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Last active July 26, 2020 02:00
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
This is a script to query the WVU course listing, checking for seat openings.
CRN refers to "course reference number", which is found by visiting Term is passed as a string (eg. "Fall 2020"), and is converted
to a numeric code which is used to query for the desired course. Enjoy!
from config import account_sid, auth_token, send_number, recieve_number, crn, term
from import Client
from datetime import datetime
import requests
import time
import json
class WVUClient:
def __init__(self, crn, term): = requests.Session()
self.crn = crn
search = {'offset':'1','max':'10','query':term}
options ='', params=search)
self.term = json.loads(options.text)[0]['code']
def newcookie(self):'', params={'mode':'search'}, data={'term':self.term})
def getseats(self):
search = {
'txt_keywordexact': self.crn,
'txt_term': self.term
course ='', params=search)
info = json.loads(course.text)
if not int(info['totalCount']):
raise Exception('Error: No course returned...')
seats = int(info['data'][0]['seatsAvailable'])
return seats
Check for openings in Multivariable Calculus and use Twilio to send
SMS notifications. Checks every 5 minutes, and sends status updates
every 4 hours, or whenever an opening is detected.
if __name__ == '__main__':
messenger = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
def msg(body):
message = messenger.messages.create(body=body, from_=send_number, to=recieve_number)
return message.sid
checker = WVUClient(crn, term)
checked = 0
while True:
seats = checker.getseats()
if seats:
print('%d seats are available!' %d)
m = msg('There are %d seats available!' % seats)
if checked % 48 == 0 and not seats:
print('No seats available')
m = msg('No seats available.')
print('Message sent with SID = %s' % m)
checked += 1
time.sleep(60 * 5)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Configuration file for WVU Course Listing Client Script
# Twilio Credentials
# Send Number -> Twilio SMS Number
# Recieve Number -> Number for SMS Notifications
send_number = 'XXX-XXX-XXXX'
recieve_number = 'XXX-XXX-XXXX'
# Course Information (eg. crn = '83187'; term = 'Fall 2020')
crn = 'XXXXX'
term = 'XXXXXXXXX'
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