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Last active November 7, 2017 13:56
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id3 algorithm
usoara mirositoare arepete neteda comestibila
1 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 1
0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandas as pd
import sklearn
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn import tree
import numpy as np
import graphviz
def retrieve_target_names(dataset):
target = dataset['comestibila'].sort_values().values
return (target, np.array(['necomestibila','comestibila']))
def main():
mushrooms = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
feature_names = mushrooms.columns.tolist()[:4]
target, target_names = retrieve_target_names(mushrooms)
data = mushrooms[feature_names].values
classifier = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='entropy'), target)
dot_data = tree.export_graphviz(classifier, out_file=None,
filled=True, rounded=True,
graph = graphviz.Source(dot_data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import csv
import sys
import math
import copy
def entropy(partition):
partition : list [2,5]
total = sum(partition)
entropy = 0
# compute the entropy of all elements
for element in partition:
if element == 0:
p = element/total # compute the probability
entropy -= (p * math.log2(p))
return entropy
def ig(partitions):
partitions: list [ [1,2], [2, 5] ]
n = len(partitions)
# make the root partition of all all the children
root = [0 for l in range(0, n)]
for column, partition in enumerate(partitions):
for row, _ in enumerate(partition):
root[column] += partitions[row][column]
# compute the root entropy
root_entropy = entropy(root)
# get the number of instances of the decision stamp
instances = sum(root)
avg_entropy = 0
for partition in partitions:
part_sum = sum(partition)
avg_entropy = avg_entropy + ((part_sum/instances) * entropy(partition))
return root_entropy - avg_entropy
def dmap(attributes, data):
atributes: ['usoara', 'mirositoare', 'arepete', 'neteda', 'comestibila']
['1', '0', '0', '0', '1']
['1', '0', '1', '0', '1']
['0', '1', '0', '1', '1']
['0', '0', '0', '1', '0']
['1', '1', '1', '0', '0']
['1', '0', '1', '1', '0']
['1', '0', '0', '1', '0']
['0', '1', '0', '0', '0']
res: key=>value
usoara: ['1', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0']
mirositoare: ['0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1']
arepete: ['0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0']
neteda: ['0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '1', '1', '0']
comestibila: ['1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']
m = len(data[0])
n = len(data)
columns = []
for j in range(0, m):
column = []
for i in range(0, n):
return dict(zip(attributes, columns))
def decision_stamps(dmap):
usoara: ['1', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0']
mirositoare: ['0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1']
arepete: ['0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0']
neteda: ['0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '1', '1', '0']
comestibila: ['1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']
'usoara': {
'0': {'0': 2, '1': 1},
'1': {'0': 3, '1': 2}
'mirositoare': {
'0': {'0': 3, '1': 2},
'1': {'0': 2, '1': 1}
'arepete': {
'0': {'0': 3, '1': 2},
'1': {'0': 2, '1': 1}
'neteda': {
'0': {'0': 2, '1': 2},
'1': {'0': 3, '1': 1}
ds = {}
decision_key = [*dmap][-1]
decisions = dmap[decision_key]
for key, value in dmap.items():
if key == decision_key:
ds[key] = {}
unique_values = list(set(value))
for uv in unique_values:
subset = []
for i, v in enumerate(value):
if v == uv:
subset += [decisions[i]]
unique_decision = list(set(decisions))
uv_l = []
for d in unique_decision:
ds[key][uv] = dict(zip(unique_decision, uv_l))
return ds
def all_partitions(decision_stamps):
'usoara': {
'0': {'0': 2, '1': 1},
'1': {'0': 3, '1': 2}
'mirositoare': {
'0': {'0': 3, '1': 2},
'1': {'0': 2, '1': 1}
'arepete': {
'0': {'0': 3, '1': 2},
'1': {'0': 2, '1': 1}
'neteda': {
'0': {'0': 2, '1': 2},
'1': {'0': 3, '1': 1}
'usoara': [[2, 3], [1, 2]],
'mirositoare': [[1, 2], [2, 3]],
'arepete': [[1, 2], [2, 3]],
'neteda': [[1, 3], [2, 2]]
partitions = {}
for key, decision_stamp in decision_stamps.items():
partitions[key] = []
for partition in decision_stamp.values():
p = [*partition.values()]
return partitions
def best_attribute(partitions):
'usoara': [[2, 3], [1, 2]],
'mirositoare': [[1, 2], [2, 3]],
'arepete': [[1, 2], [2, 3]],
'neteda': [[1, 3], [2, 2]]
if len(partitions.values()) == 2:
return [*partitions.keys()][0]
max_ig = 0
max_ig_name = ''
for key, values in partitions.items():
a = ig(values)
if a > max_ig:
max_ig = a
max_ig_name = key
return max_ig_name
def filter_data(data, attributes, attribute, attribute_value):
using data, attributes, target_attribute and target_attribute_value
filter based on traget_attribute_value the data and return it's subset
s = copy.deepcopy(data)
subset = None
index = attributes.index(attribute)
subset = []
for row in s:
if row[index] == attribute_value:
s = subset
return subset
def remove_column(data, col):
remove the hole column in our newly copied data
d = copy.deepcopy(data)
for row in d:
return d
def pick_best_attribute(attributes, data):
for the attributes and data given compute pick, select
the best attribute that has the max information gain
# if we are dealing with just tow attributes
# this means we have just only one attribute to classify
# and we return that exact attribute
if len(attributes) == 2:
attribute = attributes[0]
dmapp = dmap(attribute, data)
ds = decision_stamps(dmapp)
# return attribute and his decision stamp
return (attribute, ds)
# make a mapping out of all attributes and data
dmapp = dmap(attributes, data)
# create decision stamps of the mapping
ds = decision_stamps(dmapp)
# return just the partitions of the decision stamps
parts = all_partitions(ds)
