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Created March 20, 2016 20:22
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v4.1 + fix Eloy generated user code
# List of X10_Item objects
use vars qw($backyard_light $bedroom_light1 $bedroom_light2 $garage_light $test_light1 $test_light2);
# List of X10_Appliance objects
use vars qw($fountain);
# List of Voice_Cmd objects
use vars qw($my_test1 $organizer_check $restart_tts $test_speak_mode $test_speech_flags $test_volume $v_clear_cache $v_debug $v_debug_toggle $v_fountain $v_garage_light $v_get_ical_data $v_http_control $v_list_debug_options $v_list_serial_items $v_list_voice_cmds $v_list_x10_items $v_listen $v_mhdl_page $v_mode $v_mode_toggle $v_read_tables $v_reboot $v_reboot_abort $v_reload_code $v_reload_code2 $v_repeat_last_spoken $v_restart_mh $v_set_password $v_show_debug $v_speed_benchmark $v_test_light2 $v_test_lights $v_undo_last_change $v_update_docs $v_uptime $v_version $v_voice_cmds_help $v_what_speed);
# List of Timer objects
use vars qw($mh_speakers_timer $timer_speed_check $x10_backlog_timer);
# List of Socket_Item objects
use vars qw($http_monitor $mhsend_server);
# List of Serial_Item objects
use vars qw($motion $motion_unit $test_button);
# List of Process_Item objects
use vars qw($p_ical2vsdb $p_mhdl_date_page $p_mhdl_page $p_update_docs);
# List of Organizer_Events objects
use vars qw($organizer_events $organizer_holidays $organizer_vacation);
# List of Group objects
use vars qw($All_Lights $Appliances $Backyard $BedRoom $Garage $LivingRoom $Motion $Property);
# List of Generic_Item objects
use vars qw($Power_Supply $eliza_card $eliza_data $eliza_rule $eliza_voice $eliza_wavcomp $mh_speakers $mh_volume $mode_mh $mode_occupied $mode_security $mode_sleeping $run_command $search_code_string $search_command_string);
# List of File_Item objects
use vars qw($_organizer_cal $_organizer_todo $f_eliza_deep_thoughts);
$Garage = new Group;
$Garage -> set_fp_location(0,0,20,20);
$Property = new Group;
$Property -> add($Garage);
$LivingRoom = new Group;
$LivingRoom -> set_fp_location(20,0,20,20);
$Property -> add($LivingRoom);
$BedRoom = new Group;
$BedRoom -> set_fp_location(40,0,15,20);
$Property -> add($BedRoom);
$Backyard = new Group;
$Backyard -> set_fp_location(0,20,55,10);
$Property -> add($Backyard);
$garage_light = new X10_Item('A1', );
$All_Lights = new Group;
$All_Lights -> add($garage_light);
$garage_light -> set_fp_location(10,10,1,1);
$Garage -> add($garage_light);
$test_light1 = new X10_Item('B1', );
$All_Lights -> add($test_light1);
$test_light1 -> set_fp_location(5,15,1,1);
$LivingRoom -> add($test_light1);
$test_light2 = new X10_Item('B2', );
$All_Lights -> add($test_light2);
$test_light2 -> set_fp_location(15,5,1,1);
$LivingRoom -> add($test_light2);
$bedroom_light1 = new X10_Item('C1', );
$All_Lights -> add($bedroom_light1);
$bedroom_light1 -> set_fp_location(5,15,1,1);
$BedRoom -> add($bedroom_light1);
$bedroom_light2 = new X10_Item('C1', );
$All_Lights -> add($bedroom_light2);
$bedroom_light2 -> set_fp_location(10,10,1,1);
$BedRoom -> add($bedroom_light2);
$fountain = new X10_Appliance('D1', );
$Appliances = new Group;
$Appliances -> add($fountain);
$fountain -> set_fp_location(30,2,1,1);
$Backyard -> add($fountain);
$backyard_light = new X10_Item('D2', );
$All_Lights -> add($backyard_light);
$backyard_light -> set_fp_location(55,5,1,1);
$Backyard -> add($backyard_light);
my $v_garage_light_state;
$v_garage_light = new Voice_Cmd("Garage light [ON,OFF,BRIGHT,DIM]");
my $v_fountain_state;
$v_fountain = new Voice_Cmd("Fountain [ON,OFF]");
$motion = new Serial_Item('XPJ', 'on');
$Motion = new Group;
$Motion -> add($motion);
$motion -> add ('XPK', 'off');
$motion_unit = new Serial_Item('XP6', 'computer room');
$Motion -> add($motion_unit);
$motion_unit -> add ('XP7', 'BedRoom');
$motion_unit -> add ('XP8', 'BedRoom dark');
$v_what_speed = new Voice_Cmd 'What is your [max,normal] speed';
'Runs mh at max speed for a few seconds, then reports Passes Per Second');
$timer_speed_check = new Timer;
my $speed_benchmark_count = 0;
$v_speed_benchmark =
new Voice_Cmd '[Start a by name,Start a by speed,Stop the] speed benchmark';
'This will suspend normal mh while it benchmarks each code member individually. It can take few minutes.'
my $bsc_x10_device;
my $bsc_abstract_device;
my $bsc_presence_device;
my $bsc_info_timer;
my $bsc_info_interval = $::config_parms{bsc_info_interval};
my $bsc_prefer_abstract = $::config_parms{bsc_prefer_abstract};
$eliza_rule = new Generic_Item;
$eliza_data = new Generic_Item;
$eliza_voice = new Generic_Item;
$eliza_card = new Generic_Item;
$eliza_wavcomp = new Generic_Item;
my ($eliza);
$f_eliza_deep_thoughts =
new File_Item("$config_parms{data_dir}/remarks/deep_thoughts.txt");
$v_reload_code = new Voice_Cmd("{Reload,re load} code");
$v_reload_code->set_info('Load mh.ini, icon, and/or code changes');
$v_reload_code->tie_event('push(@Nextpass_Actions, \&read_code)'); # noloop
$v_reload_code2 = new Voice_Cmd("Force {Reload,re load} code");
$v_reload_code2->set_info('Force a code reload of all modules');
# noloop=start
# noloop=stop
$v_listen = new Voice_Cmd( "[Start,Stop] listening", 0 );
$v_listen->tie_event('&handle_listen_state()'); # noloop
$v_read_tables = new Voice_Cmd 'Read table files';
$v_read_tables->tie_event('&read_table_files()'); # noloop
$v_set_password = new Voice_Cmd("Set the [guest,family,admin] password");
$v_set_password->tie_event('&handle_set_password_state()'); # noloop
$v_uptime = new Voice_Cmd( "What is your up time", 0 );
'Check how long the comuter and MisterHouse have been running');
$v_uptime->tie_event('&handle_uptime_state()'); # noloop
$v_http_control = new Voice_Cmd '[Open,Close,Restart,Check] the http server';
$v_http_control->tie_event('&handle_http_control_state()'); # noloop
$http_monitor = new Socket_Item( undef, undef,
"$config_parms{http_server}:$config_parms{http_port}" );
$v_restart_mh = new Voice_Cmd '[Restart,Exit] Mister House';
$v_restart_mh->set_info( 'Restarts/Exits Misterhouse. This will only work if '
. 'you start with mh/bin/mhl' )
if !$OS_win;
$v_restart_mh->set_info('Restarts/Exits Misterhouse.') if $OS_win;
$v_restart_mh->tie_event('&restart_mh($state)'); # noloop
$v_reboot = new Voice_Cmd '[Reboot,Shut Down] the computer';
$v_reboot->set_info('Do this only if you really mean it! Windows only');
$v_reboot->tie_event('&handle_reboot_state()'); # noloop
$v_reboot_abort = new Voice_Cmd("Abort the reboot");
$v_reboot_abort->tie_event('&handle_reboot_abort_state()'); # noloop
my $debug_str =
? $config_parms{debug_options}
: "X10,serial,http,misc,startup,socket,password,user_code,weather";
$v_debug = new Voice_Cmd("Set debug for [$debug_str,none]");
$v_debug->set_info('Adds the given module to the current set of debug flags');
$v_debug->tie_event('&handle_debug_state()'); # noloop
$v_debug_toggle = new Voice_Cmd "Toggle debug for [$debug_str]";
'Toggles what kind of debugging information is logged');
$v_debug_toggle->tie_event('&handle_debug_toggle_state()'); # noloop
$v_show_debug = new Voice_Cmd('Show debug');
$v_show_debug->set_info('Shows the currently active debug flags');
$v_show_debug->tie_event('&handle_show_debug_state()'); # noloop
$v_mode = new Voice_Cmd("Put house in [normal,mute,offline] mode");
$v_mode->set_info( 'mute mode disables all speech and sound. '
. 'offline disables all serial control' );
$v_mode->tie_event('&handle_mode_state()'); # noloop
$v_mode_toggle = new Voice_Cmd("Toggle the house mode");
$v_mode_toggle->tie_event('&handle_mode_toggle_state()'); # noloop
$search_code_string = new Generic_Item;
$search_code_string->set_icon('mh.jpg'); # noloop
$search_code_string->tie_event('&handle_search_code_string_state()'); # noloop
$v_list_voice_cmds = new Voice_Cmd 'List voice commands';
$v_list_voice_cmds->set_info('Display a list of valid voice commands');
$v_voice_cmds_help = new Voice_Cmd 'Voice commands help';
$v_voice_cmds_help->set_info('Display help text for all voice commands');
$v_voice_cmds_help->tie_event('&handle_voice_cmds_help_state()'); # noloop
$v_list_x10_items = new Voice_Cmd 'List {X 10,X10} items', 0;
'Generates a report fo all X10 items, sorted by device code');
$v_list_x10_items->tie_event('&handle_list_x10_items_state()'); # noloop
$v_list_serial_items = new Voice_Cmd 'List serial items';
'Generates a report of all Serial_Items, sorted by serial state');
$v_list_serial_items->tie_event('&handle_list_serial_items_state()'); # noloop
$v_list_debug_options = new Voice_Cmd 'List debug options';
$v_list_debug_options->set_info( 'Generates a list of the various -debug '
. 'options you can use to get debug errata' );
$v_list_debug_options->tie_event('&handle_list_debug_options_state()'); # noloop
$Power_Supply = new Generic_Item;
$x10_backlog_timer = new Timer;
$v_repeat_last_spoken =
new Voice_Cmd '{Repeat your last message, What did you say}', '';
$v_repeat_last_spoken->tie_event('&handle_repeat_last_spoken_state()'); # noloop
$v_clear_cache = new Voice_Cmd 'Clear the web cache directory', '';
'Delete all the auto-generated .jpg files in html_alias_cache directory');
$v_clear_cache->tie_event('&handle_clear_cache_state()'); # noloop
$run_command = new Generic_Item;
$run_command->tie_event('&handle_run_command_state()'); # noloop
$search_command_string = new Generic_Item;
# noloop=start
# noloop=stop
$v_undo_last_change = new Voice_Cmd 'Undo the last action';
'Changes the most recently changed item back to its previous state');
$v_undo_last_change->tie_event('&handle_undo_last_change_state()'); # noloop
$mode_mh = new Generic_Item;
$mode_mh->tie_event('&handle_mode_mh_state()'); # noloop
$mode_security = new Generic_Item;
$mode_security->tie_event('&handle_mode_security_state()'); # noloop
$mode_occupied = new Generic_Item;
$mode_sleeping = new Generic_Item;
$mode_sleeping->tie_event('&handle_mode_sleeping_state()'); # noloop
$v_update_docs = new Voice_Cmd "Update the Documentation";
$p_update_docs = new Process_Item "update_docs";
$v_update_docs->tie_event('start $p_update_docs'); # noloop
$v_update_docs->set_icon('mh.jpg'); # noloop
# noloop=start
"time_cron('5 4 * * *')",
"run_voice_cmd 'Update the Documentation'",
'update the documentation'
) unless &trigger_get('update the documentation');
# noloop=stop
# noloop=start
my $mhdl_url = "";
my $mhdl_file = "$config_parms{data_dir}/web/mh_download.html";
$p_mhdl_page = new Process_Item("get_url -quiet \"$mhdl_url\" \"$mhdl_file\"");
my $mhdl_date_url = "";
my $mhdl_date_file = "$config_parms{data_dir}/web/mh_download_date.html";
$p_mhdl_date_page = new Process_Item;
# noloop=stop
$v_mhdl_page = new Voice_Cmd("Check Misterhouse version");
$v_mhdl_page->set_info("Check if Misterhouse version is current");
$v_version = new Voice_Cmd( "What version are you", 0 );
$v_version->set_info("Responds with current version information");
$mh_volume = new Generic_Item;
$mh_speakers = new Generic_Item;
$mh_speakers_timer = new Timer;
# noloop=start
&set_volume_master_wrapper( $mh_volume->{state} )
if $Startup and defined $mh_volume->{state};
&set_volume_wav( $config_parms{volume_wav_default_volume} )
if $Startup and defined $config_parms{volume_wav_default_volume};
if ( defined( $state = state_now $mh_volume) and $state ne '' ) {
my $volume_master_changed = 0;
my $volume_wav_previous;
# noloop=start
$Tk_objects{sliders}{volume} = &tk_scalebar( \$mh_volume, 0, 'Volume' )
if $MW
and $Reload
and $Run_Members{mh_sound};
if ( $MW and $Reload ) {
my $volume_temp = 0;
$volume_temp = $mh_volume->{state} if defined $mh_volume->{state};
if ( $Tk_objects{fb4} ) {
$Tk_objects{volume_status} = $Tk_objects{fb4}->ProgressBar(
-from => 0,
-to => 100,
-value => $volume_temp,
-width => 20,
-blocks => 12
)->pack(qw/-side left -padx 2/);
&configure_element( 'progress', \$Tk_objects{volume_status}, 1 );
# Detect if we are speaking or not
# Note, a call to is_speaking seems to be expensive on Windows
# - mip meter drops from 220 to 170 with this call :(
# Call it every 250 ms
my ( $is_speaking, $is_speaking_flag );
$is_speaking = &Voice_Text::is_speaking if $New_Msecond_250;
#$is_speaking = 1 if active $mh_speakers_timer;
