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Last active October 1, 2020 11:31
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package hohl.irc
<message> ::= [':' <prefix> <SPACE> ] <command> <params> <crlf>
<prefix> ::= <servername> | <nick> [ '!' <user> ] [ '@' <host> ]
<command> ::= <letter> { <letter> } | <number> <number> <number>
<SPACE> ::= ' ' { ' ' }
<params> ::= <SPACE> [ ':' <trailing> | <middle> <params> ]
<middle> ::= <Any *non-empty* sequence of octets not including SPACE or NUL or CR or LF, the first of which may not be ':'>
<trailing> ::= <Any, possibly *empty*, sequence of octets not including NUL or CR or LF>
<crlf> ::= CR LF
<target> ::= <to> [ "," <target> ]
<to> ::= <channel> | <user> '@' <servername> | <nick> | <mask>
<channel> ::= ('#' | '&') <chstring>
<servername> ::= <host>
<host> ::= see RFC 952 [DNS:4] for details on allowed hostnames
<nick> ::= <letter> { <letter> | <number> | <special> | '|' }
<mask> ::= ('#' | '$') <chstring>
<chstring> ::= <any 8bit code except SPACE, BELL, NUL, CR, LF and comma (',')>
<user> ::= <nonwhite> { <nonwhite> }
<letter> ::= 'a' ... 'z' | 'A' ... 'Z'
<number> ::= '0' ... '9'
<special> ::= '-' | '_' | '[' | ']' | '\' | '`' | '^' | '{' | '}'
<nonwhite> ::= <any 8bit code except SPACE (0x20), NUL (0x0), CR (0xd), and LF (0xa)>
NOTE: In addition to RFC1459 or RFC2813 the '|' is accepted by the parser in nicks since it seems to be in common use.
import hohl.irc.Tokens._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
* Regex based parser used by [[hohl.irc.Client]] to parse incoming IRC messages.
object Parser extends RegexParsers {
lazy val message: Parser[IrcMessage] =
opt(":" ~> prefix <~ space) ~ command ~ params ^^ {
case (prefix ~ command) ~ params => IrcMessage(prefix, command, params)
lazy val prefix: Parser[Prefix] =
(host | nick) ~ opt('!' ~> user) ~ opt('@' ~> host) ^^ {
case t ~ u ~ s => Prefix(t, u, s)
lazy val command: Parser[Command] =
("""[0-9]{3}""".r | word) ^^ Command
lazy val space = rep(' ')
lazy val params =
space ~> opt(repsep(middle, ' ') ~ (space ~> opt(':' ~> trailing))) ^^ {
case Some(result) =>
result match {
case ps ~ None => ps
case ps ~ Some(tr) => ps :+ tr
case None =>
lazy val middle = not(':') ~> """[^\s\r\n]+""".r
lazy val trailing = """[^\r\n]*""".r
lazy val crlf = """\r\n""".r
lazy val channel = """[#!&\+].+""".r
// have to specifically specify what a host is not because the parser is NOT
// backtracking. Thus will comsume up to the character that is an invalid
// host char (like _) and then fail.
lazy val host = """[a-zA-Z0-9.:\-^_\-\[\]\\/`]+""".r
lazy val nick = """[\p{L}0-9\-_\[\]\\`^\{\}\|]+""".r
lazy val user = """[^(\s|@)]+""".r
lazy val mask: Parser[UserMask] = """[#|$].+""".r ^^ UserMask
lazy val letter = """[a-zA-Z]""".r
lazy val startsWithColon = """:.+""".r
lazy val word = """[a-zA-Z]*""".r
lazy val number = """[0-9]""".r
lazy val special = """[-_\[\]\\`^\{\}]""".r
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