# for all the partitions compute the best attribute
attribute = best_attribute(parts)
# return the best attribute and his decision stamp
return (attribute, ds)
def pick_subset(data, attributes, attribute, vertice):
for the given data, attributes, target_attribute, and his
pick the subset / instances that has includes the target_attribute
vertice and return the subset and the corresponding attribute subset as a tuple
# filter the data based on the attribute and vertice
data = filter_data(data, attributes, attribute, vertice)
# because attributes is a list, make a copy and preserve the original list
attr = copy.copy(attributes)
# compute the index and remove the attribute
# from the list of attributes
idx = attr.index(attribute) # compute the index of the attribute in attributes
attr.remove(attribute) # remove the attribute from the list
# after the filter_data process we should also
# remove the column that contains the vertice value
data = remove_column(data, idx)
# return the subset pair data
return (data, attr)
class Node:
Node represents a single decision node in our Id3
tree. This will hold the attribute name, his neighbours and
his decision stamp
def __init__(self, attribute=None, stamp=None):
if stamp == None and attribute == None:
self.attribute = None
self.stamp = None
self.neighbours = None
self.attribute = attribute
self.stamp = stamp
self.neighbours = {}
# for every stamp we have we should make now the decisions
# of every vertices and if we can't make the decision we should
# add in self.neighbours a None value
for vertice, s in self.stamp.items():
self.neighbours[vertice] = self._decision(s)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def vertices(self):
return [*self.neighbours]
def __str__(self):
message = ''
message += '[NB attribute = {}, '.format(self.attribute)
message += 'stamp = {}, '.format(self.stamp)
for key, value in self.neighbours.items():
message += 'vertice:{} => decision|node {} '.format(key, value)
message += 'NE]'
return message
def _decision(self, s):
for every decision_stamp value
check if we can make a decision and classify our
examples or we need to mark it as unknown for know
aparitions = 0
dec = None
dict_values = s.values()
values = [*dict_values]
for v in values:
if v > 0:
dec = v
aparitions = aparitions + 1
if aparitions > 1:
# this means we don't have a partition that classify
# our instances perfectly
return None
keys = [*s.keys()] # get all keys of the dict
return keys[values.index(dec)] # get the value key in the dict
def empty(self):
return (self.stamp == None and
self.attribute == None and
self.neighbours == None)
def push(self, node):
if self.empty():
self.stamp = node.stamp
self.attribute = node.attribute
self.neighbours = node.neighbours
for neighbour in self.neighbours.values():
if neighbour == None:
neighbour = node
def push_neighbours(self, vertice, node):
if self.empty():
self.stamp = node.stamp
self.attribute = node.attribute
self.neighbours = node.neighbours
if self.neighbours[vertice] != None:
raise ValueError(
'An already decision was made for vertice {} decision {}'.
format(vertice, self.neighbours[vertice])
self.neighbours[vertice] = node
def neighbour(self, vertice):
return self.neighbours[vertice]
def node_enighbours_are_classified(self):
Do we still have neighbours that needs
to be classified. If yes then return False
else return True
if self.empty():
return False
for v in self.neighbours.values():
if v == None:
return False
return True
class Tree(object):
Tree is a general purpose tree that holds
Id3 nodes
# starting node
root = None
# maintain the current node
current = None
def empty(self):
return (self.root == None and self.current == None)
def classify(self, attributes, instance):
node = self.root # take the root node
decision = None
while node != None :
idx = attributes.index(node.attribute) # get the node attribute
vertice = instance[idx] # retrieve the instance vertice of that attribute
value = node.neighbour(vertice) # take the decision/node
# if this is not a Node it's an decision , take it and stop
if not isinstance(value, Node):
decision = value
# this means we have a node, not a decision
node = value
return decision
def push(self, new_node):
push the new node maintaining
the root and current balance
if self.empty():
self.root = new_node
self.current = new_node
# push the node to the current not classify neighbour
def push_neighbours(self, vertice, new_node):
if self.empty():
raise ValueError("Can't push neighbours to a empty tree")
self.current.push_neighbours(vertice, new_node)
if not new_node.node_enighbours_are_classified():
if isinstance(value):
self.current = new_node
def id3(data, attributes):
tree = Tree()
attribute, ds = pick_best_attribute(attributes, data)
node = Node(attribute, ds[attribute])
if node.node_enighbours_are_classified():
return tree.root
for vertice in node.vertices:
subset = pick_subset(data, attributes, attribute, vertice)
node = id3(*subset)
tree.push_neighbours(vertice, node)
return tree
def make_decisions(test_data, attributes, tree):
decisions = []
for row in test_data:
decisions.append(tree.classify(attributes, row))
return decisions
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] == None:
raise ValueError("Please specify csv data file")
name = sys.argv[1]
data = None
with open(name, mode='r') as file:
r = csv.reader(file)
data = [row for row in r]
attributes = data[0]
data = data[1:]
tree = id3(data,attributes)
test_data = [[ '0', '1', '1', '1'],
[ '0', '1', '0', '1'],
[ '1', '1', '0', '0']]
decisions = make_decisions(test_data, attributes, tree)
for attr in attributes:
print('{} '.format(attr), end='')
for i, d in enumerate(test_data):
for k in d:
print('{} '.format(k), end='')
print('Decision: {} '.format( decisions[i]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
./ data.csv
./ data.csv
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Display the rendered blob
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