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Created April 17, 2018 19:45
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Passthrough callback with timed buffer
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
final class TimedBuffer
private $buffer = '';
private $intervalMs;
private $startTime;
public function __construct( int $intervalMs )
$this->startTime = microtime( true );
$this->intervalMs = $intervalMs;
public function write( string $content ) : void
$this->buffer .= $content;
public function flush() : void
$compareTime = microtime( true ) - $this->intervalMs;
if ( $compareTime < $this->startTime )
# Wherever you want to flush the buffer to goes here
echo $this->buffer;
$this->buffer = '';
$this->startTime = $compareTime;
$timedBuffer = new TimedBuffer( 500 );
$passThroughCallback = function ( string $buffer ) use ( $timedBuffer )
$timedBuffer->write( $buffer );
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