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Created May 4, 2021 21:09
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Perl Weekly Challenge 111.2 - Binary Matrix Search with comments #Raku #Rakulang
use Test;
my @M =
[ 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 ],
[ 9, 11, 15, 19, 20 ],
[ 23, 24, 25, 29, 31 ],
[ 32, 33, 39, 40, 42 ],
[ 45, 47, 48, 49, 50 ];
# A multi sub implementing a binary search. multi subs are a mechanism
# for having multiple subroutines with the same name, but different
# signatures. The dispatcher decides at runtime and chose the best fit
# for any given set of arguments.
# The first candidate is doing the work
# The second candidate is for catching the error cases
multi bsearch
# The input array to be searched
# Gets passed a value to be compared to the sought value,
# it is expected to return Less, Same or More (or -1, 0, 1)
# The start index for the binary search, defaults to 0, must be 0 or greater
$frm where $frm >= 0 = 0,
# The end index for the binary search, defaults to the number
# of elements of the input array, must be smaller
$end where $frm <= $end = @val.end
# calculate the middle and store it in $mid
# look up the $mid-th element and see how it compares
# by passing it into the comparator
given @val[ my $mid = ( $frm + $end ) div 2 ].&cmp
# return the index when we have a hit,
when Same { $mid }
# otherwise search the remaining halfs, depending
# on the comparison
when Less { bsearch( @val, &cmp, $mid.succ, $end ) }
default { bsearch( @val, &cmp, $frm, $mid.pred ) }
# If you know the "normal" algorithm you might miss
# the edge case logic and boundary checks that are
# ususally here. Not needed. If for example $frm gets
# bigger than $end, then the candidate does not
# fit anymore and our catchall error multi below gets
# called
multi bsearch(|) { -1 }
# Implementing the binary matrix search
sub msearch( $val, @m )
# These create closures over $val which expects a value to compare to $val
# as first argument when called
# The first one is to search for the x-coordinate
# We have a hit when $value is in between the first and the last element
# Otherwise we return the result of the comparison of the last element to our value
my &x = { .head <= $val <= .tail ?? Same !! .head cmp $val };
# This one just looks for equality and is used to find our y coordinate
my &y = { .item cmp $val };
# The inner bsearch searches for x using the closure above,
# uses x to look up the inner array, and bsearch that for y.
# if y is greater than -1, we have hit an return True
# otherwise we return False
bsearch( @m[ bsearch( @m, &x ) ], &y ) > -1;
# Note, here too we don't have any if then logic.
# in conservative code you would first look for x, see if that is
# bigger than -1 and only then try continue the search
# Again the multi comes into play.
# Raku is lazy and even so lazy that it only throws exceptions if
# you force it to, eg by looking at a result.
# Here, if the inner bsearch returns -1, because it does not find anything,
# the code will try to look up the -1th index, which is an error, and that will create
# a Failure. The outer call to bsearch will then have that Failure as first
# argument, which does not fit the workhorse candidate and so everything works
# out beautifully.
# If we add an additional candidate like
# multi bsearch( Failure, Block ) { say "Here is why I fail"; -1 }
# we can see that flow happening.
.Int.say for map *.&msearch( @M ), 0, 35, 39, 150;
ok 1 == bsearch( @M, { .head <= 15 <= .tail ?? Same !! .head cmp 15 } );
ok 2 == bsearch( @M[1], { $^v cmp 15 } );
ok 2 == bsearch( @M, { .head <= 29 <= .tail ?? Same !! .head cmp 29 } );
ok 3 == bsearch( @M[2], { $^v cmp 29 } );
ok -1 == bsearch( @M[2], { $^v cmp 29 }, -1);
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