# Eureka! This all FINALLY works with everything (sliders, status, Windows, Winamp DJ, etc.)
sub put_volume_back {
my $wav_did_it = shift;
if ($wav_did_it) {
if ( !$is_speaking_flag ) {
set $mh_speakers OFF
; # don't turn speakers off if talking (WAV likely a chime)
else {
$is_speaking_flag = 0;
set $mh_speakers OFF;
# MSv5 has nothing to do with the mixer
if ( defined $config_parms{volume_wav_default_volume}
and ( $Voice_Text::VTxt_version ne 'msv5' or $wav_did_it ) )
"Putting wav volume back to $config_parms{volume_wav_default_volume}"
&set_volume_wav( $config_parms{volume_wav_default_volume} );
if ($volume_master_changed) {
$volume_master_changed = 0;
&set_volume_master_wrapper( $mh_volume->{state} );
if ( !$is_speaking_flag and $is_speaking ) {
# print_log 'Speakers on';
$is_speaking_flag = 1;
print_log "Setting speakers ON";
set $mh_speakers ON;
# The following has no effect :(
# &Voice_Cmd::deactivate if $OS_win; # So mh does not listen to itself
if ( $is_speaking_flag and !$is_speaking ) {
# *** v5 has nothing to do with the mixer
print_log "Speakers off, volume reset to $volume_wav_previous"
if defined $volume_wav_previous and $Voice_Text::VTxt_version ne 'msv5';
$test_volume = new Voice_Cmd 'Test volume at [5,20,60,100]';
'$test_volume->respond("volume=$state Testing volume at $state%")');
# Currently, this only works with the MS Voice TTS
$test_speak_mode = new Voice_Cmd
'Set speech to [stop,pause,resume,rewind,fastforward,fast,normal,slow,-5,5]';
$test_speak_mode->tie_event('speak mode => $state');
# Currently, this only works with the MS Voice TTS
$test_speech_flags = new Voice_Cmd 'Test [xml,sable] speech tags';
if ( $state = said $test_speech_flags) {
respond "$Pgm_Root/docs/ms_speech_xml_example.txt" if $state eq 'xml';
respond "engine=festival $Pgm_Root/docs/festival_speech_example.sable"
if $state eq 'sable';
$Tk_objects{volume_status}->configure( -value => $mh_volume->{state} )
if $Tk_objects{volume_status} and ( state_now $mh_volume);
sub set_volume_master {
my ($volume) = @_;
if ( $Info{Volume_Control} eq 'Command Line' ) {
my $volume_cmd = $config_parms{volume_master_set_cmd};
print_log eval qq("$volume_cmd");
my $r = system eval qq("$volume_cmd");
sub set_volume_master_wrapper {
my $state = shift;
if ( !$Info{Volume_Control} ) {
print_log "Volume control not enabled";
elsif ( $state < 0 or $state > 100 ) {
$state = 100;
set $mh_volume 100;
else {
print_log "Setting master volume to $state";
$Tk_objects{volume_status}->configure( -value => $state )
if $Tk_objects{volume_status};
sub set_volume_wav {
my ($volume) = @_;
my $volume_wav_previous;
if ( $Info{Volume_Control} eq 'Command Line' ) {
print_log "$config_parms{volume_wav_get_cmd}";
$volume_wav_previous = `$config_parms{volume_wav_get_cmd}`;
chomp $volume_wav_previous;
my $volume_cmd = $config_parms{volume_wav_set_cmd};
print_log eval qq("$volume_cmd");
my $r = system eval qq("$volume_cmd");
print_log "Previous wav volume was $volume_wav_previous";
#return $volume_wav_previous;
# Set hooks so set_volume is called whenever speak or play is called
&Speak_pre_add_hook( \&set_volume_pre_hook ) if $Reload;
&Play_pre_add_hook( \&set_volume_pre_hook ) if $Reload;
sub set_volume_pre_hook {
print_log "FUNCTION: set_volume_pre_hook";
if $is_speaking
and $Voice_Text::VTxt_version ne
'msv5'; # Speaking volume wins over play volume (unless using MSv5!)
unless $Info{Volume_Control}
; # Verify we have a volume control module installed
my %parms = @_;
# msv5 changes volume with xml tags in lib/
return if $parms{text} and $Voice_Text::VTxt_version eq 'msv5';
undef $volume_wav_previous;
my $volume = $parms{volume};
my $mode = $parms{mode};
# *** Oops the following line is wrong--mh_volume is linked to mixer
# Not to be used as the default for playing WAV's, speaking, etc.
#$volume = $mh_volume->{state} unless $volume;
return unless $volume;
unless ($mode) {
if ( defined $mode_mh ) { # *** Outdated (?)
$mode = state $mode_mh;
else {
$mode = $Save{mode};
return if $mode eq 'mute' or $mode eq 'offline';
# Set a timer since we can not detect when a wav file is done
if ( $parms{time} ) {
set $mh_speakers_timer $parms{time},
'&put_volume_back(1)'; # flag to say WAV did it!
if ( $parms{time}
or ( $parms{text} and $Voice_Text::VTxt_version ne 'msv5' ) )
print_log "Setting wav volume to $volume";
$volume = 100 if $volume > 100;
$volume_wav_previous = &set_volume_wav($volume);
if ( $parms{mhvolume} ) {
$volume_master_changed = 1;
&set_volume_master_wrapper( $parms{mhvolume} );
# Allow for a pre-speak/play wav file
&Speak_pre_add_hook( \&sound_pre_speak )
if $Reload and $config_parms{sound_pre_speak};
&Play_pre_add_hook( \&sound_pre_play )
if $Reload and $config_parms{sound_pre_play};
sub sound_pre_speak {
my %parms = @_;
return if $parms{no_pre};
play mode => 'wait', no_pre => 1, file => $config_parms{sound_pre_speak};
# *** Config parm for this pause!
#&sleep_time(400); # So the TTS engine doesn't grab the sound card first
sub sound_pre_play {
my %parms = @_;
return if $parms{no_pre};
play mode => 'wait', no_pre => 1, file => $config_parms{sound_pre_play};
# Allow for restarting of TTS engine
$restart_tts = new Voice_Cmd 'Restart the TTS engine';
'This will restart the voice Text To Speech engine, in case it died for some reason'
&Voice_Text::init if said $restart_tts;
$mhsend_server = new Socket_Item( undef, undef, 'server_mhsend' );
$organizer_holidays = new Organizer_Events('holiday');
$organizer_vacation = new Organizer_Events('vacation');
$organizer_events = new Organizer_Events('events');
$organizer_check = new Voice_Cmd 'Check for new calendar events';
'Creates MisterHouse events based on organizer calendar events');
$p_ical2vsdb = new Process_Item();
$v_get_ical_data = new Voice_Cmd('[Retrieve,Force,Purge] iCal data');
$v_get_ical_data->set_info('Retrieve iCal calendar data from multiple sources');
my $speak_tasks = 1;
$_organizer_cal = new File_Item "$config_parms{organizer_dir}/";
$_organizer_todo = new File_Item "$config_parms{organizer_dir}/";
my %_organizer_emails;
my @_organizer_announce_day_times = ( '8 am', '12 pm', '7 pm' );
my @_organizer_announce_priorday_times = ('7 pm');
my $_ical2db_output_dir = "$config_parms{organizer_dir}";
my $_ical2db_config_path = "$_ical2db_output_dir/i2v.cfg";
my $calOk = 0; # flag to indicate if the vsdb is ok
my $todoOk = 0;
my $ical_read_interval =
( $main::config_parms{ical_read_interval} )
? $main::config_parms{ical_read_interval}
: 0;
my $eye_pos = 0;
my $eye_dir = 1;
if ($MW) {
$Tk_objects{eye}->destroy() if defined( $Tk_objects{eye} );
$Tk_objects{eye_photo}->delete() if defined( $Tk_objects{eye_photo} );
$Tk_objects{eye_photo} =
$Tk_objects{menu_bar}->Photo( -file => "$Pgm_Path/../docs/mh_logo.gif" );
$Tk_objects{eye} = $Tk_objects{menu_bar}->Label(
-height => 16,
-width => 16,
-image => $Tk_objects{eye_photo},
-relief => 'sunken'
)->pack(qw/-side right -anchor e/);
$my_test1 = new Voice_Cmd 'Run test [1,2,3]';
my $light_states = 'on,brighten,dim,off';
my $state;
$v_test_light2 = new Voice_Cmd("Turn test light 2 [$light_states]");
$v_test_lights = new Voice_Cmd("All lights [$light_states]");
$test_button = new Serial_Item('XA2');
$Garage->{category} = "Other";
$Garage->{filename} = "test_table";
$Garage->{object_name} = '$Garage';
$Property->{category} = "Other";
$Property->{filename} = "test_table";
$Property->{object_name} = '$Property';
$LivingRoom->{category} = "Other";
$LivingRoom->{filename} = "test_table";
$LivingRoom->{object_name} = '$LivingRoom';
$BedRoom->{category} = "Other";
$BedRoom->{filename} = "test_table";
$BedRoom->{object_name} = '$BedRoom';
$Backyard->{category} = "Other";
$Backyard->{filename} = "test_table";
$Backyard->{object_name} = '$Backyard';
$garage_light->{category} = "Other";
$garage_light->{filename} = "test_table";
$garage_light->{object_name} = '$garage_light';
$All_Lights->{category} = "Other";
$All_Lights->{filename} = "test_table";
$All_Lights->{object_name} = '$All_Lights';
$test_light1->{category} = "Other";
$test_light1->{filename} = "test_table";
$test_light1->{object_name} = '$test_light1';
$test_light2->{category} = "Other";
$test_light2->{filename} = "test_table";
$test_light2->{object_name} = '$test_light2';
$bedroom_light1->{category} = "Other";
$bedroom_light1->{filename} = "test_table";
$bedroom_light1->{object_name} = '$bedroom_light1';
$bedroom_light2->{category} = "Other";
$bedroom_light2->{filename} = "test_table";
$bedroom_light2->{object_name} = '$bedroom_light2';
$fountain->{category} = "Other";
$fountain->{filename} = "test_table";
$fountain->{object_name} = '$fountain';
$Appliances->{category} = "Other";
$Appliances->{filename} = "test_table";
$Appliances->{object_name} = '$Appliances';
$backyard_light->{category} = "Other";
$backyard_light->{filename} = "test_table";
$backyard_light->{object_name} = '$backyard_light';
$v_garage_light->{category} = "Other";
$v_garage_light->{filename} = "test_table";
$v_garage_light->{object_name} = '$v_garage_light';
$v_fountain->{category} = "Other";
$v_fountain->{filename} = "test_table";
$v_fountain->{object_name} = '$v_fountain';
$motion->{category} = "Other";
$motion->{filename} = "test_table";
$motion->{object_name} = '$motion';
$Motion->{category} = "Other";
$Motion->{filename} = "test_table";
$Motion->{object_name} = '$Motion';
$motion_unit->{category} = "Other";
$motion_unit->{filename} = "test_table";
$motion_unit->{object_name} = '$motion_unit';
$v_what_speed->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_what_speed->{filename} = "benchmarks";
$v_what_speed->{object_name} = '$v_what_speed';
$timer_speed_check->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$timer_speed_check->{filename} = "benchmarks";
$timer_speed_check->{object_name} = '$timer_speed_check';
$v_speed_benchmark->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_speed_benchmark->{filename} = "benchmarks";
$v_speed_benchmark->{object_name} = '$v_speed_benchmark';
$eliza_rule->{category} = "Entertainment";
$eliza_rule->{filename} = "eliza_server";
$eliza_rule->{object_name} = '$eliza_rule';
$eliza_data->{category} = "Entertainment";
$eliza_data->{filename} = "eliza_server";
$eliza_data->{object_name} = '$eliza_data';
$eliza_voice->{category} = "Entertainment";
$eliza_voice->{filename} = "eliza_server";
$eliza_voice->{object_name} = '$eliza_voice';
$eliza_card->{category} = "Entertainment";
$eliza_card->{filename} = "eliza_server";
$eliza_card->{object_name} = '$eliza_card';
$eliza_wavcomp->{category} = "Entertainment";
$eliza_wavcomp->{filename} = "eliza_server";
$eliza_wavcomp->{object_name} = '$eliza_wavcomp';
$f_eliza_deep_thoughts->{category} = "Entertainment";
$f_eliza_deep_thoughts->{filename} = "eliza_server";
$f_eliza_deep_thoughts->{object_name} = '$f_eliza_deep_thoughts';
$v_reload_code->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_reload_code->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_reload_code->{object_name} = '$v_reload_code';
$v_reload_code2->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_reload_code2->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_reload_code2->{object_name} = '$v_reload_code2';
$v_listen->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_listen->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_listen->{object_name} = '$v_listen';
$v_read_tables->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_read_tables->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_read_tables->{object_name} = '$v_read_tables';
$v_set_password->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_set_password->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_set_password->{object_name} = '$v_set_password';
$v_uptime->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_uptime->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_uptime->{object_name} = '$v_uptime';
$v_http_control->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_http_control->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_http_control->{object_name} = '$v_http_control';
$http_monitor->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$http_monitor->{filename} = "mh_control";
$http_monitor->{object_name} = '$http_monitor';
$v_restart_mh->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_restart_mh->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_restart_mh->{object_name} = '$v_restart_mh';
$v_reboot->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_reboot->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_reboot->{object_name} = '$v_reboot';
$v_reboot_abort->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_reboot_abort->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_reboot_abort->{object_name} = '$v_reboot_abort';
$v_debug->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_debug->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_debug->{object_name} = '$v_debug';
$v_debug_toggle->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_debug_toggle->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_debug_toggle->{object_name} = '$v_debug_toggle';
$v_show_debug->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_show_debug->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_show_debug->{object_name} = '$v_show_debug';
$v_mode->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_mode->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_mode->{object_name} = '$v_mode';
$v_mode_toggle->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_mode_toggle->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_mode_toggle->{object_name} = '$v_mode_toggle';
$search_code_string->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$search_code_string->{filename} = "mh_control";
$search_code_string->{object_name} = '$search_code_string';
$v_list_voice_cmds->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_list_voice_cmds->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_list_voice_cmds->{object_name} = '$v_list_voice_cmds';
$v_voice_cmds_help->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_voice_cmds_help->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_voice_cmds_help->{object_name} = '$v_voice_cmds_help';
$v_list_x10_items->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_list_x10_items->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_list_x10_items->{object_name} = '$v_list_x10_items';
$v_list_serial_items->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_list_serial_items->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_list_serial_items->{object_name} = '$v_list_serial_items';
$v_list_debug_options->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_list_debug_options->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_list_debug_options->{object_name} = '$v_list_debug_options';
$Power_Supply->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$Power_Supply->{filename} = "mh_control";
$Power_Supply->{object_name} = '$Power_Supply';
$x10_backlog_timer->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$x10_backlog_timer->{filename} = "mh_control";
$x10_backlog_timer->{object_name} = '$x10_backlog_timer';
$v_repeat_last_spoken->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_repeat_last_spoken->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_repeat_last_spoken->{object_name} = '$v_repeat_last_spoken';
