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Created February 9, 2016 15:58
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ddd simplified
type Request<'i,'o,'k> = 'i * ('o -> 'k)
let bindRequest bind f (s,k) = s, fun v -> bind(k v,f)
type Id = int
type Entity<'e> = Entity of Id * 'e
[<Measure>] type money
type User = {name : string; email : string; ballance : int<money>}
type Product = { name : string; quantity : int; price : int<money>}
type Email = {body:string; subject : string}
type DbOps<'e, 'k> =
| Select of Request<unit,Entity<'e> seq, 'k>
| Get of Request<Id,Entity<'e> option,'k>
| Delete of Request<Entity<'e>,unit,'k>
| Update of Request<Entity<'e>, unit,'k>
| Insert of Request<'e, Id,'k>
let bindDb v f bind =
match v with
| Select(r) -> Select(bindRequest bind f r)
| Get(r) -> Get(bindRequest bind f r)
| Delete(r) -> Delete(bindRequest bind f r)
| Update(r) -> Update(bindRequest bind f r)
| Insert(r) -> Insert(bindRequest bind f r)
type Dsl<'r> =
| UsersTable of DbOps<User, Dsl<'r>>
| ProductsTable of DbOps<Product, Dsl<'r>>
| SendEmail of Request<User * Email, unit,Dsl<'r>>
| Log of Request<string, unit,Dsl<'r>>
| Pure of 'r
type DslBuilder() =
member x.Bind(v:Dsl<'a>,f:'a->Dsl<'b>) =
match v with
| UsersTable(dbOp) -> UsersTable(bindDb dbOp f x.Bind)
| ProductsTable(dbOp) -> ProductsTable(bindDb dbOp f x.Bind)
| SendEmail(r) -> SendEmail(bindRequest x.Bind f r)
| Log(r) -> Log(bindRequest x.Bind f r)
| Pure(v) -> f(v)
member x.Return v = Pure(v)
member x.ReturnFrom v = v
let dsl = DslBuilder()
let lift ctor i = ctor(i, fun s -> Pure(s))
let usersTable op = lift (UsersTable << op)
let productsTable op = lift (ProductsTable << op)
let sendEmail = lift SendEmail
let log = lift Log
type Db = {
users : Map<Id,User>
products : Map<Id,Product>
let runDb (table:Map<_,_>) dbOp =
match dbOp with
| Select(_,k) -> table |> (fun kv -> Entity(kv.Key, kv.Value)) |> k, table
| Get(id,k) -> if table.ContainsKey id
then k (Some(Entity(id, table.[id]))), table
else k None, table
| Delete(Entity(id,_),k) -> k (), table.Remove id
| Update(Entity(id,v),k) -> k (), table |> Map.remove id |> Map.add id v
| Insert(v,k) -> let id = table |> (fun kv -> kv.Key)
|> Seq.max
k id, Map.add (id + 1) v table
let rec run db ast =
match ast with
| ProductsTable(dbOp) -> let r, t = runDb db.products dbOp
run {db with products = t} r
| UsersTable(dbOp) -> let r, t = runDb db.users dbOp
run {db with users = t} r
| SendEmail((u,e), k) -> printfn "Sending email to: %s\nsubject:%s\nbody:%s" e.subject e.body
k() |> run db
| Log(r,k) -> printfn "Log(%A):%s" (System.DateTime.Now) r
k() |> run db
| Pure(v) -> v, db
let optZip a b =
match a,b with
| Some(a),Some(b) -> Some(a,b)
| _ -> None
let transferProductToUser p u count =
if p.quantity < count
then Choice2Of2(sprintf "no enought quantity product '%s' quantity %d requested %d" p.quantity count)
elif u.ballance < p.price * count
then Choice2Of2(sprintf "no enought money product '%s' user ballance %d requested sum %d" u.ballance (p.quantity * p.price))
else let p = {p with quantity = p.quantity - count}
let u = {u with ballance = u.ballance - p.price * count}
let getAndLog tname table id =
let! p = table Get id
match p with
| Some(_) -> return p
| None -> do! log <| sprintf "unable to find %d in %s" id tname
return None
let buyProduct pid uid count = dsl{
let! p = getAndLog "products" productsTable pid
let! u = getAndLog "users" usersTable uid
match optZip u p with
| Some(Entity(idu,u), Entity(idp,p)) ->
do! log("found product and user")
let res = transferProductToUser p u count
match res with
| Choice1Of2(p,u) -> do! sendEmail (u, { body = "you bought a product";
subject = sprintf "success bought %s quantity %d" count})
do! productsTable Update (Entity(idp,p))
do! usersTable Update (Entity(idu,u))
return true
| Choice2Of2(error) -> do! log(error)
return false
| None -> return false
let program quantity = dsl{
let! isOK = buyProduct 1 1 quantity
return if isOK then "ok" else "not ok"
let db = {
users = [1 , {name = "hodza"; email =""; ballance = 100<money>}] |> Map.ofList
products = [1, {name="Fsharp fun and drugs"; quantity = 10; price = 1<money>}] |> Map.ofList
printfn "run interpret"
printfn "before %A" db
run db (program 9) |> printfn "result quantity 9 %A"
run db (program 21) |> printfn "result quantity 21 %A"
//run interpret
//before {users = map [(1, {name = "hodza";
// email = "";
// ballance = 100;})];
// products = map [(1, {name = "Fsharp fun and drugs";
// quantity = 10;
// price = 1;})];}
//Log(09.02.2016 18:56:58):found product and user
//Sending email to: hodza
//subject:success bought Fsharp fun and drugs quantity 9
//body:you bought a product
//result quantity 9 ("ok", {users = map [(1, {name = "hodza";
// email = "";
// ballance = 91;})];
// products = map [(1, {name = "Fsharp fun and drugs";
// quantity = 1;
// price = 1;})];})
//Log(09.02.2016 18:56:58):found product and user
//Log(09.02.2016 18:56:58):no enought quantity product 'Fsharp fun and drugs' quantity 10 requested 21
//result quantity 21 ("not ok", {users = map [(1, {name = "hodza";
// email = "";
// ballance = 100;})];
// products = map [(1, {name = "Fsharp fun and drugs";
// quantity = 10;
// price = 1;})];})
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