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Last active June 25, 2020 10:06
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def get_normalmodes_orca (hessfile):
"""This script reads a .hess file from an ORCA frequency calculation and generates
a molden-readable file containing the normal modes"""
# AndersB ORCA Forum
# get the jobname (without extension). Assumes only one "." is used in the
# filename
jobname = hessfile.split(".")[0]
with open(hessfile, "r") as infile:
inlines = infile.readlines()
# Initialize some variables
no_of_freq = None
freqs = []
modes = []
geom = []
# Extract the number of frequencies and all frequencies
for i,line in enumerate(inlines):
# Now get the number of frequencies
if line.startswith("$vibrational_frequencies"):
no_of_freq = int(inlines[i+1])
for j in range(no_of_freq):
# Now get all normal modes
if line.startswith("$normal_modes"):
# index where the normal mode data starts
start = i+3
# the number of columns containing normal modes
cols = len(inlines[start].split()) - 1
# the number of times the columns are repeated
rows = int(float(no_of_freq)/float(cols)) + 1
# the number of columns in the last "line" of normal mode data
rest = no_of_freq - (cols * (rows - 1))
# minus 1 to not include the "rest" row
for r in range(rows-1):
# define each line where the data starts
# i: start of normal mode section, 3: to get to where the data
# starts, r*(nfreq+1): move down in r multiples of nfreq (must add
# one due to the extra label line inbetween each normal mode)
start = i + 3 + r*(no_of_freq+1)
for c in range(cols):
for f in range(no_of_freq):
# Now pick up the "rest" normal mode
# move down to the last "line" of normal mode data
start = i + 3 + (rows-1)*(no_of_freq+1)
for r in range(rest):
for f in range(no_of_freq):
modes.append(float(inlines[start + f].split()[r+1]))
# Now split the normal mode data into their x, y, and z components, as
# this will make it easier to write to file
mode_x = modes[::3]
mode_y = modes[1::3]
mode_z = modes[2::3]
# Now get the geometry
if line.startswith("$atoms"):
no_atoms = int(inlines[i+1])
start = i+2
for atom in range(no_atoms):
for k in range(5):
# we do not want the "mass" column in the table, so we exclude
# index 1 from the loop
if k != 1:
# Now format geom into something which is easier to write (list of lists)
coord = [[] for i in range(no_atoms)]
for i in range(no_atoms):
coord[i] = geom[i*4:i*4+4]
# Define the output name as jobname_normalmodes.molden
output=jobname + "_normalmodes.molden"
# Now we write all of our data to file
with open(output, "w") as o:
o.write("[MOLDEN FORMAT]\n")
for f in freqs:
o.write(str(f) + "\n")
o.write(str(no_atoms) + "\n")
for c in coord:
o.write("\t".join(c) + "\n")
for m in range(len(modes)):
if float(m) % no_of_freq == 0:
o.write("vibration {}\n".format(str(m/no_of_freq + 1)))
if float(m) % 3 == 0:
o.write("".join(str(mode_x[m/3]) + " " + str(mode_y[m/3]) + " " + str(mode_z[m/3])) + "\n")
print("Normal modes written to \t {}_normalmodes.molden".format(jobname))
return None
import sys
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