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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Maya averageRBGA
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Loops selection to average RGBA on vertices.'''
__author__ = 'hogjonny'
import maya
from maya import cmds,mel
global gDebug
gDebug = 0
global gMainProgressBar
gMainProgressBar = mel.eval('$tmp = $gMainProgressBar')
class UndoContext(object):
This is a Class, it creates a undo context chunk
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
# helper
def chunks(l, n):
""" Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i+n]
def get_mobject( node):
selectionList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
oNode = OpenMaya.MObject()
selectionList.getDependNode(0, oNode)
return oNode
# main looper
def bp_avgVertColorRGBA(vertexColorList, vselChunk, selmask, vertloop, vSelTotal, chunkSize, gDebug=gDebug):
for v in vselChunk:
if cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, query=True, isCancelled=True ):
if gDebug:
print 'vertex: {0}'.format(v)
# maya api color
#omRgba = OpenMaya.MColor(0,0,0,0)
# maya /python roll your own ... index a list
rgba = [0,0,0,0]
if gDebug:
print 'initializing color: {0}'.format(rgba)
# get and average all the vertex face components
vtxfaces = set( cmds.polyListComponentConversion( v, fv=1, tvf=1 ), fl=1 ) )
vtxfaces = vtxfaces & selmask
av = len(vtxfaces)
if gDebug:
print 'num of vf: {0}'.format(av)
for vf in vtxfaces:
vfc = cmds.polyColorPerVertex(vf,r=1,g=1,b=1,a=1,q=1)
if gDebug:
print 'vertex face rgba is: {0}'.format(vfc)
rgba[0] += (vfc[0] / av)
rgba[1] += (vfc[1] / av)
rgba[2] += (vfc[2] / av)
rgba[3] += (vfc[3] / av)
if gDebug:
print 'computed color is: {0}'.format(rgba)
# pack an api color tuple
omRgba = OpenMaya.MColor(rgba[0],rgba[1],rgba[2],rgba[3])
# put it in the vertexColorList
vertexColorList.set(omRgba, vertloop), replace=True)
#cmds.polyColorPerVertex( r=rgba[0], g=rgba[1], b=rgba[2], a=rgba[3],
#colorDisplayOption=True, notUndoable=True )
#print 'polyColorPerVertex fialed, vert: {0}'.format(v)
cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, step=1,
status='bp_avgVertColorRGBA() >> number of verts: {0}'.format(vSelTotal-vertloop))
vertloop += 1
return vertloop
def main():
# standard maya/python
sel =,fl=1)
if gDebug:
print 'selection: {0}'.format(sel)
# maya api
for obj in sel:
# on object at a time
# get at the objects node for the api calls
objApi = cmds.listRelatives(obj, s=True,ni=True)[0]
selObjApi = get_mobject(objApi)
meshFnApi = OpenMaya.MFnMesh(selObjApi)
# initialize a list, for storing computed rgba values,
# dump the current meshes values into it ... we will replace them
# then dump this muted list back onto the object
vertexColorList = OpenMaya.MColorArray()
selmask = set(, tvf=1),fl=1))
if gDebug:
print 'selmask: {0}'.format(selmask)
vsel =, tv=1),fl=1)
vSelTotal = len(vsel)
if gDebug:
print 'vsel num: {0}'.format(len(vsel))
# chunk the list (because if it's huge the loop will just crash maya runtime)
chunkSize = 512
chunkList = chunks(vsel, chunkSize)
cmds.progressBar( gMainProgressBar,
status='bp_avgVertColorRGBA() >> number of verts total: {0}'.format(len(vsel)),
progress=0 )
if cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, query=True, isCancelled=True ):
global vertloop
vertloop = 0
# loop through chunks
for index, chunk in enumerate(chunkList):
if gDebug:
print 'Working on Chunk: {0}'.format(index)
with bpUndo.UndoContext():
print 'The vertloop is: {0}'.format(vertloop)
vertloop = bp_avgVertColorRGBA(vertexColorList, chunk, selmask, vertloop, vSelTotal, chunkSize)
# now that we have stored off all of the averaged values in the vertexColorList
# we can push them back onto the object via the api in one call
fnComponent = OpenMaya.MFnSingleIndexedComponent()
fullComponent = fnComponent.create( OpenMaya.MFn.kMeshVertComponent )
fnComponent.setCompleteData( vertexColorList.length() )
vertexIndexList = OpenMaya.MIntArray()
# set the colors
meshFnApi.setVertexColors(vertexColorList, vertexIndexList, None)
cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, endProgress=True, status='bp_avgVertColorRGBA(): Finished all verts!'), replace=True)
# main loop
if __name__ == "__main__":
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