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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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User Registration and Login Feature
Feature: Registration
Scenario: User provides valid information
Given a unique email, password and matching password confirmation
When the user clicks the Sign up button
Then the output should be "A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please open the link to activate your account."
Scenario: User supplies email, but no password
Given a unique email, but no password or password confirmation
When the user clicks the Sign up button
Then the output should be "Password can't be blank"
Scenario: User supplies email, password and non-matching passowrd confirmation
Given a unique email, a password and a different password confirmation
When the user clicks the Sign up button
Then the output should be "Password confirmation doesn't match Password"
Scenario: User provides email already in use, password and password confirmation
Given a previously used email, a password and matching password confirmation
When the user clicks the Sign up button
Then the output should be "Email has already been taken"
Feature: Login
Scenario: A non-confirmed user visits site and tries to log in
Given a valid email and password
When the users clicks the Sign in button
Then the output should be "You have to confirm your account before continuing."
Scenario: A confirmed user visits site
Given a valid email and password
When the user clicks the Sign in button
Then the output should be "Signed in successfully."
Scenario: A confirmed user visits, with incorrect password
Given a valid email but incorrect password
When the user clicks the Sign in button
Then the output should be "Invalid email or password."
Feature: Edit account to update name
Scenario: A signed in user want to add/edit their name
Given a user clicks their linked email/name
When the user enters a name in the name text box
And clicks on the Update button
Then the output should be "Account updated"
Feature: Edit account to update password
Scenario: A signed in user correctly changes their password
Given a user clicks their linked email/name
When the user enters a password and matching password confirmation
And clicks on the Update button
Then the output should be "Password updated"
Scenario: A signed in user incorrectly changes their password
Given a user clicks their linked email/name
When the user enters a password and non-matching password confirmation
And clicks on the Update button
Then the output should be "Passwords did not match, please try again."
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