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Last active May 18, 2022 14:52
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Game of life Python [1]
class Location:
def __init__(self, row_index, col_index):
self.row = row_index
self.col = col_index
class Cell:
def __init__(self, state):
self.state = state
def isAlive(self):
return self.state
class World:
def __init__(self, board = list()):
self.board = board
self.rows = len(board)
self.cols = len(board[0])
self.generation = 0
self.rule = {
'born': [3],
'survival': [2, 3],
def validate_board(self, board):
if not len(board):
raise ValueError('Board must contain cells')
row_length_set = set(map(lambda row: len(row), board))
if len(row_length_set) > 1:
raise ValueError('Rows must be of the same length.')
def get_cell(self, location):
return self.board[location.row][location.col]
def evolve(self):
self.board = self.evolve_board(self.board)
self.generation += 1
return self
def evolve_board(self, board):
return list(map(self.evolve_row, enumerate(board)))
def evolve_row(self, args):
(row_index, row) = args
return [self.evolve_cell(Location(row_index, col_index), cell) for col_index, cell in enumerate(row)]
def evolve_cell(self, location, cell):
alive_neighbours = self.count_alive_neighbours(location)
if cell.isAlive():
return Cell(any([survive_count == alive_neighbours for survive_count in self.rule['survival']]))
return Cell(any([born_count == alive_neighbours for born_count in self.rule['born']]))
def count_alive_neighbours(self, location):
cell_neighbour_positions = [[0, -1], [1, -1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, 0], [-1, -1]]
count = 0
for [rowPos, colPos] in cell_neighbour_positions:
neighbour_location = Location(location.row + rowPos, location.col + colPos)
if (self.in_bounds(neighbour_location) and self.get_cell(neighbour_location).isAlive()):
count += 1
return count
def in_bounds(self, location):
if location.row > (self.rows - 1) or location.row < 0:
return False
if location.col > (self.cols - 1) or location.col < 0:
return False
return True
def create_world(board_scheme):
board = create_board(board_scheme)
return World(board)
def create_board(board_scheme):
board = get_board_rows(board_scheme)
return list(map(create_row_cells, board))
def get_board_rows(board_scheme):
return board_scheme.split('\n')[:-1]
def create_row_cells(row):
return list(map(convert_char_to_cell, list(row)))
def convert_char_to_cell(char):
return Cell(char == CELL_ALIVE_CHAR)
def print_world(world):
s = ''
for row in world.board:
for cell in row:
s += CELL_ALIVE_CHAR if cell.isAlive() else CELL_DEAD_CHAR
s += '\n';
def test():
board_scheme = '........\n' + '........\n' + '...***..\n' + '........\n' + '........\n' + '........\n'
world = create_world(board_scheme);
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