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Last active May 2, 2021 01:07
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Python String Concatenation Performance Test
# based on
# modified to include f string benchmarking for a task I'm working on now, might come in handy later
from __future__ import print_function
import timeit
domain = ''
lang = 'en'
path = 'some/really/long/path/'
iterations = 1000000
_op = "+"
cpv_re = "whonamedthis"
cp_re = "cp"
_slot_separator = "separator"
_slot_loose = "blue"
_repo = ""
_use = "test"
def meth_plus():
'''Using + operator'''
return '^(?P<without_use>(?:' + \
'(?P<op>' + _op + cpv_re + ')|' + \
'(?P<star>=' + cpv_re + r'\*)|' + \
'(?P<simple>' + cp_re + '))' + \
'(' + _slot_separator + _slot_loose + ')?' + \
_repo + ')(' + _use + ')?$'
def meth_join():
'''Using ''.join()'''
return ''.join(['^(?P<without_use>(?:' ,
'(?P<op>' , _op + cpv_re , ')|' ,
'(?P<star>=' , cpv_re , r'\*)|' ,
'(?P<simple>' , cp_re , '))' ,
'(' , _slot_separator , _slot_loose , ')?' ,
_repo , ')(' , _use , ')?$'])
def meth_form():
'''Using string.format'''
#return 'http://{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(domain, lang, path)
return r'^(?P<without_use>(?:(?P<op>{0}{1})|(?P<star>={2}\*)|(?P<simple>{3}))({4}{5})?{6})({7})?$' \
.format(_op, cpv_re, cpv_re, cp_re, _slot_separator, _slot_loose, _repo, _use)
def meth_intp():
'''Using string interpolation'''
return r'^(?P<without_use>(?:(?P<op>%s%s)|(?P<star>=%s\*)|(?P<simple>%s))(%s%s)?%s)(%s)?$' \
%(_op, cpv_re, cpv_re, cp_re, _slot_separator, _slot_loose, _repo, _use)
#return 'http://%s/%s/%s' % (domain, lang, path)
def meth_f():
'''Using string interpolation'''
return fr"^(?P<without_use>(?:(?P<op>{_op}{cpv_re})|(?P<star>={cpv_re}\*)|(?P<simple>{cp_re}))({_slot_separator}{_slot_loose})?{_repo})({_use})?$"
plus = timeit.Timer(stmt="meth_plus()", setup="from __main__ import meth_plus")
join = timeit.Timer(stmt="meth_join()", setup="from __main__ import meth_join")
form = timeit.Timer(stmt="meth_form()", setup="from __main__ import meth_form")
intp = timeit.Timer(stmt="meth_intp()", setup="from __main__ import meth_intp")
f = timeit.Timer(stmt="meth_f()", setup="from __main__ import meth_f")
plus.val = plus.timeit(iterations)
join.val = join.timeit(iterations)
form.val = form.timeit(iterations)
intp.val = intp.timeit(iterations)
f.val = f.timeit(iterations)
min_val = min([plus.val, join.val, form.val, intp.val, f.val])
print('plus %0.12f (%0.2f%% as fast)' % (plus.val, (100 * min_val / plus.val), ))
print('join %0.12f (%0.2f%% as fast)' % (join.val, (100 * min_val / join.val), ))
print('form %0.12f (%0.2f%% as fast)' % (form.val, (100 * min_val / form.val), ))
print('intp %0.12f (%0.2f%% as fast)' % (intp.val, (100 * min_val / intp.val), ))
print('f %0.12f (%0.2f%% as fast)' % (f.val, (100 * min_val / f.val), ))
# Sample Output
# Python 3.8.8 / Linux Kernel 5.10.27
# plus 4.329498328036 (33.14% as fast)
# join 2.099155577016 (68.35% as fast)
# form 4.415611634031 (32.49% as fast)
# intp 2.479019330000 (57.88% as fast)
# f 1.434819712013 (100.00% as fast)
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