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Created March 11, 2021 13:29
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import Data.List
data Choose a = Choose [a]
deriving (Eq, Show)
choices (Choose xs) = xs
instance Functor Choose where
fmap f (Choose xs) = Choose $ map f xs
instance Applicative Choose where
pure x = Choose [x]
(Choose []) <*> _ = Choose []
(Choose fs) <*> (Choose xs) = case ys of [] -> Choose []; _ -> Choose $ head ys
where ys = sortOn length $ filter (not.null) [[f x | f <- fs] | x <- xs] -- [[f x | x <- xs] | f <- fs]
instance Monad Choose where
return x = Choose [x]
(Choose []) >>= f = Choose []
(Choose xs) >>= f = case ys of [] -> Choose []; _ -> Choose $ head ys
where ys = sortOn length $ filter (not.null) $ map (choices.f) xs
ciao = do
x <- Choose [5,3,4]
(Choose . flip replicate 0) x
main = do
print ciao
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