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Last active October 21, 2020 21:09
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How to verify and claim your OG Farmer Prize

Claiming your OG Farmer Prizes

You will need to send a signed message to @hoffmang or @lbisio (both are preferred) on Keybase or email to

To sign the proper message you will need some data about your HD key. Don't share the full results, but reference this command for the following steps.

chia keys show

From that you will first need the Fingerprint: and the Pool public key and it's derivation path which is in the parentheses right before the Pool public key.

This is an example chia keys show output:

Fingerprint: 3100174794
Master public key (m): b691fb7492a04b3e7aa03a930a50f86053b5f4822a95c80bb3efd48ca2196f9288fb347b1bb2ff3bfb2d944acacb43bc
Master private key (m): [OMITTED]
Farmer public key (m/12381/8444/0/0):: a07b193d0b609eae469a683b598070481e8c22acd3167d293f8fc38aaebcb9c02a2452f49e30506a1b58b121b95f7fa2
Pool public key (m/12381/8444/1/0): a550e1d5db57eb4eea4da60bdfbc2056bb3a243666b7da93ad00659b8a63de2db7e118cb077fadf4c35106746035959a
First wallet key (m/12381/8444/2/0): a2509ed3ee7c4bc056946727ab8800254674828ce8fe1ecc19057de9ae97599c66bc36798e8242f07975160962fa05ba
First wallet address: txch1y5fvulgu89qwcp8jnscxx6whugudw0rzkx6llryc86mv0969ak3qp95qgt
  Mnemonic seed (24 secret words):

This is the chia keys sign command:

chia keys sign -f [fingerprint] -t [hd_path] -d [message] (sign a message with a private key)

# Working Example
chia keys sign -f 3100174794 -t 12381/8444/1/0 -d "I am @hoffmang on Keybase. My Pool Public key is a550e1d5db57eb4eea4da60bdfbc2056bb3a243666b7da93ad00659b8a63de2db7e118cb077fadf4c35106746035959a. I placed 999th in the OG Farming Contest"

That will generate a signature that looks like:

Signature: b21b36b3a7c3d3f6fdcae896ea12f2709855aa10140c15d641485a36a939c025f7ac6a5e40e2c9d430acdca0b095465c0a9e8a13637c50f25bd13c6d3aec506da2f6c0e28bf79242f456222c16da9e474eb98f2cce0be59c9701244d87cfb146

You should verify your signature before sending it. This would verify this example:

chia keys verify -p [public_key] -d [message] -s [signature] (verify a signature with a pk)

#Working Example
chia keys verify -p a550e1d5db57eb4eea4da60bdfbc2056bb3a243666b7da93ad00659b8a63de2db7e118cb077fadf4c35106746035959a -d "I am @hoffmang on Keybase. My Pool Public key is a550e1d5db57eb4eea4da60bdfbc2056bb3a243666b7da93ad00659b8a63de2db7e118cb077fadf4c35106746035959a. I placed 999th in the OG Farming Contest" -s b21b36b3a7c3d3f6fdcae896ea12f2709855aa10140c15d641485a36a939c025f7ac6a5e40e2c9d430acdca0b095465c0a9e8a13637c50f25bd13c6d3aec506da2f6c0e28bf79242f456222c16da9e474eb98f2cce0be59c9701244d87cfb146

Once you receive a True you need to Keybase or email the message in the quotes ("I am @soandso ... I placed xxth in the OG Farming contest") and the Signature: value. If you want to use email change the "I am" part to your email address and send it to The easiest way to send that message is to send the whole command line you used to verify and get True above.

This is the checklist of what we need via email of Keybase:

  1. Your signed message confirming your Pool public key, your communication's identity and your place in the contest as above.
  2. Your T-shirt size. We have US sized men's M, L, and XL.
  3. The name or pseudonym we should use if we publish a final results table.
  4. A full shipping address for your prize including a name of some sort.
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