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Created February 22, 2020 15:03
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benchmark mistery
# The most common approach, and probably the simplest solution to this challenge
# is to create an array of men, and then keep taking two from the front and putting the first of
# them to the back of the array until it has only one member left.
# A concise version of this looks like
sub take-two-push-one
given my @men = 1..50 { .push( .splice(0,2).first ) while .elems > 1 };
# This is a straightforward and easy to understand solution. But is it the fastest?
# Let's look at some other possibilities.
# The following two solutions look at the number of men in each round
# of killing and then use rotor(2) to split them up into killer / victim tuples,
# from which only the survivors will be shoved into the next round.
# The first one uses recursion, while the second one does the work iteratively.
# Apart from that it's basically the same code in both cases. It should perform similarly.
# If anything the recursive version should be slower since it has the additional overhead of
# multiple subroutine calls. Or so one would think.
multi sub recursive-rotor
recursive-rotor( 1..50 );
multi sub recursive-rotor( @men )
given @men
return .first if .elems == 1;
if .elems %% 2
# When the number of men is even, we know the last man will die and
# we can start the next round at the beginning.
recursive-rotor( .rotor(2).map: *.first );
} else
# When the number of men is odd, the last man will have killed the
# former first man, so we need to skip over the poor fellow.
recursive-rotor( .rotor(2, :partial) *.first );
sub rotor
my @men = 1..50;
while @men.elems > 1
if @men.elems %% 2
@men = @men.rotor(2).map: *.first;
} else {
@men = @men.rotor(2, :partial) *.first;
# O-------------------O--------O-----------------O-------O-------------------O
# | | Rate | recursive-rotor | rotor | take-two-push-one |
# O===================O========O=================O=======O===================O
# | recursive-rotor | 3968/s | -- | -9% | -22% |
# | rotor | 3661/s | 10% | -- | -14% |
# | take-two-push-one | 3198/s | 28% | 16% | -- |
# O-------------------O--------O-----------------O-------O-------------------O
# So in reality the recursive version is faster than the iterative. Why is that?
# I assume it because the iterative version has to operate on Arrays, since it
# has to assign to @men. The recursive function however can operate solely on Lists.
# Both variants are faster than the naive approach. But one fifth speedup is not
# a huge win. Surely there is room for improvement.
# In an attempt to do less work the following solution does not keep and transform
# a list of numbers that represent each man. Instead it keeps a list of dead and
# alive states, manipulating them. Since the array does not get transformed it can
# use the index of the array to identify the survivor.
sub c-style
my @men = True xx 50;
my $killed = 0;
my $skip = False;
my $to-kill = 1;
if @men[$to-kill]
if ( $skip )
return $to-kill + 1
if $killed == 49;
$skip = False;
@men[$to-kill] = False;
$skip = True;
$to-kill = $to-kill > 49 ?? 0 !! $to-kill + 1;
#How does this compare?
# O-------------------O--------O---------O-----------------O-------------------O
# | | Rate | c-style | recursive-rotor | take-two-push-one |
# O===================O========O=========O=================O===================O
# | c-style | 3794/s | -- | 5% | -23% |
# | recursive-rotor | 3976/s | -5% | -- | -27% |
# | take-two-push-one | 2983/s | 31% | 38% | -- |
# O-------------------O--------O---------O-----------------O-------------------O
# This too is faster than the original, in about the same ballpark as the recursive rotor
# variant. Again, not great. It's also quite ugly code.
# The problem naturally lends itself to be expressed in terms of a circular linked list,
# a data structure most young people don't learn about in school anymore.
# In the following solution, I'm using Rakus ability to ad hoc mixin roles to first create a circular linked list of
# Integers, then I start cutting out (or killing) every second man from the list, starting at the first man.
# While the raw killing part here is very efficient (linear complexity),
# the ad-hoc mixing in of the Linked role will cost.
role Linked { has $.next is rw; }
sub linked-list
my $first = my $killer = 1 but Linked;
for 2..50
my $man = $_ but Linked;
$ = $man;
$killer = $man;
$ = $first;
$killer = $first;
while $killer != $ {
$killer = $ = $;
# O-------------------O--------O-------------O-----------------O-------------------O
# | | Rate | linked-list | recursive-rotor | take-two-push-one |
# O===================O========O=============O=================O===================O
# | linked-list | 1056/s | -- | 349% | 230% |
# | recursive-rotor | 4077/s | -78% | -- | -27% |
# | take-two-push-one | 3145/s | -70% | 36% | -- |
# O-------------------O--------O-------------O-----------------O-------------------O
# Bummer. 3 to 4 times slower. That's bad. Apparenly ad-hoc roles are really costly.
# What happens when a class is used instead?
class LinkedInt is Int does Linked { };
sub linked-list-class
my $first =;
my $killer = $first;
for 2..50
my $man =$_);
$ = $man;
$killer = $man;
$ = $first;
$killer = $first;
while $killer != $ {
$killer = $ = $;
use Bench; 5000, { :&take-two-push-one, :&recursive-rotor, :&linked-list } ); 5000, { :&take-two-push-one, :&recursive-rotor, :&linked-list-class } ); 5000, { :&take-two-push-one, :&linked-list-class } ); 5000, { :&take-two-push-one, :&recursive-rotor, :&rotor } ); 5000, { :&take-two-push-one, :&recursive-rotor, :&c-style } ); 5000, { :&take-two-push-one, :&rotor, } ); 5000, { :&take-two-push-one, :& } ); 5000, { :&take-two-push-one, :&linked-list, :&linked-list-class, :&recursive-rotor, :&c-style, :&rotor, } );
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