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Last active December 27, 2018 04:50
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Boyer-Moore string search algorithm in Swift 2.0
Boyer-Moore string search
This code is based on the article "Faster String Searches" by Costas Menico
from Dr Dobb's magazine, July 1989. (Yes, 1989!)
extension String {
func indexOf(pattern: String) -> String.Index? {
// Cache the length of the search pattern because we're going to
// use it a few times and it's expensive to calculate.
let patternLength = pattern.characters.count
assert(patternLength > 0)
assert(patternLength <= self.characters.count)
// Make the skip table. This table determines how far we skip ahead
// when a character from the pattern is found.
var skipTable = [Character: Int]()
for (i, c) in pattern.characters.enumerate() {
skipTable[c] = patternLength - i - 1
// This points at the last character in the pattern.
let p = pattern.endIndex.predecessor()
let lastChar = pattern[p]
// The pattern is scanned right-to-left, so skip ahead in the string by
// the length of the pattern. (Minus 1 because startIndex already points
// at the first character in the source string.)
var i = self.startIndex.advancedBy(patternLength - 1)
// Steps backwards through both strings until we find a character that
// doesn’t match, or until we’ve reached the beginning of the pattern.
func backwards() -> String.Index? {
var q = p
var j = i
while q > pattern.startIndex {
j = j.predecessor()
q = q.predecessor()
if self[j] != pattern[q] { return nil }
return j
// The main loop. Keep going until the end of the string is reached.
while i < self.endIndex {
let c = self[i]
// Does the current character match the last character from the pattern?
if c == lastChar {
// There is a possible match. Do a brute-force search backwards.
if let k = backwards() { return k }
// If no match, we can only safely skip one character ahead.
i = i.successor()
} else {
// The characters are not equal, so skip ahead. The amount to skip is
// determined by the skip table. If the character is not present in the
// pattern, we can skip ahead by the full pattern length. However, if
// the character *is* present in the pattern, there may be a match up
// ahead and we can't skip as far.
i = i.advancedBy(skipTable[c] ?? patternLength)
return nil
/* Brute force string search -- not very efficient! */
extension String {
func indexOf(pattern: String) -> String.Index? {
for i in self.startIndex ..< self.endIndex {
var j = i
var found = true
for p in pattern.startIndex ..< pattern.endIndex {
if j == self.endIndex || self[j] != pattern[p] {
found = false
} else {
j = j.successor()
if found {
return i
return nil
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mikezs commented Nov 23, 2015

Does this only implement the Bad Character Rule and not the Good Suffix?

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