$v_clear_cache->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_clear_cache->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_clear_cache->{object_name} = '$v_clear_cache';
$run_command->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$run_command->{filename} = "mh_control";
$run_command->{object_name} = '$run_command';
$search_command_string->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$search_command_string->{filename} = "mh_control";
$search_command_string->{object_name} = '$search_command_string';
$v_undo_last_change->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_undo_last_change->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_undo_last_change->{object_name} = '$v_undo_last_change';
$mode_mh->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$mode_mh->{filename} = "mh_control";
$mode_mh->{object_name} = '$mode_mh';
$mode_security->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$mode_security->{filename} = "mh_control";
$mode_security->{object_name} = '$mode_security';
$mode_occupied->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$mode_occupied->{filename} = "mh_control";
$mode_occupied->{object_name} = '$mode_occupied';
$mode_sleeping->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$mode_sleeping->{filename} = "mh_control";
$mode_sleeping->{object_name} = '$mode_sleeping';
$v_update_docs->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_update_docs->{filename} = "mh_control";
$v_update_docs->{object_name} = '$v_update_docs';
$p_update_docs->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$p_update_docs->{filename} = "mh_control";
$p_update_docs->{object_name} = '$p_update_docs';
$p_mhdl_page->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$p_mhdl_page->{filename} = "mh_release";
$p_mhdl_page->{object_name} = '$p_mhdl_page';
$p_mhdl_date_page->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$p_mhdl_date_page->{filename} = "mh_release";
$p_mhdl_date_page->{object_name} = '$p_mhdl_date_page';
$v_mhdl_page->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_mhdl_page->{filename} = "mh_release";
$v_mhdl_page->{object_name} = '$v_mhdl_page';
$v_version->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$v_version->{filename} = "mh_release";
$v_version->{object_name} = '$v_version';
$mh_volume->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$mh_volume->{filename} = "mh_sound";
$mh_volume->{object_name} = '$mh_volume';
$mh_speakers->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$mh_speakers->{filename} = "mh_sound";
$mh_speakers->{object_name} = '$mh_speakers';
$mh_speakers_timer->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$mh_speakers_timer->{filename} = "mh_sound";
$mh_speakers_timer->{object_name} = '$mh_speakers_timer';
$test_volume->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$test_volume->{filename} = "mh_sound";
$test_volume->{object_name} = '$test_volume';
$test_speak_mode->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$test_speak_mode->{filename} = "mh_sound";
$test_speak_mode->{object_name} = '$test_speak_mode';
$test_speech_flags->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$test_speech_flags->{filename} = "mh_sound";
$test_speech_flags->{object_name} = '$test_speech_flags';
$restart_tts->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$restart_tts->{filename} = "mh_sound";
$restart_tts->{object_name} = '$restart_tts';
$mhsend_server->{category} = "MisterHouse";
$mhsend_server->{filename} = "mhsend_server";
$mhsend_server->{object_name} = '$mhsend_server';
$organizer_holidays->{category} = "Time";
$organizer_holidays->{filename} = "organizer";
$organizer_holidays->{object_name} = '$organizer_holidays';
$organizer_vacation->{category} = "Time";
$organizer_vacation->{filename} = "organizer";
$organizer_vacation->{object_name} = '$organizer_vacation';
$organizer_events->{category} = "Time";
$organizer_events->{filename} = "organizer";
$organizer_events->{object_name} = '$organizer_events';
$organizer_check->{category} = "Time";
$organizer_check->{filename} = "organizer";
$organizer_check->{object_name} = '$organizer_check';
$p_ical2vsdb->{category} = "Time";
$p_ical2vsdb->{filename} = "organizer";
$p_ical2vsdb->{object_name} = '$p_ical2vsdb';
$v_get_ical_data->{category} = "Time";
$v_get_ical_data->{filename} = "organizer";
$v_get_ical_data->{object_name} = '$v_get_ical_data';
$_organizer_cal->{category} = "Time";
$_organizer_cal->{filename} = "organizer";
$_organizer_cal->{object_name} = '$_organizer_cal';
$_organizer_todo->{category} = "Time";
$_organizer_todo->{filename} = "organizer";
$_organizer_todo->{object_name} = '$_organizer_todo';
$my_test1->{category} = "Test";
$my_test1->{filename} = "my_test";
$my_test1->{object_name} = '$my_test1';
$v_test_light2->{category} = "Test";
$v_test_light2->{filename} = "test_x10";
$v_test_light2->{object_name} = '$v_test_light2';
$v_test_lights->{category} = "Test";
$v_test_lights->{filename} = "test_x10";
$v_test_lights->{object_name} = '$v_test_lights';
$test_button->{category} = "Test";
$test_button->{filename} = "test_x10";
$test_button->{object_name} = '$test_button';
sub tk_frames_loopcode {
print ' tk_frames' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'tk_frames'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in tk_frames. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'tk_frames'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'tk_frames'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'tk_frames'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'tk_frames'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'tk_frames'}.' eval errors in tk_frames out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'tk_frames'} = $Run_Members{'tk_frames'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = MisterHouse
$Category = 'MisterHouse';
# $Date$
# $Revision$
#@ Specifies tk layout
# Position=1 Load before any tk_widget code
# This file determines the layout of the mh Tk window
# Re-create tk widgets on startup or if this file has changed on code reload
if ( $MW and $Reload ) {
# *** Need to loop through child windows and configure too (if !$Startup)
# If this file has not changed, only re-create the tk widget grids
if ( !$Startup
and !file_change("$config_parms{code_dir_common}/")
and !$Invalidate_Window )
print "Deleting old grid framework\n";
$Tk_objects{grid} =
$Tk_objects{ft}->Frame->pack(qw/-side right -anchor n/);
$Tk_objects{fb2} =
$MW->Frame->pack(qw/-side bottom -fill both -expand 1/);
$Tk_objects{fb3} =
$MW->Frame->pack(qw/-side bottom -fill both -expand 1/);
$Tk_objects{fb4} =
$MW->Frame->pack(qw/-side bottom -fill both -expand 1/);
# *** Put in to make window menu fonts sync with scheme change (doesn't seem to work)
&configure_element( 'window', \$MW );
&configure_element( 'frame', \$Tk_objects{grid} );
&configure_element( 'frame', \$Tk_objects{fb2} );
&configure_element( 'frame', \$Tk_objects{fb3} );
&configure_element( 'frame', \$Tk_objects{fb4} );
# This file changed, so re-create all frames
else {
if $Startup
; # Set file change time stamp *** Why? display_alpha doesn't do this for bitmaps
$Invalidate_Window = 0;
unless ($Startup) {
print "Deleting Frames\n";
print "Creating Frames\n";
# Create top and bottom frames
$Tk_objects{ft} = $MW->Frame->pack(qw/-side top -fill both -expand 1/);
$Tk_objects{fb} = $MW->Frame->pack(qw/-side top -fill both -expand 1/);
$Tk_objects{fb2} =
$MW->Frame->pack(qw/-side bottom -fill both -expand 1/);
$Tk_objects{fb3} =
$MW->Frame->pack(qw/-side bottom -fill both -expand 1/);
$Tk_objects{fb4} =
$MW->Frame->pack(qw/-side bottom -fill both -expand 1/);
&configure_element( 'frame', \$Tk_objects{ft} );
&configure_element( 'frame', \$Tk_objects{fb} );
&configure_element( 'frame', \$Tk_objects{fb2} );
&configure_element( 'frame', \$Tk_objects{fb4} );
# Create top left and tk grid frames
$Tk_objects{ftl} =
$Tk_objects{ft}->Frame->pack(qw/-side left -fill both -expand 1/);
$Tk_objects{grid} =
$Tk_objects{ft}->Frame->pack(qw/-side right -padx 5 -anchor n/);
&configure_element( 'frame', \$Tk_objects{ftl} );
&configure_element( 'frame', \$Tk_objects{grid} );
# *** Why is this here??? Should be in widgets (where it is duplicated currently!)
if ( $config_parms{tk_system_widgets} ) {
&tk_label_new( 2, \$Tk_objects{label_time} )
if defined $config_parms{tk_clock} and $config_parms{tk_clock};
&tk_label_new( 2, \$Tk_objects{label_uptime_cpu} );
&tk_label_new( 2, \$Tk_objects{label_uptime_mh} );
&tk_label_new( 2, \$Tk_objects{label_cpu_used} );
&tk_label_new( 2, \$Tk_objects{label_memory_used} )
unless $Info{OS_name} =~ /Win/; # Works for NT/2k
# Add command list to top left frame
$Tk_objects{cmd_list} = &tk_command_list( $Tk_objects{ftl} );
$Tk_objects{cmd_list}->pack(qw/-side top -expand 1 -fill both/);
# *** Config parms for heights of these!
# Add speak and log windows to bottom frame
$Tk_objects{speak_window} = $Tk_objects{fb}->Scrolled(
-height => 3,
-width => 100,
-wrap => 'none',
-scrollbars => 'se',
-setgrid => 'true'
)->pack(qw/-side top -expand 1 -fill both/);
$Tk_objects{speak_window}->insert( '0.0', ( join "\n", @Speak_Log ) )
; # Seed with previous entries
&configure_element( 'log', \$Tk_objects{speak_window} );
$Tk_objects{log_window} = $Tk_objects{fb}->Scrolled(
-height => 3,
-width => 100,
-wrap => 'none',
-scrollbars => 'osoe',
-setgrid => 'true'
)->pack(qw/-side top -expand 1 -fill both/);
$Tk_objects{log_window}->insert( '0.0', ( join "\n", @Print_Log ) )
; # Seed with previous entries
&configure_element( 'log', \$Tk_objects{log_window} );
# Show the window (it is hidden during statup)
if ($Startup) {
# $MW->focus("-force");
# $MW->grabGlobal;
# $MW->grab("-global");
$Benchmark_Members{'tk_frames'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of tk_frames#-------------------------------------------------
sub tk_widgets_loopcode {
print ' tk_widgets' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'tk_widgets'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in tk_widgets. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'tk_widgets'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'tk_widgets'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'tk_widgets'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'tk_widgets'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'tk_widgets'}.' eval errors in tk_widgets out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'tk_widgets'} = $Run_Members{'tk_widgets'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = MisterHouse
$Category = 'MisterHouse';
# $Date$
# $Revision$
#@ Adds mh widgets to the tk and web interfaces. You must enable the
#@ script if you enable this one.
# Position=2 Load after tk_frames
# This file adds to the tk widget grid frame
# Re-create tk widgets on reload
if ($Reload) {
# Note: We DO want to call Tk widgets, even without $MW, to allow
# web widgets with -tk 0
# *** Strangest thing, F3 doesn't take. Passes through to mh_control keyboard handler. Others don't. (?)
# *** Menu accelerators don't work in Windows as defined (Alt+R, etc.)
if ($MW) {
$MW->bind( '<F1>' => \&read_code );
$MW->bind( '<F2>' => \&toggle_pause );
$MW->bind( '<F3>' => \&sig_handler );
# $MW->bind('<F4>' => \&toggle_debug);
$MW->bind( '<F5>' => \&toggle_log );
# &tk_mbutton('Help', \&help); #On toolbar now
#$Tk_objects{grid_caption} = $Tk_objects{grid}->Label(-justify => 'center', -anchor => 'w', -font => $config_parms{tk_font_fixed});
#$Tk_objects{grid_caption}->grid($Tk_objects{grid_caption}, -sticky => 'n');
#$Tk_objects{grid_caption}->configure(-text => 'Widgets');
# &tk_button('Reload (F1)', \&read_code, 'Pause (F2)', \&toggle_pause, ' Exit (F3) ', \&sig_handler, 'Log (F5)', \&toggle_log);
use vars '$mh_volume'; # In case we don't have mh_sound (see below)
if ( $Reload and $MW ) {
# Most users won't care about this out of the box, so default is off
if ( $config_parms{tk_system_widgets} ) {
&tk_label_new( 2, \$Tk_objects{label_time} )
if $config_parms{tk_clock};
&tk_label_new( 2, \$Tk_objects{label_uptime_cpu} );
&tk_label_new( 2, \$Tk_objects{label_uptime_mh} );
&tk_label_new( 2, \$Tk_objects{label_cpu_used} );
&tk_label_new( 2, \$Tk_objects{label_memory_used} )
unless $Info{OS_name} =~ /Win/; # Works for NT/2k
$Tk_objects{sliders}{sleep} =
&tk_scalebar( \$Loop_Sleep_Time, 0, 'Sleep', 0, 200 );
$Tk_objects{sliders}{passes} =
&tk_scalebar( \$Loop_Tk_Passes, 1, 'Passes', 0, 200 );
$Tk_objects{sliders}{x10_errata} =
&tk_scalebar( \$config_parms{x10_errata}, 1, 'X10 Logging', 1, 4, 0 );
# &tk_entry("Sleep Time", \$Loop_Sleep_Time);
# &tk_entry("Passes", \$Loop_Tk_Passes);
# &tk_entry("Sleep time", \$Loop_Sleep_Time, "Sleep count", \$config_parms{sleep_count}); ... only works on reload
# $search_code_string is defined in /code/common/
&tk_entry( 'MP3 Search', \$Save{mp3_search}, 'MP3 Genre',
\$Save{mp3_Genre} )
if $Run_Members{mp3_playlist};
# &tk_entry('Phone Search', \$Save{phone_search}) if $Run_Members{phone};
#&tk_entry('TV search', \$Save{tv_search}, 'TV dates', \$Save{tv_days}) if $Run_Members{tv_info};
# &tk_entry('TV key', \$Save{ir_key}, 'VCR key', \$Save{vcr_key}) if $Run_Members{tv};
# &tk_checkbutton('Sleeping Parents', \$Save{sleeping_parents}, 'Sleeping Kids', \$Save{sleeping_kids});
# &tk_radiobutton('Mode', \$Save{mode}, ['normal', 'mute', 'offline'], ['Normal', 'Mute', 'Offline']);
# &tk_entry('Code Search', $search_code_string, 'Debug flag', \$config_parms{debug});
&tk_entry( 'Code Search', $search_code_string )
if $config_parms{tk_system_widgets};
# There is a menu for this, so most won't want this (File | Debug)
&tk_entry( 'Debug flag', \$config_parms{debug} )
if defined $config_parms{debug_widget} and $config_parms{debug_widget};
# &tk_radiobutton('VR Mode', \$tk_vr_mode, ['awake', 'asleep', 'off'], ['Awake', 'Asleep', 'Off']) if $Run_Members{viavoice_control};
# &tk_entry ('Heat Temp', \$Save{heat_temp}) if $Run_Members{weather_monitor};
# &tk_radiobutton('Heat Temp', \$Save{heat_temp}, [60, 64, 66, 68, 70]) if $Run_Members{weather_monitor};
# &tk_radiobutton('Ping Test', \$Save{ping_test_flag}, [1,0], ['On', 'Off']) if $Run_Members{internet_connect_check};
# &tk_radiobutton('Check email', \$Save{email_check}, ['no', 'yes']) if $Run_Members{internet_mail};
# &tk_radiobutton('Internet Speak', \$config_parms{internet_speak_flag}, ['none', 'local', 'all']) if $Run_Members{monitor_server};
# &tk_radiobutton('Wakeup Time', \$Save{wakeup_time}, ['6 am', '6:20 am', '6:40 am', '7 am', ' ']) if $Run_Members{wakeup};
# &tk_entry('Wakeup Time', \$Save{wakeup_time}) if $Run_Members{wakeup};
$Benchmark_Members{'tk_widgets'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of tk_widgets#-------------------------------------------------
sub benchmarks_loopcode {
print ' benchmarks' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'benchmarks'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in benchmarks. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'benchmarks'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'benchmarks'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'benchmarks'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'benchmarks'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'benchmarks'}.' eval errors in benchmarks out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'benchmarks'} = $Run_Members{'benchmarks'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = MisterHouse
$Category = 'MisterHouse';
#@ Various benchmarking functions.
