReturn(T inp)
if (inp == null) throw new ArgumentException("bl a bla");
return inp;
public class DefaultInsteadOfNull<T> : Constraint<T> where T : class, new()//doesnt work with string coz str doesnt have empty ctor
public override T CheckAndReturn(T inp)
if (inp == null) throw new ArgumentException("bl a bla");
return inp == null ? new T() : inp;
public class AndReplaceByEmptyIfNull : Constraint<String>//string doesnt have empty ctor
public override String CheckAndReturn(String inp)
return inp == null ? String.Empty : inp;
//more cool stuff
public class If<T, C, D> : Constraint<T>
where C : Compare<T>, new()
where D : Then<T>, new()
public override T CheckAndReturn(T inp)
var comp = new C();
if (comp.DoComparison(inp)) new D().Do(inp);
return inp;
public abstract class Value<V>
private V _val;
public Value(V val)
_val = val;
public V Get()
return _val;
public abstract class Compare<T>
public abstract bool DoComparison(T val1);
public abstract class Getter<T, U>
public abstract U Get(T val1);
public class StringLenght : Getter<String, int>
public override int Get(string val1)
return val1.Length;
where GETTER : Getter<VALUE, SELECTEDVALUE>, new()
where COMPARER : Compare<SELECTEDVALUE>, new()
public override bool DoComparison(VALUE val1)
var getter = new GETTER();
var comparer = new COMPARER();
return comparer.DoComparison(getter.Get(val1));
public abstract class Then<T>
public abstract void Do(T inp);
public class ThenThrowArgumentException<T> : Then<T>
public override void Do(T inp)
throw new ArgumentException("");
public class ThenLog<T> : Then<T>
public override void Do(T inp)
public class Zero : Value<int> { public Zero() : base(0) { } }
public class One : Value<int> { public One() : base(1) { } }
public class Ten : Value<int> { public Ten() : base(10) { } }
public class MoreThan<V> : Compare<int> where V : Value<int>, new()
public override bool DoComparison(int val1)
var v = new V();
return val1 > v.Get();
public class LessThan<V> : Compare<int> where V : Value<int>, new()
public override bool DoComparison(int val1)
var v = new V();
return val1 < v.Get();
public class EqualsTo<V> : Compare<int> where V : Value<int>, new()
public override bool DoComparison(int val1)
var v = new V();
return val1 == v.Get();
public class BothTrue<C1, C2> : Compare<int>
where C1 : Compare<int>, new()
where C2 : Compare<int>, new()
public override bool DoComparison(int val1)
var c1 = new C1();
var c2 = new C2();
return c1.DoComparison(val1) && c2.DoComparison(val1);
public class Not<C1> : Compare<int>
where C1 : Compare<int>, new()
public override bool DoComparison(int val1)
var c1 = new C1();
return !c1.DoComparison(val1);
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