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Created March 19, 2016 17:56
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public class LinkedListNode<T: Comparable> {
var value: T
var next: LinkedListNode?
var previous: LinkedListNode?
public init(value: T) {
self.value = value
public class BoundedPriorityQueue<T: Comparable> {
private typealias Node = LinkedListNode<T>
private(set) public var count = 0
private var head: Node?
private var tail: Node?
private var maxElements: Int
public init(maxElements: Int) {
self.maxElements = maxElements
public var isEmpty: Bool {
return count == 0
public func peek() -> T? {
return head?.value
public func enqueue(value: T) {
if let node = insert(value, after: findInsertionPoint(value)) {
// If the newly inserted node is the last one in the list, then update
// the tail pointer.
if == nil {
tail = node
// If the queue is full, then remove an element from the back.
count += 1
if count > maxElements {
private func insert(value: T, after: Node?) -> Node? {
if let previous = after {
// If the queue is full and we have to insert at the end of the list,
// then there's no reason to insert the new value.
if count == maxElements && == nil {
print("Queue is full and priority of new object is too small")
return nil
// Put the new node in between previous and (if exists).
let node = Node(value: value) = = node = node
node.previous = previous
return node
} else if let first = head {
// Have to insert at the head, so shift the existing head up once place.
head = Node(value: value)
head!.next = first
first.previous = head
return head
} else {
// This is the very first item in the queue.
head = Node(value: value)
return head
/* Find the node after which to insert the new value. If this returns nil,
the new value should be inserted at the head of the list. */
private func findInsertionPoint(value: T) -> Node? {
var node = head
var prev: Node? = nil
while let current = node where value < current.value {
prev = node
node =
return prev
private func removeLeastImportantElement() {
if let last = tail {
tail = last.previous
tail?.next = nil
count -= 1
// Note: Instead of using a tail pointer, we could just scan from the new
// node until the end. Then nodes also don't need a previous pointer. But
// this is much slower on large lists.
public func dequeue() -> T? {
if let first = head {
count -= 1
if count == 0 {
head = nil
tail = nil
} else {
head =
head!.previous = nil
return first.value
} else {
return nil
extension LinkedListNode: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
return "\(value)"
extension BoundedPriorityQueue: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
var s = "<"
var node = head
while let current = node {
s += "\(current), "
node =
return s + ">"
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