# you can set parameters with at startup. For example:
# mh -voice_cmd 0 -voice_text 0 -weeder_port none
if ( said $v_what_speed) {
my $msg;
if ( $v_what_speed->{state} eq 'max' ) {
$Loop_Sleep_Time = 0;
$Loop_Tk_Passes = .1; # 0 gets reset to 1, so use .1
set $timer_speed_check 3;
print "Speeds1 = @Loop_Speeds\n";
print "Note: tk window is temporily disabled\n" if $MW;
$msg = 'Calculating maximum speed. One moment...';
else {
set $timer_speed_check .01;
$msg = 'Calculating normal speed...';
$v_what_speed->respond("app=pc $msg");
if ( expired $timer_speed_check) {
$Loop_Sleep_Time = $config_parms{sleep_time};
$Loop_Tk_Passes = $config_parms{tk_passes};
print "Speeds2 = @Loop_Speeds\n";
"app=pc $Info{cpu_used}% of cpu, $Info{loop_speed} loops/sec, and "
. ( int $Info{memory_real} )
. " megabytes" );
if ( said $v_speed_benchmark) {
my $msg;
if ( $v_speed_benchmark->{state} eq 'Stop the' ) {
$Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag} = $speed_benchmark_count = 0;
undef %Benchmark_Members;
$msg = 'Speed benchmark stopped.';
else {
$Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag} = $speed_benchmark_count = 1
unless $speed_benchmark_count;
$msg =
'Speed benchmark started by '
. ( ( $v_speed_benchmark->{state} =~ /name/i ) ? 'name' : 'speed' )
. '.';
$v_speed_benchmark->respond("app=pc $msg");
$speed_benchmark_count++ if $speed_benchmark_count;
if ( $speed_benchmark_count and ( new_second 5 or said $v_speed_benchmark) ) {
my $log =
"Benchmark report. Loop count=$speed_benchmark_count. The following is in milliseconds\n";
my $by_speed = ( state $v_speed_benchmark =~ /speed/ ) ? 1 : 0;
my @log;
for my $member (
sort {
$by_speed and ( $Benchmark_Members{$b} <=> $Benchmark_Members{$a} )
or $a cmp $b
} ' OTHER',
' USER',
keys %Run_Members
{ # Use Run_Members so we get all members on the 1st pass
push @log, sprintf " %-22s avg=%5.2f total=%5d", $member,
$Benchmark_Members{$member} / $speed_benchmark_count,
# Double or triple up columns so it fits on without scrolling when there are lots of members
if ( $#log > 100 ) {
my $i = 1 + int $#log / 3;
for my $j ( 0 .. $i ) {
$log .=
$log[$j] . " | "
. $log[ $j + $i ] . " | "
. $log[ $j + 2 * $i ] . "\n";
elsif ( $#log > 20 ) {
my $i = 1 + int $#log / 2;
# print "db2 i=$i l=$#log\n";
for my $j ( 0 .. $i ) {
$log .= $log[$j] . " | " . $log[ $j + $i ] . "\n";
else {
for my $j ( 0 .. $#log ) {
$log .= $log[$j] . "\n";
file_write "$config_parms{data_dir}/logs/benchmark.log", $log;
text => $log,
time => 0,
font => 'fixed',
window_name => 'benchmarks';
$Benchmark_Members{'benchmarks'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of benchmarks#-------------------------------------------------
sub bsc_loopcode {
print ' bsc' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'bsc'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in bsc. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'bsc'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'bsc'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'bsc'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'bsc'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'bsc'}.' eval errors in bsc out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'bsc'} = $Run_Members{'bsc'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category=xAP
$Category = 'xAP';
use BSC;
#@ This code will monitor mh items and send out state changes via xAP BSC.
#@ In addition, it will accepts commands via xAP BSC and update the
#@ corresponding states of mh items.
=begin comment
This code "registers" entire types of devices (e.g., X10_Item) and optionally
individual devices.
The current BSC spec constrains the number of "endpoints" (which translates
to mh devices/items) to 254 per xAP "device". Because mh can support
many more real (e.g., x10) or virtual (e.g., presence_item) devices than 254,
the current code and library implement the concept of "virtual (xap) device"
It is very important that no more than 254 mh items/devices ever be added to
an individual BSC item. You will note that the below code attempts to
group "sane" (and similar) classes of mh items. Make sure that this number
is never exceeded.
The xAP steering group is aware of the limitation discussed above and plans
to dramatically increase the allowed number of endpoints. Once that occurs,
the requirement for "virtual xAP devices" will go away and the below code
as well as will be revised to reflect the change. The implication will
be a change to the source and target xAP addresses.
# mh_parms:
# bsc_info_interval = 10
# bsc_prefer_abstract = 0
$bsc_info_interval = 10
if !$bsc_info_interval; # send out BSC info messages every 10 minutes
$bsc_prefer_abstract = 0
unless $bsc_prefer_abstract; # support x10 devices in favor of abstract ones
if ($::Startup) {
$bsc_x10_device = new BSCMH_Item(BSCMH_Item::DEVICE_TYPE_X10);
$bsc_abstract_device = new BSCMH_Item(BSCMH_Item::DEVICE_TYPE_ABSTRACT);
$bsc_presence_device = new BSCMH_Item(BSCMH_Item::DEVICE_TYPE_PRESENCE);
if ( !($bsc_prefer_abstract) ) {
# register each device type that will be supported
# TO-DO: provide an easy method for the user to select
# the device types to be supported other than commenting the below in/out
else {
# TO-DO: extend the support for abstract device types
# TO-DO handle ability to enable/disable presence monitoring
if ( 1 == 1 ) {
# initiate sending a block of info messages for all devices handled by this BSCMH item
# and, create a timer to do same
$bsc_info_timer = new Timer;
# set the timer to run send_info forever
$bsc_info_timer->set( $bsc_info_interval * 60, \&send_info, -1 );
# to register individual objects, do something like:
# $bsc_x10_device->register_obj('some_mh_x10_item_name',BSCMH_Item::DEVICE_TYPE_X10);
sub send_info {
$Benchmark_Members{'bsc'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of bsc#-------------------------------------------------
sub eliza_server_loopcode {
print ' eliza_server' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'eliza_server'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in eliza_server. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'eliza_server'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'eliza_server'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'eliza_server'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'eliza_server'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'eliza_server'}.' eval errors in eliza_server out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'eliza_server'} = $Run_Members{'eliza_server'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = Entertainment
$Category = 'Entertainment';
=begin comment
#@ This code uses The Eliza Chatbot module to reply to a message.
#@ Eliza is not a very sophisticated chatbot, but it allows for
#@ a simple conversation. The rules are in mh/data/eliza/*.txt.
#@ Text can be entered via the Tk interface or via a web page.
#@ An example page is in <a href="/speak">mh/web/speak/speak.shtml</a>.
#&tk_entry('Eliza Message', $eliza_data, 'Eliza Rule', $eliza_rule);
&tk_entry( 'Eliza Message', $eliza_data );
&tk_entry( 'Eliza Rule', $eliza_rule );
use Eliza;
undef $eliza if $eliza and state_changed $eliza_rule;
if ( defined( $state = state_now $eliza_data) ) {
my $msg = $state;
# Used cached data from a previous background DSN search, if from the web
# my ($name, $name_short) = net_domain_name_start 'eliza_server', 'http' if get_set_by $eliza_data =~ /^web/;
my $name = $Http{Client_address};
# $name = 'unknown' unless $name;
my $rule = state $eliza_rule;
my $voice = state $eliza_voice;
my $card = state $eliza_card;
my $wavcomp = state $eliza_wavcomp;
if ( $rule eq 'none' or !$rule ) {
# $msg = "$name_short says: $msg";
# $msg = &Voice_Text::set_voice($voice, "$name_short says: $msg");
elsif ( $rule =~ 'thought' ) {
my $response = read_current $f_eliza_deep_thoughts;
$response = read_next $f_eliza_deep_thoughts if $rule eq 'thought2';
# $response = "$name_short says: $msg. $name says: $response" if $msg;
$response = "You said $msg. $voice says: $response" if $msg;
$msg = $response;
# $msg = &Voice_Text::set_voice($voice, $response);
else {
$eliza = new Chatbot::Eliza "Eliza", "../data/eliza/$rule.txt"
unless $eliza;
my $response = $eliza->transform($msg);
$msg = "You said: $msg. $voice says: $response";
# $msg = "$name_short said: $msg. $name says: $response";
# $msg = "$name_short said: " . &Voice_Text::set_voice($voice, $msg);
# $msg .= " Eliza says: " . &Voice_Text::set_voice($voice, $response);
print "Speaking eliza data with voice=$voice, compression=$wavcomp\n";
# speak card => 3, compression => $wavcomp, text => $msg;
app => 'chatbot',
card => $card,
voice => $voice,
compression => $wavcomp,
text => $msg,
requestor => $name;
# speak app => 'chatbot', compression => $wavcomp, text => $msg;
logit( "$config_parms{data_dir}/logs/eliza_server.$Year.log",
"domain=$name text=$msg" );
if ( my ( $name, $name_short ) = net_domain_name_done 'eliza_server' ) {
print_log "Eliza visitor from $name_short ($name)";
$Benchmark_Members{'eliza_server'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of eliza_server#-------------------------------------------------
sub menu_loopcode {
print ' menu' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'menu'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in menu. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'menu'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'menu'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'menu'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'menu'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'menu'}.' eval errors in menu out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'menu'} = $Run_Members{'menu'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = MisterHouse
$Category = 'MisterHouse';
#@ This code loads all the .menu files in your code dirs, for use with various menu interfaces like
#@ <a href="/bin/">/bin/</a>.
=begin comment
This code will read all .menu files in your code_dirs.
Then you can walk thru the menus with any of these:
Web browser: http://localhost/sub?menu_html
WAP phone: http://localhost/sub?menu_wml phone: http://localhost/sub?menu_vxml
LCD keypads: see mh/code/bruce/ for an example
Audible feedback: see mh/code/public/audible_menu.* for an example
Numberic keyboard: see mh/code/common/
See the 'Customizing the Menu interfaces' section mh/docs/mh.* for more info.
See code/bruce/ for additional user specific menu code.
# Use these to enable non-local access
# NOTE: We don't have authorization menus yet,
# for menus, so you may
# may want to turn these off, or only create
# harmless menus.
#$Password_Allow{'&menu_html'} = 'anyone';
#$Password_Allow{'&menu_wml'} = 'anyone';
#$Password_Allow{'&menu_vxml'} = 'anyone';
#$Password_Allow{'&menu_run'} = 'anyone';
#$Password_Allow{'&menu_run_response'} = 'anyone';
if ($Reread) {
print_log 'Rereading .menu code files.';
# Create a menu with all mh voice commands
# my $menu_mh = menu_create "$config_parms{code_dir}/";
my $menu_mh = menu_create "$Code_Dirs[0]/";
# Find all .menu files
my %file_paths = &file_read_dir(@Code_Dirs);
for my $member ( keys %file_paths ) {
next unless $member =~ /(\S+).menu$/i;
next if $config_parms{no_load} and $member =~ /$config_parms{no_load}/i;
menu_parse scalar file_read( $file_paths{$member} ), $1;
# Set default menus, based on ip addresses
set_menu_default( 'main', 'Top', 'default' )
; # Default to top of main for unknown ip address
# set_menu_default('main', 'Top|Main|Rooms|Living Room', '');
# set_menu_default('main', 'Main|Rooms|Living Room', '');
# set_menu_default('main', 'Main|Rooms|Bedroom', '');
# Monitor wap and vxml sessions
if ( $Http{loop} == $Loop_Count ) {
if ( $Http{request} =~ /menu_wml/ ) {
play 'wap'; # Defined in
my $msg =
"WAP call from $Http{'User-Agent'}, $Http{'x-up-subno'} $Http{request}";
# display $msg, 0; # See if this can be used for security
logit "$config_parms{data_dir}/logs/menu_wml.$Year_Month_Now.log", $msg;
if ( $Http{request} =~ /menu_vxml/ ) {
play 'tell_me'; # Defined in
my $msg = "Tellme call: $Http{request}";
print_log $msg;
logit "$config_parms{data_dir}/logs/menu_vxml.$Year_Month_Now.log",
$Benchmark_Members{'menu'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of menu#-------------------------------------------------
sub mh_control_loopcode {
print ' mh_control' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'mh_control'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in mh_control. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'mh_control'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'mh_control'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'mh_control'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'mh_control'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'mh_control'}.' eval errors in mh_control out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'mh_control'} = $Run_Members{'mh_control'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = MisterHouse
$Category = 'MisterHouse';
# $Date$
# $Revision$
#@ Core MisterHouse commands e.g. reload code, list x10 items, rotate logs,
#@ update docs. This script also defines and lets you set the various modes.
# Reload MisterHouse
# Force reload MisterHouse
# Start/stop voice recognition
sub handle_listen_state() {
my $state = state $v_listen;
if ( $state eq 'Start' ) {
if ( $v_listen->{set_by} =~ '^vr' ) {
$v_listen->respond('app=control I am listening.');
else {
&Voice_Cmd::wait_for_command('Start listening');
$v_listen->respond('app=control I am not listening.');
# Read and process mht files
# Set one of the passwords
sub handle_set_password_state() {
my $state = state $v_set_password;
@ARGV = ( -user => $state );
print_log "Setting $state password with: @ARGV";
do "set_password";
&password_read; # Re-read new password data
# Display program and system uptime
sub handle_uptime_state() {
my $uptime_pgm = &time_diff( $Time_Startup_time, time );
my $uptime_computer = &time_diff( $Time_Boot_time, $Time );
respond("I was started $uptime_pgm ago. "
. "The computer was booted $uptime_computer ago." );
# Control and monitor the http server
sub handle_http_control_state() {
my $state = state $v_http_control;
# print_log "${state}ing the http server";
socket_open 'http' if $state eq 'Open';
socket_close 'http' if $state eq 'Close';
socket_restart 'http' if $state eq 'Restart';
# Check the http port, so we can restart it if down.
if ( $state eq 'Check' ) {
unless ( start $http_monitor) {
my $msg = "The http server $config_parms{http_server}:"
. "$config_parms{http_port} is down. Restarting";
print_log $msg;
text => "$Time_Date: $msg\n",
time => 0,
window_name => 'http down log',
append => 'bottom';
socket_close 'http'; # Somehow this gets it going again?
stop $http_monitor if active $http_monitor; # Need this?
else {
print_log "The http server is up"
unless get_set_by $v_http_control eq 'time';
stop $http_monitor;
run_voice_cmd 'Check the http server', undef, 'time', 1 if new_minute 1;
# Restart MisterHouse
sub restart_mh {
my ($command) = @_;
my $restart = ( $command eq "Restart" ) ? 1 : 0;
my $exit_timer = new Timer;
print_log "MisterHouse will " . lc($command) . " in 2 seconds.";
$exit_timer->set( 2, "&exit_pgm($restart)" );
# This will be abend.
# Allow for no msg on first time use where this flag is not set yet.
if ( $Startup
and $Save{mh_exit}
and $Save{mh_exit} ne 'normal'
and $Save{mh_exit} ne 'restart' )
# May not be "auto" at all.
# Often it is just ran manually after the last abend.
my $exit_condition = $Save{mh_exit};
$exit_condition = 'unexpectedly!' if $exit_condition eq 'abend';
display "MisterHouse restarted $exit_condition", 0;
# Reboot/shutdown the computer (windows only)
sub handle_reboot_state() {
my $state = state $v_reboot;
return unless $OS_win;
respond "$state the computer";
if ( $Info{OS_name} eq 'Win95' ) {
run 'RUNDLL USER.EXE,ExitWindows';
# In theory, either of these work for Win98/WinMe
elsif ( $Info{OS_name} eq 'WinMe' ) {
respond "The house computer will reboot in 15 seconds";
run 'start c:\\windows\\system\\runonce.exe -q';
sleep 5; # Give it a chance to get started
elsif ( $Info{OS_name} eq 'NT' ) {
my $machine = $ENV{COMPUTERNAME};
respond "The computer $machine will reboot in 1 minute.";
my $reboot = ( $state eq 'Reboot' ) ? 1 : 0;
Win32::InitiateSystemShutdown( $machine, 'Rebooting in 1 minute',
60, 1, $reboot );
elsif ( $Info{OS_name} eq 'XP' ) {
my $machine = $ENV{COMPUTERNAME};
respond "The computer $machine will reboot in 1 minute.";
my $reboot = ( $state =~ /^reboot$/i ) ? '-r' : '-s';
# *** Need 60 second timer to exit program!
run "SHUTDOWN $reboot -f -t 60";
else {
run 'rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 6 ';
sleep 5; # Give it a chance to get started
# Good info for all OSes here:
# rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx n
#where n is one, or a combination of, the following numbers:
#4 - FORCE
#The above options can be combined into one value to achieve different results.
