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Last active July 16, 2017 16:08
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Launch MWO and automatically skip the start screens, enter the password and login
; mwo-auto-launch
; Version 0.2
; by Markus "Tailgunner" Holzer
; This script launches the Mechwarrior Online Client
; and eliminates the tedious need to enter your password every time
; to play.
; To make it work you will need to edit this script and change some values so it works on your system.
; This script must be run as administrator because the program it has to control "remotely"
; needs administrator priviliges itself.
; See you on the battlefield Mechwarrior
; This is the password the script uses to login to the MWO-Servers
; change after the =
MWOPassword = Y0urPassword
; This is the directory where the MWOClient.exe is located
; Change the value after the = if your its location is different on your machine
MWODirectory = C:\Program Files\MechWarrior Online\Bin32
; The time the script waits before it presses Esc the first time
MWOStartupTime = 13000
; The time the script waits before it presses Esc again
MWOScreenTime = 2000
; Number of time the script presses Esc before attempting to enter the password
MWOScreenLoops = 3
; Screen coordinates of the "Play" button
MWOPlayButtonXCoord = 780
MWOPlayButtonYCoord = 550
; Check for administrator priviliges
if not A_IsAdmin
MsgBox, 48, MWO Auto Launch - Error, This script must be run as administrator.
ExitApp, -1
; Start The MWO Client
global MWODirectory
; Indicate Error when the Client is not found
ifExist, %MWODirectory%\MWOClient.exe
Run, MWOClient.exe, %MWODirectory%
; Wait for the Client to launch
WinWait, MechWarrior Online,, 20
if ErrorLevel
return 0
return 1
return 0
; Function to skip the start screens and enter the password
global MWOPassword
global MWOScreenLoops
global MWOStartupTime
global MWOScreenTime
global MWOPlayButtonXCoord
global MWOPlayButtonYCoord
Sleep, %MWOStartupTime%
; Press Space a few times to skip the loading screen
Loop %MWOScreenLoops% {
Sleep, %MWOScreenTime%
SendInput {Esc}
; Type the password
Sleep, %MWOScreenTime%
SendInput %MWOPassword%
; Click login
Click %MWOPlayButtonXCoord%, %MWOPlayButtonYCoord%
if ( StartMWO() )
MsgBox, 48, MWO Auto Launch - Error, Could not start or find the client. Make sure the MWO directory is set correctly.
ExitApp, -2
; Exit indicating success
Exit, 0
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