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Last active January 29, 2019 21:14
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BsDoc compiler warnings
Warning number 33
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 2:1-17
1 │ open Node.Fs;
2 │ open Node.Process;
3 │ open Logger;
4 │
unused open Node.Process.
Warning number 27
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 41:3-5
39 │ |j},
40 │ )
41 │ | x =>
42 │ let cmti_count = cmtis |> List.length;
43 │ debug({j|Found $cmti_count .cmti files in $lib_dir: |j});
unused variable x.
Warning number 27
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 54:3-5
52 ┆ switch (mlds) {
53 ┆ | [] => debug({j|Could not find any .mld files in $lib_dir 🙀|j})
54 ┆ | x =>
55 ┆ let mld_count = mlds |> List.length;
56 ┆ debug({j|Found $mld_count .mld files in $lib_dir|j});
unused variable x.
[6/10] Building src/VersionChecks.cmj
Warning number 44
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 2:1-15
1 │ open OS;
2 │ open Js.Console;
3 │
4 │ let opam = "opam";
this open statement shadows the value identifier log (which is later used)
[7/10] Building src/Odoc.cmj
Warning number 33
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 1:1-11
1 │ open Common;
2 │ open OS;
3 │ open Logger;
unused open Common.
[8/10] Building src/BsDoc.cmj
Warning number 33
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 1:1-11
1 │ open Common;
2 │ open OS;
3 │ open Operators.Option;
unused open Common.
Warning number 33
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 3:1-21
1 │ open Common;
2 │ open OS;
3 │ open Operators.Option;
4 │ open Logger;
5 │
unused open Operators.Option.
Warning number 27
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 6:22-26
4 │ open Logger;
5 │
6 │ let support_files = (flags, out_dir) => {
7 │ info({j|Copying support files (CSS, JS) into $out_dir|j});
8 │
unused variable flags.
Warning number 27
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 16:14-18
14 │ };
15 │
16 │ let build = (flags, out_dir, pkg_name, src_dir, lib_dir) => {
17 │ let package = BuckleScript.package(pkg_name, src_dir, lib_dir);
18 │
unused variable flags.
Warning number 26
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 38:7-11
36 │ info({j|Generating .html files...|j});
37 │ let odocs = cmti_odocs @ mld_odocs;
38 │ let htmls =, out_dir), odocs);
39 │ info({j|Done ✅|j});
40 │ };
unused variable htmls.
[9/10] Building src/Cli.cmj
Warning number 44
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 24:7-56
22 ┆ let debug = {
23 ┆ let doc = "Give only debug output.";
24 ┆ Arg.(value & flag & info(["debug"], ~docs, ~doc));
25 ┆ };
26 ┆
this open statement shadows the value identifier & (which is later used)
Warning number 44
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 32:7-57
30 ┆ let doc = "Give verbose output.";
31 ┆ let verbose = (Verbose,["v", "verbose"], ~docs, ~doc));
32 ┆ Arg.(last & vflag_all([Normal], [quiet, verbose]));
33 ┆ };
34 ┆
this open statement shadows the value identifier & (which is later used)
Warning number 44
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 43:7-47:8
41 ┆ let out_dir = {
42 ┆ let doc = "Output directory of the generated documentation";
43 ┆ Arg.(
44 ┆ value
45 ┆ & opt(file, "./docs")
46 ┆ & info(["o", "output-dir"], ~docv="DIR", ~doc)
47 ┆ );
48 ┆ };
49 ┆
this open statement shadows the value identifier & (which is later used)
Warning number 44
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 80:7-84:8
78 ┆ let pkg_name = {
79 ┆ let doc = "The name of your package (e.g., BsDoc)";
80 ┆ Arg.(
81 ┆ required
82 ┆ & pos(~rev=true, 0, some(string), None)
83 ┆ & info([], ~docv="NAME", ~doc)
84 ┆ );
85 ┆ };
86 ┆
this open statement shadows the value identifier & (which is later used)
Warning number 44
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 89:7-93:8
87 ┆ let lib_dir = {
88 ┆ let doc = "Compilation directory where your .cmt/.cmti files live";
89 ┆ Arg.(
90 ┆ value
91 ┆ & opt(file, "./lib/bs/src")
92 ┆ & info(["l", "lib-dir"], ~docv="DIR", ~doc)
93 ┆ );
94 ┆ };
95 ┆
this open statement shadows the value identifier & (which is later used)
Warning number 44
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 98:7-102:8
96 ┆ let src_dir = {
97 ┆ let doc = "Source directory where your .mld files live";
98 ┆ Arg.(
99 ┆ value
100 ┆ & opt(file, "./src")
101 ┆ & info(["s", "source-dir"], ~docv="DIR", ~doc)
102 ┆ );
103 ┆ };
104 ┆
this open statement shadows the value identifier & (which is later used)
Warning number 44
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 107:7-111:8
105 ┆ let out_dir = {
106 ┆ let doc = "Output directory of the generated documentation";
107 ┆ Arg.(
108 ┆ value
109 ┆ & opt(file, "./docs")
110 ┆ & info(["o", "output-dir"], ~docv="DIR", ~doc)
111 ┆ );
112 ┆ };
113 ┆
this open statement shadows the value identifier & (which is later used)
Warning number 21
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 154:3-24
152 │ let run = () => {
153 │ %raw
154 │ "process.argv.shift()";
155 │ Term.(exit @@ eval_choice(default_cmd, cmds));
156 │ };
this statement never returns (or has an unsound type.)
Warning number 44
/home/hoichi/dev/bsdoc/src/ 155:3-48
153 │ %raw
154 │ "process.argv.shift()";
155 │ Term.(exit @@ eval_choice(default_cmd, cmds));
156 │ };
this open statement shadows the value identifier exit (which is later used)
[10/10] Building src/Main.cmj
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