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Last active June 1, 2016 07:41
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Lambda Lifting as SLPJ - 1987 Book Page 227
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module LambdaLifting where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import Control.Monad.State hiding (fix)
import Data.Char
import Data.List
fix :: ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> a -> b
fix f = f (fix f)
data Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }
instance Show (f (Fix f)) => Show (Fix f) where
show (In f) = "{" ++ show f ++ "}"
cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> (Fix f -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata psi f = psi . fmap f . out
cataRec :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cataRec psi = fix (cata psi)
data ExpF a = Var String
| App a [a]
| Lam [String] a
| Lit Int
| Op String a a
| Let String a a
deriving (Functor, Show)
type Exp = Fix ExpF
app :: Exp -> [Exp] -> Exp
app e1 e2 = In (App e1 e2)
var :: String -> Exp
var x = In (Var x)
lam :: [String] -> Exp -> Exp
lam vs b = In (Lam vs b)
lit :: Int -> Exp
lit n = In (Lit n)
op :: String -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
op s e1 e2 = In (Op s e1 e2)
leT :: String -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
leT s e1 e2 = In (Let s e1 e2)
without :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
without = foldr (filter . (/=)) -- Like \\ but removes all occurrences
freeVars :: Exp -> [String]
freeVars = cataRec alg
where alg (Var v) = [v]
alg (App l r) = l ++ concat r
alg (Lam vs e) = e `without` vs
alg (Lit _) = []
alg (Op _ e1 e2) = e1 ++ e2
applyTo :: Exp -> [String] -> Exp
applyTo = foldl (\e a -> app e $ [var a])
transformLam :: [String] -> Exp -> Exp
transformLam globals = cataRec alg
where alg (Lam vs e) =
let vars = freeVars e `without` (globals ++ vs)
if null vars then lam vs e else lam vars (lam vs e) `applyTo` vars
alg e = In e
data Def = Def String [String] Exp
deriving Show
type ClosM = WriterT [Def] (ReaderT [String] (State Int))
localCtx :: ([String] -> [String]) -> ClosM a -> ClosM a
localCtx f m = WriterT(local f (runWriterT m))
askCtx :: ClosM [String]
askCtx = lift ask
gen :: ClosM String
gen = do x <- get
modify (+ 1)
return ("$" ++ [chr (ord 'F' + x)])
liftLam :: Exp -> ClosM Exp
liftLam = cataRec alg
where alg (Var v) = return $ var v
alg (App l r) = do x <- l
y <- sequence r
return $ app x y
alg (Op s e1 e2) = do x <- e1
y <- e2
return $ op s x y
alg (Lit i) = return $ lit i
alg (Lam vs e) = do
ctx <- askCtx
v <- e
case ctx of
["let"] -> return $ lam vs v
_ -> do fresh <- gen
_ <- tell (return (Def fresh vs v))
return $ var fresh
alg (Let v e1 e2) = do
x <- localCtx (\x -> x ++ ["let"]) e1
y <- e2
return $ leT v x y
uncurryLambdasAndApps :: Exp -> Exp
uncurryLambdasAndApps = cataRec alg
where alg (Lam vs (In (Lam ws e))) = lam (vs ++ ws) e
alg (App (In (App e1 e2)) e3) = app e1 (e2 ++ e3)
alg e = In e
lambdaLifting :: [String] -> Exp -> (Exp, [Def])
lambdaLifting globals e = evalState (runReaderT (runWriterT (liftLam(uncurryLambdasAndApps(transformLam globals e)))) []) 0
toCommaSep :: [String] -> String
toCommaSep [x] = x
toCommaSep xs = concat ["(", intercalate "," xs, ")"]
pretty :: Exp -> String
pretty = cataRec alg
where alg (Var v) = v
alg (App l r) = concat ["(", l, ") (", toCommaSep r, ")"]
alg (Lam vs e) = concat ["\\", toCommaSep vs, ".(", e, ")"]
alg (Op n x y) = concat ["(", x, " ", n, " ", y, ")"]
alg (Lit n) = show n
alg (Let v e1 e2) = concat ["let ", v, " = ", e1, " in ", e2]
sample :: Exp
sample = app (lam ["y"] (app (var "f") [lam ["x"] (var "y")])) [lit 5]
after :: Exp
after = transformLam ["f"] sample
lifted :: (Exp, [Def])
lifted = lambdaLifting ["f"] sample
main :: IO()
main = do putStrLn $ pretty sample
putStrLn $ pretty after
mapM_ (\(Def n vs e) ->
putStrLn(concat [n, " ", toCommaSep vs, " = ", pretty e])) (snd lifted)
putStrLn $ pretty (fst lifted)
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