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Last active October 15, 2017 22:06
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OS X Finder service for converting PDF to SVG via

Install CLI client

See here.

Create an API key for

See here.

Create a Finder service to convert PDF to SVG files

  1. Start Automator
  2. Create a new Service
  3. Select "Service reveives selected [PDF files]" in ""
  4. Add a new "Run shell script" from the "Utilities" section in the Library sidebar
  5. Select your preferred shell and select "Pass input [as arguments]" in the upper right select field
  6. Copy the following code for the shell script:
realpath() {
    [[ $1 = /* ]] && echo "$1" || echo "$PWD/${1#./}"


for f in "$@"; do
        BASEDIR=$(dirname "$f")
        REALDIR=$(realpath "${BASEDIR}")
	echo "$f" >> ${LOGFILE}
        /usr/local/bin/convertio -f svg -o "${REALDIR}" --apikey ${API_KEY} "$f" >> ${LOGFILE} 2>&1;

Save the service under e.g. "Convert to SVG (via"

Now right-click on a PDF file in finder and click on "Services" > "Convert to SVG (via". The SVG file should be created in the same directory as the PDF file.

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