#For example, to restart Windows forcefully, without querying any running
#programs, use the following command line:
#rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 6
# Abort a reboot that has been initiated
sub handle_reboot_abort_state() {
return unless $OS_win;
if ( $Info{OS_name} eq 'XP' ) {
run "SHUTDOWN -a";
respond "app=pc The reboot has been aborted.";
else {
my $machine = $ENV{COMPUTERNAME};
respond "app=pc The reboot has been aborted.";
# Turn on selected debug options, or turn off completely
sub handle_debug_state() {
my $state = state $v_debug;
if ( $state eq 'none' ) {
$config_parms{debug} = '';
%Debug = {};
$v_debug->respond("Debugging completely turned off");
else {
$Debug{$state} = 1;
$state =~ s/_/\x20/g;
$v_debug->respond("Debugging turned on for $state");
# Toggle selected debug options
sub handle_debug_toggle_state() {
my $state = state $v_debug_toggle;
if ( $Debug{$state} ) {
$Debug{$state} = 0;
$state =~ s/_/\x20/g;
$v_debug_toggle->respond("Debugging turned off for $state");
else {
$Debug{$state} = 1;
$state =~ s/_/\x20/g;
$v_debug_toggle->respond("Debugging turned on for $state");
# Display currently active debug flags
sub handle_show_debug_state() {
if ( $config_parms{debug} eq '' ) {
$v_show_debug->respond('There are no active debug flags');
else {
'The currently active debug flags are ' . $config_parms{debug} );
sub update_config_parms_debug {
my @currentDebugs = ();
foreach my $key ( keys %Debug ) {
next if $key eq 'debug_previous';
push( @currentDebugs, $key . ':' . $Debug{$key} ) if $Debug{$key};
$config_parms{debug} = join( ';', @currentDebugs );
# Set the house mode
sub handle_mode_state() {
my $state = state $v_mode;
$Save{mode} = $state;
set $mode_mh $state, $v_mode;
$v_mode->respond("Setting house to $state mode.");
# Toggle the house mode
sub handle_mode_toggle_state() {
if ( $Save{mode} eq 'mute' ) {
$Save{mode} = 'offline';
elsif ( $Save{mode} eq 'offline' ) {
$Save{mode} = 'normal';
else {
$Save{mode} = 'mute';
set $mode_mh $Save{mode}, $v_mode_toggle;
# mode => unmuted cause speech even in mute or offline mode
$v_mode_toggle->respond("mode=unmuted app=control Now in $Save{mode} mode");
# Allow tk and web users to search the user code for strings
# Set from web menu mh/web/ia5/house/search.shtml
sub handle_search_code_string_state() {
my $state = state $search_code_string;
print "Searching for code $state\n";
my ( $results, $count, %files );
$count = 0;
$state =~ s/ /.+/; # Let 'reload code' match 'reload xyz code'
# quotemeta function?
$state =~ s/\//\\\//g;
$state =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$state =~ s/\(/\\\(/g;
$state =~ s/\)/\\\)/g;
$state =~ s/\$/\\\$/;
$state =~ s/\*/\\\*/g;
for my $file ( sort keys %User_Code ) {
my $n = 0;
for ( @{ $User_Code{$file} } ) {
if (/$state/i) {
$results .= "\nFile: $file:\n------------------------------\n"
unless $files{$file}++;
$results .= sprintf( "%4d: %s", $n, $_ );
print_log "Found $count matches";
$results = "Found $count matches\n" . $results;
display $results, 60, 'Code Search Results', 'fixed' if $count;
# Create a list of all Voice_Cmd texts
display join "\n", &Voice_Cmd::voice_items if said $v_list_voice_cmds;
# Display the info text (set via the set_info() method) of all voice commands
sub handle_voice_cmds_help_state() {
my @voice_commands = &Voice_Cmd::voice_items();
my $msg;
foreach my $voice_command (@voice_commands) {
my ( $category, $cmd ) = split ': ', $voice_command;
my ( $ref, $said, $vocab_cmd ) = &Voice_Cmd::voice_item_by_text($cmd);
$msg .= "$voice_command: $ref->{info}\n" if $ref->{info};
# Create a list by X10 Addresses
sub handle_list_x10_items_state() {
print_log "Listing X10 items";
my @object_list = (
my @objects = map { &get_object_by_name($_) } @object_list;
my $results;
for my $object ( sort { $a->{x10_id} cmp $b->{x10_id} } @objects ) {
$results .= sprintf(
"Address:%-2s File:%-15s Object:%-30s State:%s\n",
substr( $object->{x10_id}, 1 ), $object->{filename},
$object->{object_name}, $object->{state}
# display $results, 60, 'X10 Items', 'fixed';
text => $results,
time => 60,
title => 'X10 Items',
font => 'fixed'
if $results;
respond 'No items found' if !$results;
# Create a list by Serial States
sub handle_list_serial_items_state() {
print_log "Listing serial items";
my @object_list = &list_objects_by_type('Serial_Item');
my @objects = map { &get_object_by_name($_) } @object_list;
my @results;
# Sort object by the first id
for my $object (@objects) {
# my ($first_id, $states);
for my $id ( sort keys %{ $$object{state_by_id} } ) {
push @results,
"ID:%-5s File:%-15s Object:%-15s states: %s",
$id, $object->{filename},
# $first_id = $id unless $first_id;
# $states .= "$id=$$object{state_by_id}{$id}, ";
# push @results, sprintf("ID:%-5s File:%-15s Object:%-15s states: %s",
# $first_id, $object->{filename}, $object->{object_name}, $states);
my $results = join "\n", sort @results;
# display $results, 60, 'Serial Items', 'fixed';
text => $results,
time => 60,
title => 'Serial Items',
font => 'fixed';
# Find a list of debug options code for $Debug{xyz}
sub handle_list_debug_options_state() {
my ( %debug_options, $debug_string, $prev_index );
my %files = &file_read_dir('../lib/');
my @files = grep( /\.(pl|pm)$/i, values %files );
for my $file ( 'mh', @files ) {
print "reading $file\n";
for ( &file_read( $file, 2 ) ) {
$debug_options{$1}++ if /Debug\{['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\}/;
print "Reading user code\n";
for (@Sub_Code) {
$debug_options{$1}++ if /Debug\{['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\}/;
for my $key ( sort keys %debug_options ) {
if ( $prev_index ne substr( $key, 0, 1 ) ) {
$prev_index = substr( $key, 0, 1 );
$debug_string .= "\n";
$debug_string .= "$key ";
# display "List of debug options:\n$debug_string";
respond text => "List of debug options:\n$debug_string";
# Echo serial matches
&Serial_match_add_hook( \&serial_match_log ) if $Reload;
sub serial_match_log {
my ( $ref, $state, $event ) = @_;
return unless $event =~ /^X/; # Echo only X10 events
my ( $prefix, $name ) = $$ref{object_name} =~ /^(.)(.+)/g;
# don't log a message if being generated by an X10_Item contained object
# see lib/X10_Items for more info
return if $prefix eq '#';
print_log "$event: $name $state"
if $config_parms{x10_errata} > 1 and !$$ref{no_log};
# Allow for keyboard control
if ($Keyboard) {
if ( $Keyboard eq 'F1' ) {
print "Key F1 pressed. Reloading code\n";
# Must be done before the user code eval
push @Nextpass_Actions, \&read_code;
elsif ( $Keyboard eq 'F2' ) {
print "Key F2 pressed. Toggling pause mode.\n";
&toggle_pause; # Leaving pause mode is still done in mh code
elsif ( $Keyboard eq 'F3' ) {
print "Key F3 pressed. Exiting.\n";
elsif ( $Keyboard eq 'F4' ) {
print "Key F4 pressed. Toggling debug.\n"; # defunct
elsif ( $Keyboard eq 'F5' ) {
print "Key F3 pressed. Toggling console logging.\n";
elsif ($Keyboard) {
print "key press: $Keyboard\n" if $Debug{misc};
# Monitor if web password was set or unset
speak 'app=notice Web password was just set' if $Cookies{password_was_set};
speak 'app=notice Notice, an invalid Web password was just specified'
if $Cookies{password_was_not_set};
# Those with ups devices can set this seperatly
# Those without a CM11 ... this will not hurt any
if ($ControlX10::CM11::POWER_RESET) {
$ControlX10::CM11::POWER_RESET = 0;
set $Power_Supply 'Restored';
print_log 'CM11 power reset detected';
# Set back to normal 1 pass after restored
if ( state_now $Power_Supply eq 'Restored' ) {
speak 'Power has been restored';
set $Power_Supply 'Normal';
display time => 0, text => "Detected a power reset";
# Process any backlogged X10 data
if ($ControlX10::CM11::BACKLOG) {
print "X10:scheduling backlog\n";
set $x10_backlog_timer 1,
$ControlX10::CM11::BACKLOG = "";
# Repeat last spoken
sub handle_repeat_last_spoken_state() {
( $temp = $Speak_Log[0] ) =~ s/^.+?: //s;
$temp =~ s/^I said //s; # In case we run this more than once in a row
$temp = lcfirst($temp);
respond "I said $temp";
# Clear the web cache directory
sub handle_clear_cache_state() {
my $cmd = ($OS_win) ? 'del' : 'rm';
$cmd .= " $config_parms{html_alias_cache}/*.jpg";
$cmd .= " $config_parms{html_alias_cache}/*.wav";
$cmd =~ s|/|\\|g if $OS_win;
system $cmd;
print_log "Ran: $cmd";
respond "Web cache directory has been cleared.";
# Archive old logs
if ($New_Month) {
"Archiving old print/speak logs: $config_parms{data_dir}/logs/print.log.old";
file_backup "$config_parms{data_dir}/logs/print.log.old", 'force';
file_backup "$config_parms{data_dir}/logs/speak.log.old", 'force';
file_backup "$config_parms{data_dir}/logs/error.log.old", 'force';
# Allow for commands to be entered via tk or web
# Set from web menu mh/web/ia5/house/search.shtml
sub handle_run_command_state() {
my $state = state $run_command;
my $set_by = get_set_by $run_command;
print_log "Running External $set_by command: $state";
&process_external_command( $state, 1, $set_by );
# Allow web users to search the code
# Set from web menu mh/web/ia5/house/search.shtml
sub handle_search_command_string_state() {
# this next line shouldn't be neccessary, but it is
my $state = state $search_command_string;
my @match = &phrase_match($state);
my $results = "Matches for $state:\n";
my $i = 1;
for my $cmd2 (@match) {
$results .= " $i: $cmd2\n";
# respond $results;
# Undo the last action
sub handle_undo_last_change_state() {
# Set up core MisterHouse modes like mode_mh (normal/mute/offline),
# mode_vacation (on/off), mode_security (armed/unarmed),
# mode_sleep (awake/sleeping parents/sleeping kids).
# These modes can be controlled via the modes menu.
# Grandfather in the $Save{mode} versions
$mode_mh->set_states( 'normal', 'mute', 'offline' );
sub handle_mode_mh_state() {
my $state = state $mode_mh;
$Save{mode} = $state;
$mode_mh->respond("mode=unmuted app=control Changed to $Save{mode} mode.");
$mode_security->set_states( 'armed', 'unarmed' );
sub handle_mode_security_state() {
my $state = state $mode_security;
$Save{security} = $state;
$mode_security->respond("mode=unmuted app=control Security $state.");
$mode_occupied->set_states( 'home', 'work', 'vacation' );
$mode_sleeping->set_states( 'nobody', 'parents', 'kids', 'all' );
sub handle_mode_sleeping_state() {
my $state = state $mode_sleeping;
$Save{sleeping_parents} =
( $state eq 'parents' or $state eq 'all' ) ? 1 : 0;
$Save{sleeping_kids} = ( $state eq 'kids' or $state eq 'all' ) ? 1 : 0;
$state = ucfirst($state);
$mode_sleeping->respond("mode=unmuted app=control $state are sleeping.");
# Convert any updated pod documentation to html
$Benchmark_Members{'mh_control'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of mh_control#-------------------------------------------------
sub mh_release_loopcode {
print ' mh_release' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'mh_release'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in mh_release. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'mh_release'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'mh_release'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'mh_release'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'mh_release'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'mh_release'}.' eval errors in mh_release out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'mh_release'} = $Run_Members{'mh_release'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category=MisterHouse
$Category = 'MisterHouse';
#@ This code will retrieve and parse the MH download page to
#@ determine if a newer version is available.
=begin comment
Created by Axel Brown
This code will retrieve and parse the MH download page to
determine if a newer version is available.
