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Created March 19, 2019 05:26
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Trivial compression of DNA in Scala
import scala.collection.BitSet
import scala.collection.mutable
case class CompressedGene(nucleotideCount: Int, bits: BitSet) {
override def toString(): String = CompressedGene.decompress(this)
object CompressedGene {
def apply(gene: String): CompressedGene = {
val bitSet = new mutable.BitSet
for (i <- 0 until gene.size) {
val nucleotide = gene(i).toUpper
val a = i * 2
val b = a + 1
nucleotide match {
case 'A' => // Do nothing // 0b00
case 'C' => bitSet.add(b) // 0b01
case 'G' => bitSet.add(a) // 0b10
case 'T' => // 0b11
case s: Char =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalide Nucleotide: $s")
CompressedGene(gene.size, bitSet)
def decompress(compressedGene: CompressedGene): String = {
val gene: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
for (i <- 0 until compressedGene.nucleotideCount) {
val a = i * 2
val b = a + 1
val (b0, b1) = (compressedGene.bits(a), compressedGene.bits(b))
val nucleotide = if (!b0 && !b1) "A"
else if (!b0 && b1) "C"
else if (b0 && !b1) "G"
else "T"
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gryphis commented Oct 21, 2019

Thanks for this cute application, I read it at
May I handover an alternative proposal for the Scala text?
It's still really close to your Python code but much more the way of Scala.

It's running with Ammonite ( or Scala as a script:

$ amm --help | head -n1
Ammonite REPL & Script-Runner, 1.7.4
$ amm ComprGene.scala 
Compiling /home/IGEL/kahnt/Scala/ComprGene.scala
size orig=40000, Bit2ByteCount=5000, orig==expd?:true
$ scala --version
Scala code runner version 2.13.0 -- Copyright 2002-2019, LAMP/EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
$ scala ComprGene.scala 
size orig=40000, Bit2ByteCount=5000, orig==expd?:true


import scala.collection.mutable.BitSet

case class CompressedGene(nucleotideCount: Int, bits: BitSet) {
  def decompress: String = {
    val gene = for (i <- 0 until this.nucleotideCount; bitpos <- Some(i*2)) yield {
      (this.bits(bitpos+1), this.bits(bitpos)) match {
        case (false,false) => "A"
        case (false, true) => "C"
        case ( true,false) => "G"
        case ( true, true) => "T"
  override def toString(): String = this.decompress

object CompressedGene {
  def apply(gene: String): CompressedGene = {
    var bitSet = new BitSet
    for ((nucleotide, i) <- gene.zipWithIndex; bitpos <- Some(i*2)) {
      nucleotide.toUpper match {
        case 'A' => // Do nothing                  // 0b00
        case 'C' => bitSet +=               bitpos // 0b01
        case 'G' => bitSet += (bitpos+1)           // 0b10
        case 'T' => bitSet += (bitpos+1) += bitpos // 0b11
        case unknown: Char =>
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid Nucleotide: $unknown")
    CompressedGene(gene.size, bitSet)

val orig = scala.util.Random.shuffle("ACGT"*10000).toString
val cmpr = CompressedGene(orig)
val expd = cmpr.toString
println(s"size orig=${orig.size}, Bit2ByteCount=${(orig.size+7)/8}, orig==expd?:${(orig == expd)}")
println(orig.slice(0,50)+{if (orig.size > 50) "..."; else ""})
if (orig != expd) {

Cheers, gryphis

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gryphis commented Oct 21, 2019

Here the Python code for the same output like Scala:

import random
acgt = "ACGT"*10000
orig = ''.join(random.sample(list(acgt),len(acgt)))
cmpr = CompressedGene(orig)
expd = cmpr.decompress()
print("size orig={}, Bit2ByteCount={}, orig==expd?:{}".format(len(orig), int((len(orig)+7)/8), (orig == expd)))
print(orig[0:50]+("..." if len(orig) > 50 else ""))
if (orig != expd):

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gryphis commented Oct 22, 2019

Ups, a 'typo' in both: (len(orig)+7)/8 ==> (len(orig)+3)/4

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@gryphis Thanks for sharing your version!

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