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Last active September 5, 2020 05:00
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Mod 2 Week 3 Career Journal
Assess your habits from week 2: how did you spend your time this past week? What was effective in your habits? What could be more effective? What steps will you take to make that happen?
Unfortunately most of my time last week was taken up by project time. I would have liked to have done more divide & conquer as I feel this is a faster/better way to learn, and is more akin to real world prgramming. I suppose something I would like to work on for the future is speaking up about this sooner in my DTRs.
Reflect on how you’ve spent your time so far at Turing to gauge your engagement and energy:
When have you been excited, focused, and enjoyed your work? When have you felt bored, restless, or unhappy? When do you feel energized in your work? When is your energy drained?
Honestly, lately I have really enjoyed having a few (too many) drinks and coding. It puts me in the mood, and I can code for hours, while having a blast until 3-4 in the morning. I want to be able to have this enjoyment without needing a drink. I've currently been sober for 6 days. My programming ability (not in cluding my spelling) hasn't really improved, but I also don't feel quite as "into it" as before. I guess this is something I can work on as well.
Setting up habits and routines to make time for the job search this module:
Block out time on your calendar this week to work on your job search. When will you make this happen? How will you hold yourself accountable to this? What activities will you focus on during this time this week? What outcomes do you hope to reach by the end of this week because of these activities?
I think I will be doing job search on Sunday, as we were required to "take a day off" for this current project, and that seems like an easy "day off" activity. I will go ahead and put it in my calendar now.
For this time I would like to focus on job research, and tuning in on exactly what kinds of jobs I would like/where I would like to work.
I would like to have 2-3 jobs researched, with my story tailored to each, and "ready" to apply to them.
Applying wayfinding to using job search resources
Go through the resources listed here and explore 2-3 tools. List what you looked at here:
* builtin => remote work => remote jobs in colorado
* careerbliss => top rated "bliss" companies => pfizer, cisco, ge, apple
Apply wayfinding: of what you looked at, what did you discover that aligns with your vision? If it didn’t align with your vision, what will you try next? Decide what tools to bookmark to explore later.
From careerbliss I found quite a few companies that match the enviroment that I would like to work in, however not a lot of these match the values I align with. I am struggling to find companies that focus on conservation. Maybe I'lll try googling or some of these other resources when I get the chance. I know I had found a couple during week 1, so I will be going back to my career journal to find and research them.
Find a job posting that aligns with your vision. What’s the posting? How does it align with what you’re looking for? Add it to your Huntr.
For this question, I decided to roll back some of my key values to broaden my search. I came up with a posting for NerdWallet, for a position titled Software Development in Test. From what I can tell, this would be a job I might be able to apply for once I am closer to finishing Turing, as opposed to many of the other "Senior Dev" jobs I have seen listed about. I then added this to my Huntr.
What next steps will you take to explore that opportunity and find contacts? Add that information to your Huntr card.
I think I would like to work on my networking more. I am currently in a leader position for the repeater community. I think growing with this position I will be able to meet with some cool people who have experienced some of the same things I have, and who can help lead me in a direction I would like to go.
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