Revision History
Version 0.1 January 04, 2005
Version 0.2 - March, 2014, Use Github Tags URL, Ignore develop-ref version
And so it begins...
use JSON::PP ()
; # Do not import any functions as it could conflict with the JSON imported functions from other locations in the code
sub parse_version {
my ( $maj, $min ) = $Version =~ /(\d)\.(\d*)/;
my ($rev) = $Version =~ /R(\d*)/;
$maj = $Version unless ($maj);
my $version_str = $maj;
$version_str .= ".$min" unless ( $min eq '' );
$version_str .= " (revision $rev)" if ($rev);
return ( $maj, $min, $version_str );
sub calc_age {
#Get the time sent in. This is UTC
my $time = shift;
#*** This is a hack (same as earthquakes)
#*** Surely PERL can turn a date string into a time hash!
my ( $qyear, $qmnth, $qdate ) = $time =~ m!(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)T!;
my $diff = ( time - timelocal( 0, 0, 0, $qdate, $qmnth - 1, $qyear ) );
my $days_ago = int( $diff / ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) );
return 'today' if !$days_ago;
return 'yesterday' if $days_ago == 1;
return 'the day before yesterday' if $days_ago == 2;
return "$days_ago days ago" if $days_ago < 7;
my $weeks = int( $days_ago / 7 );
my $days = $days_ago % 7;
"$weeks week"
. ( ( $weeks == 1 ) ? '' : 's' )
. (
( !$days ) ? '' : ( " and $days day" . ( ( $days == 1 ) ? '' : 's' ) ) )
. " ago";
if ( said $v_version) {
my ( $maj, $min, $version_str ) = &parse_version();
if (
( $Save{mhdl_maj} > $maj )
or ( ( $Save{mhdl_maj} == $maj ) and ( $Save{mhdl_min} > $min ) )
and ( $maj !~ m/^develop-ref/ )
"app=control I am version $version_str and $Save{mhdl_maj}.$Save{mhdl_min} was released "
. &calc_age( $Save{mhdl_date} )
. '.' );
elsif ( $maj =~ m/^develop-ref/ ) {
"app=control You are running the development branch, it has no version releases."
else {
respond("app=control I am version $version_str.");
if ( said $v_mhdl_page) {
my $msg;
if (&net_connect_check) {
$msg = 'Checking version...';
print_log("Retrieving download page");
start $p_mhdl_page;
else {
$msg =
"app=control Unable to check version while disconnected from the Internet";
$v_mhdl_page->respond("app=control $msg");
if ( done_now $p_mhdl_page) {
my @html = file_read($mhdl_file);
print_log("Download page retrieved");
my $json = JSON::PP::decode_json(@html)
; # Use the PP version of the call as otherwise this function fails at least on OS X 10.9.4 with Perl 5.18.2
my ( $mhdl_date_url, $maj, $min );
foreach ( @{$json} ) {
next unless $_->{name} =~ m/^v(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
next unless ( ( $1 > $maj ) or ( $1 == $maj and $2 > $min ) );
$maj = $1;
$min = $2;
$mhdl_date_url = $_->{commit}{url};
$Save{mhdl_maj} = $maj;
$Save{mhdl_min} = $min;
my $msg;
if (&net_connect_check) {
$msg = 'Checking version date...';
print_log("Retrieving download date page");
set $p_mhdl_date_page
"get_url -quiet \"$mhdl_date_url\" \"$mhdl_date_file\"";
start $p_mhdl_date_page;
else {
$msg =
"app=control Unable to check version date while disconnected from the Internet";
respond("app=control $msg");
if ( done_now $p_mhdl_date_page) {
my @html = file_read($mhdl_date_file);
print_log("Download date page retrieved");
my $json = JSON::PP::decode_json(@html);
$Save{mhdl_date} = $json->{commit}{author}{date};
if ( defined $Save{mhdl_maj} and defined $Save{mhdl_min} ) {
my ( $maj, $min, $version_str ) = &parse_version();
if (
( $Save{mhdl_maj} > $maj )
( ( $Save{mhdl_maj} == $maj ) and ( $Save{mhdl_min} > $min ) )
and ( $maj !~ m/^develop-ref/ )
"important=1 connected=0 app=control I am version $version_str and version $Save{mhdl_maj}.$Save{mhdl_min} was released "
. &calc_age( $Save{mhdl_date} . '.' ) );
elsif ( $maj =~ m/^develop-ref/ ) {
"connected=0 app=control You are running the development branch, it has no version releases."
else {
# Voice command is only code to start this process, so check its set_by
respond("connected=0 app=control Version $version_str is current.");
# create trigger to download version info at 6PM (or on dial-up connect)
if ($Reload) {
if ( $Run_Members{'internet_dialup'} ) {
"state_now \$net_connect eq 'connected'",
"run_voice_cmd 'Check Misterhouse version'",
'get MH version'
) unless &trigger_get('get MH version');
else {
"time_cron '0 18 * * *' and net_connect_check",
"run_voice_cmd 'Check Misterhouse version'",
'get MH version'
) unless &trigger_get('get MH version');
$Benchmark_Members{'mh_release'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of mh_release#-------------------------------------------------
sub mh_sound_loopcode {
print ' mh_sound' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'mh_sound'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in mh_sound. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'mh_sound'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'mh_sound'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'mh_sound'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'mh_sound'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'mh_sound'}.' eval errors in mh_sound out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'mh_sound'} = $Run_Members{'mh_sound'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = MisterHouse
$Category = 'MisterHouse';
# $Date$
# $Revision$
#@ Controls sound volume durring speak and play events.
# Here is what this code does:
# - Controls volume and sets a object whenever speak or play is called
# - Sets the mh_speakers object, which can be used to control relay
# controlled speakers on and off before and after TTS and wave
# file sounds (see mh/code/bruce/
# - Plays the mh.ini sound_pre wav file before all sounds.
# Useful if you want to add delay, or an activation noise for things
# NOTE: Use speak_chime module instead! Old method is not being maintained.
# like VOX (Voice Activated) Radios .
# - Allows for restarting voice engines
$Info{Volume_Control} = 'Command Line'
if $Reload
and $config_parms{volume_master_get_cmd}
and $config_parms{volume_master_set_cmd};
# Allow for default volume control. Reset on startup.
$Benchmark_Members{'mh_sound'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of mh_sound#-------------------------------------------------
sub mhsend_server_loopcode {
print ' mhsend_server' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'mhsend_server'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in mhsend_server. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'mhsend_server'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'mhsend_server'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'mhsend_server'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'mhsend_server'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'mhsend_server'}.' eval errors in mhsend_server out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'mhsend_server'} = $Run_Members{'mhsend_server'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = MisterHouse
$Category = 'MisterHouse';
#@ Reads incoming data from a socket port and do stuff with it.
#@ An example client that talks with this is mh/bin/mhsend
# Create mh/data/mhsend directory at startup, if missing
mkdir( "$config_parms{data_dir}/mhsend", 0777 )
if $Startup and !-d "$config_parms{data_dir}/mhsend";
if ( my $header = said $mhsend_server) {
my ( $msg, $user, $password, $authorized, $response );
# Format of incoming data:
# Request
# Authorization: Basic xxxx
# data
my ( $action, $action_arg ) = $header =~ /^(\S+) *(\S*)/;
$action = lc $action;
my ( $name, $name_short );
# my ($name, $name_short) = net_domain_name('server_data');
"Received server_data data: name=$name: action=$action arg=$action_arg"
unless $config_parms{no_log} =~ /mhsend_server/;
# Read header and optional password (until blank record)
my $handle = handle $mhsend_server;
while (<$handle>) {
last unless /\S/;
if (/Authorization: Basic (\S+)/) {
( $user, $password ) = split( ':', unpack( "u", $1 ) );
# ($user, $password) = split(':', decode_base64 $1);
if ( $user = password_check $password, 'server_mhsend' ) {
$authorized = $user;
else {
$response = "mhsend password bad\n";
# Now read the data
while (<$handle>) {
$msg .= $_;
if ( $Password_Allow{$action} eq 'anyone'
or ( $action eq 'run' and $Password_Allow{$msg} eq 'anyone' ) )
$authorized = 'anyone';
if ( !$authorized ) {
$response = "Action is not authorized: $action $msg";
elsif ( $action eq 'display' ) {
$action_arg = 120 unless defined $action_arg;
display( $msg, $action_arg, "Internet Message from $name" );
text => $msg,
time => $action_arg,
title => 'Mhsend message',
window_name => 'mssend',
append => 'bottom';
# print_msg "mhsend: $msg";
$response = "Data was displayed for $action_arg seconds";
logit( "$config_parms{data_dir}/mhsend/display.log", $msg )
; # Also logit
elsif ( $action eq 'state' ) {
my $state = eval "state $msg";
$response = $state;
elsif ( $action eq 'speak' ) {
if ( length $msg < 400 ) {
speak $msg;
$response = "Data was spoken";
else {
display( $msg, 120, "Internet Message from $name" );
$response =
"Data was too long ... it was displayed instead of being spoken";
elsif ( $action eq 'run' ) {
$msg =~ s/\n|\r//g;
# if (&run_voice_cmd($msg)) {
# my $respond = "object_set name=mhsend_server";
my $respond = "mhsend name=mhsend_server ";
$respond .=
"proxyip=" . $Socket_Ports{'server_mhsend'}{client_ip_address};
if ( &process_external_command( $msg, 0, 'mhsend', $respond ) ) {
$response = "Command was run: $msg";
else {
$response = "Command not found: $msg";
elsif ( $action eq 'file' ) {
file_write( "$config_parms{data_dir}/mhsend/$action_arg", $msg );
$response = "Data was filed to $action_arg";
elsif ( $action eq 'log' ) {
$action_arg = 'default' unless $action_arg;
# logit("$config_parms{data_dir}/mhsend/$action_arg.log", $msg, 0);
logit( "$config_parms{data_dir}/mhsend/$action_arg.log", $msg );
$response = "Data was logged $action_arg.log";
print_log $response unless $config_parms{no_log} =~ /mhsend_server/;
print "mhsend_server: $response\n"
unless $config_parms{no_log} =~ /mhsend_server/;
print $handle $response;
sub respond_mhsend {
# my $handle = handle $mhsend_server;
# print $handle $response;
# print_log "mhsend response: @_";
$Benchmark_Members{'mhsend_server'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of mhsend_server#-------------------------------------------------
sub organizer_loopcode {
print ' organizer' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'organizer'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in organizer. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'organizer'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'organizer'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'organizer'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'organizer'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'organizer'}.' eval errors in organizer out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'organizer'} = $Run_Members{'organizer'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = Time
$Category = 'Time';
#@ This module is a significant update from MH v2, and has a few functions;
#@ <ul>
#@ <li> iCal2vsDB syncronization control. Imports iCal files (Apple iCal,
#@ Mozilla Sunbird) into MH as standard calendars, or holiday/vacation
#@ calendars.
#@ <li> New in v3.1 now can control objects using a control calendar
#@ <li> Monitors the vsDB calendar and todo files and creates required events
#@ to process these items (creates organizer_*.pl files in the code dir)
#@ <li> Implements an Organizer_Events class for manipulating events, holidays
#@ and vacations.
#@ <li> Automatically updates vsDB 'databases' with the new required fields
#@ Minimum Requirements: 1.6.0-3 and 1.4.8-4 (Misterhouse v2.104)
=begin comment
mh.ini parameters required
organizer_dir (mandatory). Set to the location where your organizer data will be stored
organizer_email (optional). Required if email notices are used. The first entry will be
considered the default for notices that don't map to assignments (e.g., to-do).
Example: organizer_email = fred =>, wilma =>
Note requirement that keys be lowercase.
organizer_announce_day_times (optional) overides the default times when announcements occur
on the day of a to-do or event. Example:
organizer_announce_day_times = 8:00 am, 9:00 am
Note case and space between number and "am".
organizer_announce_priorday_times (optional) overides the default times when announcements
occur prior to the day of a to-do or event.
ical_read_interval (optional). Defaults to 0 which will prevent periodic iCal reading.
Set to a value in minutes
for Automatic i2v.cfg generation add the following mh.ini parameters;
ical2vsdb_<name> = url to ical file
url examples:
ical2vsdb_<name>_options = comma delimited list of ical processing options
Options available:
speak_cal to speak calendar entries
speak_todo to speak task entries
holiday calendar entries should be treated as holiday time
vacation calendar entries should be treated as vacation time
name=XXXX set source name to XXX rather than parse it from inside the ical
Changed in ical2vsdb 4
nodcsfix most calendar servers (ie google) need a second level parse. Set this if the ical
isn't being processed
nosync_dtstamp some calendars (ie google) update the dtstamp field each time the calendar
is downloaded, such that it is processed each time. ical2vsdb syncs these fields
ensuring that ical2vsdb only runs when the calendar has changed. Set this if there is
too much processing not if non-google calendars aren't being processed
control For dedicated item control calendars. MH objects with the same name as the
event will be turned on during the event duration
ical2vsdb_account1 = http://house/holical.ics
ical2vsdb_account1_options = holiday, speak_cal, name=testing account
other mh.ini options;
ical_days_before Number of days back in the past to import
ical_days_after Number of days in the future to import
ical_local_cache_dir Local cache directory
iCal2vsDB uses iCal::Parser, which has several significant dependancies to operate correctly,
these have been included in lib/site
for https access Crypt::SSLeay needs to be installed manually as well
package Organizer_Events;
@Organizer_Events::ISA = ('Generic_Item');
sub new {
my ($class) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub add {
my ( $self, %data ) = @_;
push @{ $$self{_events} }, \%data;
sub reset {
my ($self) = @_;
@{ $$self{_events} } = ();
sub evaluate {
my ($self) = @_;
@{ $$self{_active_events} } = ();
foreach my $event ( @{ $$self{_events} } ) {
if ( &main::time_greater_or_equal( $$event{startdt} )
&& &main::time_less_or_equal( $$event{enddt} ) )
push @{ $$self{_active_events} }, $event;
# TO-DO: need to distinguish between a new event which is making the state active again
# vs. the same (set of) event(s) causing the state to be active
if ( @{ $$self{_active_events} } ) {
if ( $self->state ne 'active' ) {
print "setting $$self{object_name} active\n";
else {
if ( $self->state ne 'inactive' ) {
print "setting $$self{object_name} " . $self->state . "\n";
sub active_events {
my ($self) = @_;
return @{ $$self{_active_events} };
sub is_active_today {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->is_active_on_day(0);
sub is_active_tomorrow {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->is_active_on_day(1);
sub is_active_on_day {
my ( $self, $day ) = @_;
my ($now_date) = $main::Time_Date =~ /(\S+)\s+\S+/;
my $comparetime =
&main::my_str2time( "$now_date 12:00 am + " . ( $day * 24 ) . ":00" );
foreach my $event ( @{ $$self{_events} } ) {
my $eventtime = &main::my_str2time( $$event{startdt} );
my $timediff = $eventtime - $comparetime;
if ( $timediff >= 0 and $timediff < ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) ) {
return 1;
return 0;
package main;
use File::Copy;
use vsDB;
# PUBLIC objects:
# PRIVATE data
if ($Reload) {
set_watch $_organizer_cal;
set_watch $_organizer_todo;
#$p_ical2vsdb->set("ical2vsdb $_ical2db_config_path $_ical2db_output_dir $main::config_parms{date_format}");
&read_parm_hash( \%_organizer_emails,
$main::config_parms{organizer_email} );
# setup default announce times
@_organizer_announce_day_times =
split( /\s*,\s*/, $main::config_parms{organizer_announce_day_times} )
if defined $main::config_parms{organizer_announce_day_times};
@_organizer_announce_priorday_times =
split( /\s*,\s*/, $main::config_parms{organizer_announce_priorday_times} )
if defined $main::config_parms{organizer_announce_priorday_times};
#Check to see if calendar and organizer databases need upgrade
my @_upd_cal = (
$calOk = &update_vsdb( 'Calendar', $_organizer_cal->name, @_upd_cal );
my @_upd_todo = (
'Complete', 'Description', 'DueDate', 'AssignedTo',
$todoOk = &update_vsdb( 'Todo', $_organizer_todo->name, @_upd_todo );
#Auto generate i2v.cfg file from mh.ini entries
if ( $config_parms{ical_read_interval} ) {
my $icals;
my $options;
my $data = "cfg_version\t2\n";
foreach my $parm ( sort keys %config_parms ) {
next unless $config_parms{$parm}; # Ignore blank parms
next if ( $parm =~ /MHINTERNAL/ );
if ( $parm =~ /^ical2vsdb_(\S+)_option/ ) {
$options->{$1} = $config_parms{$parm};
elsif ( $parm =~ /^ical2vsdb_(\S+)/ ) {
$icals->{$1} = $config_parms{$parm};
foreach my $ical ( sort keys %$icals ) {
#print_log "i=$ical, icals->{$ical}\n";
$data .= "ical\t";
$data .= $icals->{$ical};
$data .= "\t" . $options->{$ical} if ( defined $options->{$ical} );
$data .= "\n";
if ($data) {
$data =
"#\n# Autogenerated code at "
. $Date_Now . " "
. $Time_Now . "\n#\n"
. $data;
$data .= "\n#Options\n";
$data .= "days_before\t" . $config_parms{ical_days_before} . "\n"
if $config_parms{ical_days_before};
$data .= "days_after\t" . $config_parms{ical_days_after} . "\n"
if $config_parms{ical_days_after};
$data .=
"local_cache_dir\t" . $config_parms{ical_local_cache_dir} . "\n"
if $config_parms{ical_local_cache_dir};
$data .=
"\n#Required\nsleep_delay\t0\n\n#\n# Autogeneration complete.\n#\n"
if $data;
