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Last active November 10, 2023 10:46
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Open a random submission file during JKU's Python I exercise (UE)
# coding=utf-8
"""Open a random submission file during JKU's Python I exercise (UE).
This script has the following features:
- selects only files from students who are listed in a students file (defaults to './students.csv').
- uses a file search pattern to find submission files in a given directory.
- randomly selects from the candidate files / submissions.
- asks for confirmation before opening the file, unless the --quiet flag is given.
- a students file in CSV format, with (at least) columns 'Vorname', 'Nachname', separated by ';'.
- Hint: KUSSS can export the students of a course in that format.
- Hint: I could not figure out the encoding of the KUSSS output and had to change 'Umlaute (äöü...)' manually.
- The submission files in a (local) directory, i.e. manually downloaded from the Moodle course page.
- a "correct" setting of the VIEWER variable for your preferred code viewer.
- Hint: the command to open the file works on macOS, should work on Linux, but might not work on Windows.
- python >= 3.10 (because of the "match" statement, could easily be replaced by "if" statements).
- the pandas package.
Example usage:
- python ../../submissions/a4 --pattern '*'
Changes in the submission file name format or the students file format will probably require changes to the code.
import argparse
import os
from import Callable
from pathlib import Path
from random import randint
from typing import Final, Iterable, Optional, Sequence
import pandas as pd
STUDENTS_FILE: Final[Path] = Path("./students.csv") # default students file
SUBMISSION_FILE_PATTERN: Final[str] = "*.py" # default file pattern to search for
VIEWER: Final[
] = "/Applications/" # app to open submission in, assign None for default application
def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Open a random submission")
"directory", type=Path, help="The directory to search for submissions"
help="The file name pattern to search for, default: %(default)s",
help="The file name that holds the students names,: %(default)s",
"-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="Don't print anything"
"-r", "--recursive", action="store_true", help="Do a recursive search"
return parser.parse_args()
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
def do_not_print(*args, **kwargs) -> None: # type: ignore
def read_students_file(students_file: Path) -> set[str]:
# Change this function if the (KUSSS) file format changes
students_file = Path(students_file).resolve()
df = pd.read_csv(students_file, sep=";")
df["name"] = df["Vorname"] + " " + df["Nachname"]
return set(df["name"])
def get_submission_files(
directory: Path,
file_pattern: str = SUBMISSION_FILE_PATTERN,
recursive: bool = False,
) -> list[Path]:
pattern = f"**/{file_pattern}" if recursive else file_pattern
return [file_name for file_name in directory.glob(pattern) if file_name.is_file()]
def select_submission_file(
submission_files: Sequence[Path], students: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None
) -> Path:
# This is definitely _not_ the most efficient way to do this
# Came later when I found out that I get _all_ submissions (from all exercises)
# Don't care for this one-off script
for _ in range(100): # make sure that we don't get stuck in an infinite loop
submission_file = submission_files[randint(0, len(submission_files) - 1)]
if students is None:
return submission_file
elif students is not None and parse_author(submission_file) in students:
return submission_file
raise RuntimeError("Could not find a submission file")
def parse_author(submission_file: Path) -> str:
# Change this function if the file naming convention changes
# try:
return submission_file.stem.split("_")[0]
# except IndexError as e:
# raise ValueError(f"Could not parse author from {submission_file}") from e
def open_submission(submission_file: Path, viewer: Optional[str] = VIEWER) -> None:
if viewer is not None and isinstance(viewer, str) and Path(viewer).exists():
f"open -a {VIEWER} '{submission_file.as_posix()}'"
) # might not work in Windows
os.system(f"open '{submission_file.as_posix()}'") # might not work in Windows
def main() -> None:
args = parse_args()
if not
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{} is not a valid directory")
if not args.students.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{args.students} is not a valid file")
print_: Callable = do_not_print if args.quiet else print # type: ignore
print_(f"Reading students from file {args.students.resolve()}...")
students = read_students_file(args.students)
print_(f"Found {len(students)} student(s)")
f"Searching for submissions in directory {} with pattern {args.pattern}..."
submission_files = get_submission_files(, file_pattern=args.pattern, recursive=args.recursive
if not submission_files:
raise FileNotFoundError("No submission files found")
print_(f"Found {len(submission_files)} submission(s)")
while True:
submission_file = select_submission_file(submission_files, students)
print_(f"Select submission file {}")
submission_author = parse_author(submission_file)
print_(f"\nThe submission author is {submission_author.upper()}\n")
if not args.quiet:
inp = (
"Enter 'n' to select another submission, 'x' to cancel or ENTER to open: "
match inp:
case "n":
case "x":
case _:
print_(f"Opening {}...")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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