if ( new_minute(1) ) {
# default to 0 so that ical reading is not automatic unless enabled explicitely.
if ( said $v_get_ical_data
or ( ($ical_read_interval) && new_minute($ical_read_interval) ) )
if ( said $v_get_ical_data eq "Force" ) {
&main::print_log("Organizer: Forcing calendar update");
if ( unlink("$config_parms{organizer_dir}/ical2vsdb.md5") ) {
# $v_get_ical_data->respond("iCal force successful. Data retrieval will occur on next scheduled.");
else {
"iCal force unsuccessful. Please check permissions on $config_parms{organizer_dir}/ical2vsdb.md5"
elsif ( said $v_get_ical_data eq "Purge" ) {
&main::print_log("Organizer: Purging iCal data from calendars");
$p_ical2vsdb->set("ical2vsdb --purge-ical-info $_ical2db_output_dir");
start $p_ical2vsdb;
elsif ( -e $_ical2db_config_path ) {
"ical2vsdb $_ical2db_config_path $_ical2db_output_dir $main::config_parms{date_format}"
start $p_ical2vsdb;
else {
&main::print_log("Organizer: Cannot find configuration file!");
if (
and ( $Reload
or said $organizer_check
or ( $New_Minute and changed $_organizer_cal) )
&main::print_log('Organizer: Reading updated organizer calendar file now');
set_watch $_organizer_cal; # Reset so changed function works
my ($objDB) = new vsDB( file => $_organizer_cal->name, delimiter => '\t' );
# set objDB to sort on DATE
print $objDB->LastError unless $objDB->Open;
# reset the three organizer objects to avoid memory leaks
my $mycode = "$Code_Dirs[0]/";
open( MYCODE, ">$mycode" )
or &main::print_log("Organizer: Error in open on $mycode: $!");
print MYCODE "\n# Category = Time\n";
$Category = 'Time\n";';
print MYCODE "\n#@ Auto-generated from Organizer\n\n";
print MYCODE "if (\$New_Minute) {\n";
while ( !$objDB->EOF ) {
my (%data);
eval {
$data{type} = 'event';
my @date = split '\.', $objDB->FieldValue('DATE');
$data{date} =
( $config_parms{date_format} =~ /ddmm/ )
? "$date[2]/$date[1]/$date[0]"
: "$date[1]/$date[2]/$date[0]";
$data{time} = $objDB->FieldValue('TIME');
if ( $data{time} ) {
# TO-DO: force time entry to be legitimate (i.e., no "24hr time"--only am/pm time)
else {
$data{time} = "12:00 am";
$data{description} = $objDB->FieldValue('EVENT');
$data{reminder} = $objDB->FieldValue('REMINDER');
$data{category} = $objDB->FieldValue('CATEGORY');
$data{endtime} = $objDB->FieldValue('ENDTIME');
$data{control} = $objDB->FieldValue('CONTROL');
$data{endtime} =
( !( $data{endtime} ) && $data{time} )
? $data{time}
: $data{endtime};
$data{allday} = ( $data{time} eq $data{endtime} ) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
$data{notes} = $objDB->FieldValue('DETAILS');
$data{startdt} = $data{date} . ' '
. ( ( $data{time} ) ? $data{time} : "12:00 am" );
$data{enddt} =
$data{date} . ' '
. (
( $data{endtime} && $data{endtime} !~ /12:00 am/i )
? $data{endtime}
: "11:59 pm"
#changed to notify an array of email addresses
$data{name_count} = 0;
foreach my $emailname ( keys %_organizer_emails ) {
#$data{name} = $emailname;
$data{name}[ $data{name_count} ] = $emailname;
if ( $objDB->FieldValue('VACATION') =~ /on/i
or $data{category} =~ /vacation/i )
elsif ($objDB->FieldValue('HOLIDAY') =~ /on/i
or $data{category} =~ /holiday/i )
else {
# protect against bad dates
if ( $data{startdt} && !( &main::my_str2time( $data{startdt} ) ) ) {
"Bad start time format: $data{startdt} encountered in calendar"
if ( $data{enddt} && !( &main::my_str2time( $data{enddt} ) ) ) {
"Bad end time format: $data{enddt} encountered in calendar"
my $fh = *MYCODE;
&generate_code( $fh, %data );
print "Error encountered while processing calendar data: $@\n" if $@;
%data = undef;
print MYCODE "}\n";
close MYCODE;
do_user_file $mycode;
if (
and ( $Reload
or said $organizer_check
or ( $New_Minute and changed $_organizer_todo) )
&main::print_log('Organizer: Reading updated organizer todo file');
set_watch $_organizer_todo; # Reset so changed function works
my ($objDB) = new vsDB( file => $_organizer_todo->name, delimiter => '\t' );
print $objDB->LastError unless $objDB->Open;
my $mycode = "$Code_Dirs[0]/";
open( MYCODE, ">$mycode" )
or &main::print_log("Error in open on $mycode: $!");
print MYCODE "\n# Category = Time\n";
$Category = 'Time\n";';
print MYCODE "\n#@ Auto-generated from Organizer\n\n";
print MYCODE "if (\$New_Minute) {\n";
while ( !$objDB->EOF ) {
my (%data);
eval {
my $complete = $objDB->FieldValue('Complete');
my $duedate = $objDB->FieldValue('DueDate');
my ( $date, $time ) = $duedate =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+\s+\S+)/;
$date = $duedate unless $date;
$data{type} = 'task';
$data{date} = $date;
$data{time} = $time;
$data{allday} = 'Yes' if $data{time} and $data{time} =~ /12:00 am/i;
$data{reminder} = $objDB->FieldValue('REMINDER');
$data{name} = $objDB->FieldValue('AssignedTo');
$data{description} = $objDB->FieldValue('Description');
$data{notes} = $objDB->FieldValue('Notes');
$data{speak} = $objDB->FieldValue('SPEAK');
$data{startdt} = $objDB->FieldValue('STARTDATE');
$data{category} = $objDB->FieldValue('CATEGORY');
$data{enddt} = $data{date} . ' ' . $data{time};
next if lc $complete =~ /^y/i;
next unless $data{name} or $data{description};
next unless $data{date};
my $evaldt =
( $data{time} )
? $data{date} . ' ' . $data{time}
: $data{date} . ' 12:00 am';
unless time_less_than("$evaldt + 23:59")
; # Skip past and invalid events
# protect against bad dates
if ( $data{startdt} && !( &main::my_str2time( $data{startdt} ) ) ) {
"Bad start time format: $data{startdt} encountered in tasks"
if ( $data{enddt} && !( &main::my_str2time( $data{enddt} ) ) ) {
"Bad end time format: $data{enddt} encountered in tasks");
my $fh = *MYCODE;
&generate_code( $fh, %data );
print "Error encountered while processing tasks: $@\n" if $@;
%data = undef;
print MYCODE "\n#@ Speak tasks administratively disabled\n\n"
if ( !$speak_tasks );
print MYCODE "}\n";
close MYCODE;
do_user_file $mycode;
sub get_speak_code {
my (%data) = @_;
my $speak_code = '';
if ( $data{type} =~ /task/i ) {
$speak_code = "Task notice for $data{name}, $data{description}.";
$speak_code .= $data{notes} if $data{notes};
else {
if ( $data{allday} =~ /^y/i ) {
if ( $data{reminder_diff} == 1 ) {
$speak_code = "Calendar notice. Tomorrow: $data{description}.";
elsif ( $data{reminder_diff} == 0 ) {
$speak_code = "Calendar notice. Today: $data{description}.";
else {
$speak_code =
"Calendar notice. In $data{reminder_diff} days: $data{description}.";
elsif ( $data{reminder_diff} ) {
$speak_code =
"Calendar Notice. In $data{reminder_time} $data{reminder_units}"
. ( ( $data{reminder_time} > 1 ) ? 's' : '' )
. ", $data{description}.";
else {
$speak_code = "Calendar notice at $data{time}: $data{description}";
if ($speak_code) {
$speak_code =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$speak_code =
"speak (\'app=organizer $speak_code\'); display (\'app=organizer $speak_code\');";
return $speak_code;
sub get_textmsg_code {
my (%data) = @_;
my $notes = '';
my $subject = $data{description};
if ( $data{type} =~ /task/i ) {
$notes .= "$data{notes}. " if $data{notes};
$notes .= "Due $data{date}" if $data{date};
$notes .= " at $data{time}"
if $data{time} and $data{time} !~ /12:00 am/i;
else {
$notes .= "Occuring on $data{date}";
my $email;
#changed to new array reference
for ( my $index = 1; $index <= $data{name_count}; $index++ ) {
$email .=
"net_mail_send to => '$_organizer_emails{lc $data{name}[$index]}', subject => q~$subject~, text => q~$notes~; ";
return $email;
sub generate_code {
my ( $fh, %data ) = @_;
$data{time_date} = "$data{date} $data{time}";
my $default_reminder = $main::config_parms{organizer_reminder};
$default_reminder = '15m' unless $default_reminder;
$data{reminder} = $default_reminder
unless $data{reminder}
or $data{allday} =~ /^y/i;
#print_log "organizerDB: data{type}=$data{type} data{control}=$data{control} data{desc}=$data{description}";
my $task_flag = $main::config_parms{organizer_vc_category};
if (
&& ( $data{type} eq 'task' )
&& ( ( $data{category} and ( $data{category} =~ /^$task_flag/i ) )
or ( $data{description} =~ /^$task_flag/i ) )
my $cmd = $data{description};
$task_flag .= ":";
$cmd =~ s/$task_flag\s*//; # trim of the prefix/identifier if it exists
my $vc = '';
eval { $vc = &Voice_Cmd::voice_item_by_text("$cmd"); };
if ($vc) {
my $offcmd = $cmd;
$offcmd =~ s/(\s+)on(\s*)/$1off$2/;
if ( $data{startdt} ) {
print MYCODE
" if (time_now '$data{startdt}') { &main::run_voice_cmd('$cmd'); };\n";
if ( $data{enddt} and $offcmd ) {
print MYCODE
" if (time_now '$data{enddt}') { &main::run_voice_cmd('$offcmd'); };\n";
# control calendars turn item on and off. Note that this only tests if an object exists. A better way
# might be to check if on & off are valid states...
if ( ( $data{type} eq 'event' ) and ( $data{control} eq 'on' ) ) {
my $obj = $data{description};
#&main::print_log("organizerDB: found control event $obj starting $data{startdt} ending $data{enddt}");
my $obj_test = '';
my $obj_state = '';
eval {
$obj_test = &main::get_object_by_name($obj);
$obj_state = state $obj_test;
if ($obj_state) {
if ( ( $data{startdt} ) and ( $data{enddt} ) ) {
print MYCODE
"if (time_now '$data{startdt}') { set \$$obj ON; }; #Control Event\n";
print MYCODE
"if (time_now '$data{enddt}') { set \$$obj OFF; }; #Control Event\n";
else {
"Organizer: Warning, invalid times for event object $obj. Ignoring Event on $data{startdt}"
else {
"Organizer: Warning, cannot determing state of event object $obj. This item might not exist. Ignoring Event on $data{startdt}"
if ( $data{reminder}
!( time_greater_than( $data{time_date} ) or $data{reminder} eq 'none' )
my @reminders = split( /,/, $data{reminder} );
for my $reminder_info (@reminders) {
my ( $reminder_time, $reminder_code ) =
$reminder_info =~ /^(\d+)(\S)/;
if ($reminder_time) {
my $reminder_diff = '00:00';
my $reminder_units = 'minute';
$reminder_code = 'm' unless $reminder_code;
if ( $reminder_code eq 'd' ) {
$reminder_diff = ( 24 * $reminder_time ) . ':00';
$reminder_units = 'day';
elsif ( $reminder_code eq 'h' ) {
$reminder_diff = "$reminder_time" . ':00';
$reminder_units = 'hour';
elsif ( $reminder_time > 0 ) {
if ( $reminder_time >= 60 ) {
my $hours = $reminder_time / 60;
my $minutes = $reminder_time % 60;
$reminder_diff = "$hours:"
. ( ( $minutes >= 10 ) ? $minutes : "0$minutes" );
else {
$reminder_diff = '00:'
. (
( $reminder_time >= 10 )
? $reminder_time
: "0$reminder_time"
$data{reminder_diff} = $reminder_diff;
$data{reminder_time} = $reminder_time;
$data{reminder_units} = $reminder_units;
print $fh
" if (time_now '$data{time_date} - $reminder_diff ') {"
. &get_speak_code(%data) . "};\n";
if ( $data{type} =~ /task/i ) {
if ( ($speak_tasks) and ( $data{speak} =~ /^y/i ) ) {
if ( $data{time} and ( $data{time} !~ /12:00 am/i ) ) {
print MYCODE " if (time_now '$data{date} $data{time}') {"
. &get_speak_code(%data) . "};\n";
else {
foreach my $announce_time (@_organizer_announce_day_times) {
print MYCODE
" if (time_now '$data{date} $announce_time') {"
. &get_speak_code(%data) . "};\n";
#Changed to notify all organizer addresses
if ( $data{name_count} ) {
my $textmsg = &get_textmsg_code(%data);
print MYCODE " if (time_now '$data{date} 12 am') { $textmsg };\n";
else {
if ( $data{allday} !~ /^y/i ) {
$data{reminder_diff} = 0
; # reset so that the get_speak_code doesn't think that this is an advance alarm
print $fh " if (time_now '$data{time_date}') {"
. &get_speak_code(%data) . "};\n";
else {
$data{reminder_diff} = 0;
$data{reminder_units} = 'day';
my $alert_date = &get_offset_date(%data);
foreach my $announce_time (@_organizer_announce_day_times) {
print MYCODE " if (time_now '$alert_date $announce_time') {"
. &get_speak_code(%data) . "};\n"
if $announce_time;
$data{reminder_diff} = 1;
my $alert_date = &get_offset_date(%data);
foreach my $announce_time (@_organizer_announce_priorday_times) {
print MYCODE " if (time_now '$alert_date $announce_time') {"
. &get_speak_code(%data) . "};\n"
if $announce_time;
# need to make the following adjustable
if (
&& ( $data{description} =~ /birthday$/i
or $data{description} =~ /anniversary$/i )
$data{reminder_diff} = 5;
$alert_date = &get_offset_date(%data);
#Changed to notify all organizer addresses
print $fh " if (time_now '$alert_date 12 am') {"
. &get_textmsg_code(%data) . "};\n";
sub get_offset_date {
my (%data) = @_;
my $hoursoffset =
$data{reminder_diff} * ( ( $data{reminder_units} = 'day' ) ? 24 : 1 );
my @date =
localtime( &main::my_str2time("$data{time_date} - $hoursoffset:00") );
my $month = $date[4] + 1;
my $year = $date[5] + 1900;
my $offset_date =
( $config_parms{date_format} =~ /ddmm/ )
? "$date[3]/$month/$year"
: "$month/$date[3]/$year";
return $offset_date;
sub update_vsdb {
my ( $dbType, $dbPath, @schemaNames ) = @_;
return 0 unless $dbType and $dbPath and @schemaNames;
# targetFields will hold the fieldNames to be appended
my @targetFields = ();
my $vsdb;
if ( !-e $dbPath ) {
"Organizer (WARNING): $dbPath does not exist. Now creating.");
push( @targetFields, 'ID' )
; # add the ID field in as it is not included in the schema names
push( @targetFields, @schemaNames ); # order doesn't matter after ID
$vsdb = new vsDB( file => $dbPath );
else {
my $ID_found = 0;
$vsdb = new vsDB( file => $dbPath );
foreach my $field ( $vsdb->FieldNames ) {
$ID_found = 1 if $field eq 'ID';
my @tmpFields = ();
foreach my $targetField (@schemaNames) {
push( @tmpFields, $targetField ) unless $targetField eq $field;
@schemaNames = @tmpFields;
if ( !($ID_found) ) {
"Organizer (WARNING): ID field not present in $dbPath. Aborting continued use of $dbType."
return 0;
push( @targetFields, @schemaNames ) if @schemaNames;
if (@targetFields) {
&main::print_log("Organizer: Now upgrading $dbType database");
foreach my $targetField (@targetFields) {
"Organizer: adding $targetField to the $dbType database");
if ( $vsdb->LastError ) {
&main::print_log( "Organizer (ERROR): " . $vsdb->LastError );
return 0;
else {
"Organizer: $dbType matches target schema and does not require upgrading"
return 1;
sub write_i2v {
my ($data) = @_;
my $filename = "$config_parms{organizer_dir}/i2v.cfg";
print_log "Organizer: Saving autogenerated i2v configuration file...";
open( FILE, ">$filename" )
|| print_log " Error: Cannot write i2v.cfg file $filename!";
print FILE $data;
$Benchmark_Members{'organizer'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of organizer#-------------------------------------------------
sub tk_eye_loopcode {
print ' tk_eye' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'tk_eye'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in tk_eye. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'tk_eye'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'tk_eye'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'tk_eye'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'tk_eye'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'tk_eye'}.' eval errors in tk_eye out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'tk_eye'} = $Run_Members{'tk_eye'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = MisterHouse
$Category = 'MisterHouse';
#@ Adds a 'program active eye' to the tk interface
if ($eye_dir) {
$eye_dir = 0 if ++$eye_pos > 65;
else {
$eye_dir = 1 if --$eye_pos == 0;
if ($MW) {
# I get "couldn't recognize data in image file" errors with .jpg files. .gifs should be faster anyway
# $Tk_objects{eye_photo}->configure(-file => "$Pgm_Path/images/eye/eye" . ($eye_pos + 1) . ".jpg");
-file => "$Pgm_Path/images/eye/eye" . ( $eye_pos + 1 ) . ".gif" );
#$Tk_objects{eye} = ' ';
#substr($Tk_objects{eye}, $eye_pos, 1) = '=';
# *** Configurable for old style (different threshold for textbox movement)
# *** Bind to click -> goes to mh Web site
$Benchmark_Members{'tk_eye'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of tk_eye#-------------------------------------------------
sub my_test_loopcode {
print ' my_test' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'my_test'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in my_test. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'my_test'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'my_test'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'my_test'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'my_test'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'my_test'}.' eval errors in my_test out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'my_test'} = $Run_Members{'my_test'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = Test
$Category = 'Test';
#@ A simple voice command test.
#@ Try changing editing this file then 'Reload Code' to test
if ( $state = said $my_test1) {
if ( $state == 1 ) {
speak "You ran test 1 at $Time_Now";
elsif ( $state == 2 ) {
display "You ran test 2 on $Date_Now";
elsif ( $state == 3 ) {
print_log "Test 3 to the print log";
$Benchmark_Members{'my_test'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of my_test#-------------------------------------------------
sub organizer_events_loopcode {
print ' organizer_events' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'organizer_events'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in organizer_events. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'organizer_events'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'organizer_events'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'organizer_events'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'organizer_events'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'organizer_events'}.' eval errors in organizer_events out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'organizer_events'} = $Run_Members{'organizer_events'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = Time
$Category = 'Time';
#@ Auto-generated from Organizer
if ($New_Minute) {
$Benchmark_Members{'organizer_events'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of organizer_events#-------------------------------------------------
sub organizer_tasks_loopcode {
print ' organizer_tasks' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'organizer_tasks'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in organizer_tasks. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'organizer_tasks'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'organizer_tasks'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'organizer_tasks'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'organizer_tasks'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'organizer_tasks'}.' eval errors in organizer_tasks out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'organizer_tasks'} = $Run_Members{'organizer_tasks'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category = Time
$Category = 'Time';
#@ Auto-generated from Organizer
if ($New_Minute) {
$Benchmark_Members{'organizer_tasks'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of organizer_tasks#-------------------------------------------------
sub test_table_loopcode {
print ' test_table' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'test_table'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in test_table. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'test_table'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'test_table'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'test_table'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'test_table'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'test_table'}.' eval errors in test_table out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'test_table'} = $Run_Members{'test_table'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
#@ Do NOT edit this file. It was auto-generated from test.mht.
# Category = Other
$Category = 'Other';
# Floorplaning info:
# - If you include x,y data, you can monitor and control these items
# with the web floorplan page: http://localhost:8080/bin/
# - For items, specify the x,y after the room group name: room_group(x;y)
# - For room groups, specify x,y,width,height relative to its
# parent group: Group, room_group, parent_group(x;y;w;h)
# - By default, will use $Property as the top level group
# Define Room groups for floorplan
# Init results: 0
# Type Address Name Groups Other Info
# VOICE entries default to [ON,OFF]
if ($v_garage_light_state = said $v_garage_light) {
set $garage_light $v_garage_light_state;
respond "Turning garage light $v_garage_light_state";
if ($v_fountain_state = said $v_fountain) {
set $fountain $v_fountain_state;
respond "Turning fountain $v_fountain_state";
# Here are some examples of adding multiple states to the same item
# Here are some examples of specifying interface and module types
# If your want to use a non-default X10 interface, specify with the 1st 'other info' field
# If your X10 module support preset dim, specify preset in the 2nd 'other info' field
#X10A, O9, living_room_fan, Appliances|Upstairs|LivingRoom(10;10), CM17
#X10I, O7, camera_light2, All_Lights|Upstairs|LivingRoom(5;10), CM11
#X10I, O7, camera_light, All_Lights|Upstairs|LivingRoom(10;5), , LM14
#X10I, O7, camera_light, All_Lights|Upstairs|LivingRoom(10;5), , preset
# Here are X10_Sensor examples for detecting motion and brightness
#X10MS, CA, work_room_motion, Sensors|Motion_Sensors, Motion
#X10MS, CB, work_room_brightness, Sensors|Brighness_Sensors, Brightness
#X10MS, CA, work_room_sensors, Sensors, MS13 # This detects both motion and brightness
$Benchmark_Members{'test_table'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of test_table#-------------------------------------------------
sub test_x10_loopcode {
print ' test_x10' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'test_x10'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in test_x10. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'test_x10'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'test_x10'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'test_x10'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'test_x10'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'test_x10'}.' eval errors in test_x10 out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'test_x10'} = $Run_Members{'test_x10'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# Category=Test
$Category = 'Test';
#@ This has simple examples for controling and monitoring X10 data.
# Note: X10 items are now defined in test_x10.mht
#$test_light1 = new X10_Item('A1');
#$test_light2 = new X10_Item('B1');
#$test_appliance = new X10_Appliance('B2');
# If you have more than one X10 interface, and want to choose which
# one gets used to control a device, you can specify the
# interface name as a second parameter, like this:
# $test_light_1 = new X10_Item('A1', 'CM11');
# $test_light_1 = new X10_Item('B1', 'CM17');
#set $test_light2 $state if $state = said $v_test_light_2;
tie_items $v_test_light2 $test_light2;
set $All_Lights $state if $state = said $v_test_lights;
# Toggle the light on/off every 30 seconds
if ( $New_Second and !( $Second % 30 ) ) {
my $state = ( 'on' eq state $test_light1) ? 'off' : 'on';
set $test_light1 $state;
my $remark = "Light set to $state";
print_log "$remark";
# speak $remark;
# Respond if the A2 button is pushed
if ( state_now $test_button) {
my $remark = "You just pushed the A2 button";
print_log "$remark";
speak $remark;
$Benchmark_Members{'test_x10'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of test_x10#-------------------------------------------------
sub triggers_table_loopcode {
print ' triggers_table' if $Debug{user_code};
if ($Run_Members{'triggers_table'} > 10) { # Check for too many eval errors
display('Multiple eval errors in triggers_table. Code was disabled', 0); $Run_Members{'triggers_table'} = 0; return;
} elsif ($Run_Members{'triggers_table'} > 2 and $Run_Members{'triggers_table'} != $Run_Members_Error_Count{'triggers_table'} ) {
display($Run_Members{'triggers_table'}.' eval errors in triggers_table out of 10 allowed before disable') }
$Run_Members_Error_Count{'triggers_table'} = $Run_Members{'triggers_table'};
my $benchmark_tickcount = &get_tickcount if $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
# You shouldn't edit this file. This file is auto-generated by
# mh/lib/
# If there are syntax errors here, you should delete this file and edit
# ./../data/triggers.current. This file will be recreated
# when Misterhouse is next started.
# name=get MH version type=NoExpire
if ((time_cron '0 18 * * *' and net_connect_check) and &trigger_active('get MH version')) {
# FYI trigger code: run_voice_cmd 'Check Misterhouse version';
&trigger_run('get MH version',1);
# name=update the documentation type=NoExpire
if ((time_cron('5 4 * * *')) and &trigger_active('update the documentation')) {
# FYI trigger code: run_voice_cmd 'Update the Documentation';
&trigger_run('update the documentation',1);
$Benchmark_Members{'triggers_table'} += &get_tickcount - $benchmark_tickcount if $benchmark_tickcount and $Benchmark_Members{on_off_flag};
} # End of triggers_table#-----------------------------------
sub loop_code {
$loop_sleep_total = 0;
$loop_sleep_total += &sleep_time($Loop_Sleep_Time);
$Run_Members{'tk_frames'}++, tk_frames_loopcode, $Run_Members{'tk_frames'}-- if $Run_Members{'tk_frames'};
$Run_Members{'tk_widgets'}++, tk_widgets_loopcode, $Run_Members{'tk_widgets'}-- if $Run_Members{'tk_widgets'};
$Run_Members{'benchmarks'}++, benchmarks_loopcode, $Run_Members{'benchmarks'}-- if $Run_Members{'benchmarks'};
$Run_Members{'bsc'}++, bsc_loopcode, $Run_Members{'bsc'}-- if $Run_Members{'bsc'};
$loop_sleep_total += &sleep_time($Loop_Sleep_Time);
$Run_Members{'eliza_server'}++, eliza_server_loopcode, $Run_Members{'eliza_server'}-- if $Run_Members{'eliza_server'};
$Run_Members{'menu'}++, menu_loopcode, $Run_Members{'menu'}-- if $Run_Members{'menu'};
$Run_Members{'mh_control'}++, mh_control_loopcode, $Run_Members{'mh_control'}-- if $Run_Members{'mh_control'};
$Run_Members{'mh_release'}++, mh_release_loopcode, $Run_Members{'mh_release'}-- if $Run_Members{'mh_release'};
$loop_sleep_total += &sleep_time($Loop_Sleep_Time);
$Run_Members{'mh_sound'}++, mh_sound_loopcode, $Run_Members{'mh_sound'}-- if $Run_Members{'mh_sound'};
$Run_Members{'mhsend_server'}++, mhsend_server_loopcode, $Run_Members{'mhsend_server'}-- if $Run_Members{'mhsend_server'};
$Run_Members{'organizer'}++, organizer_loopcode, $Run_Members{'organizer'}-- if $Run_Members{'organizer'};
$Run_Members{'tk_eye'}++, tk_eye_loopcode, $Run_Members{'tk_eye'}-- if $Run_Members{'tk_eye'};
$loop_sleep_total += &sleep_time($Loop_Sleep_Time);
$Run_Members{'my_test'}++, my_test_loopcode, $Run_Members{'my_test'}-- if $Run_Members{'my_test'};
$Run_Members{'organizer_events'}++, organizer_events_loopcode, $Run_Members{'organizer_events'}-- if $Run_Members{'organizer_events'};
$Run_Members{'organizer_tasks'}++, organizer_tasks_loopcode, $Run_Members{'organizer_tasks'}-- if $Run_Members{'organizer_tasks'};
$Run_Members{'test_table'}++, test_table_loopcode, $Run_Members{'test_table'}-- if $Run_Members{'test_table'};
$Run_Members{'test_x10'}++, test_x10_loopcode, $Run_Members{'test_x10'}-- if $Run_Members{'test_x10'};
$Run_Members{'triggers_table'}++, triggers_table_loopcode, $Run_Members{'triggers_table'}-- if $Run_Members{'triggers_table'};
$loop_sleep_total += &sleep_time($Loop_Sleep_Time);
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