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Created July 7, 2013 23:22
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Save holograph/5945358 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quick-and-dirty Git log parser. This specific example parses logs with stats output (i.e. git log --numstat) and was used to generate the codebase evolution graph in
package com.tomergabel
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Date
import scala.util.parsing.input.Reader
import{InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, FileInputStream}
object StatLogProcessor {
case class Commit( hash: String, author: String, timestamp: Date, message: String, locs: Map[ String, Int ] )
private object StatLogParser extends RegexParsers {
val eol = "\n" | "\\z".r
override val skipWhitespace = false
val partialHash = "[0-9a-f]{7}".r
val fullHash = "[0-9a-f]{40}".r
val header = "commit" ~ rep( whiteSpace ) ~> fullHash <~ eol
val author = "Author:" ~ rep( whiteSpace ) ~> ".+".r <~ eol
val merge = "Merge:" ~ rep( whiteSpace ) ~ partialHash ~ rep( whiteSpace ) ~ partialHash <~ eol
val date = "Date:" ~ rep( whiteSpace ) ~> ".+".r <~ eol
val commentLine = " " ~> ".*".r <~ eol
val comment = rep( commentLine ) <~ eol ^^ { case l: List[_] => l.mkString( "\n" ) }
val metric = ( "[0-9]+".r | "-" ) <~ rep( whiteSpace )
val metricLine = ( metric ~ metric ~ ".+".r ) <~ eol
val metrics = rep( metricLine )
//Mon Jun 6 01:15:59 2011 +0000
val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy Z" )
val parsedDate = date ^^ { case d => sdf.parse( d ) }
val summarizedMetrics = metrics ^^ {
case l: List[_] =>
val grouped = l.groupBy { case ( ( _ ~ _ ) ~ path ) => path.split( "\\." ).last }
val counted = grouped mapValues { _.flatMap {
case ( ( "-" ~ "-" ) ~ _ ) => None
case ( ( "-" ~ del ) ~ _ ) => Some( -del.toInt )
case ( ( add ~ "-" ) ~ _ ) => Some( add.toInt )
case ( ( add ~ del ) ~ _ ) => Some( add.toInt - del.toInt )
} }
val summarized = counted mapValues { _.sum }
val commit =
header ~
opt( merge ) ~
author ~
( parsedDate <~ eol ) ~
comment ~
opt( summarizedMetrics <~ eol )
val extractedCommit = commit ^^ {
case ( ( ( ( ( _hash ~ _ ) ~ _author ) ~ _date ) ~ _comment ) ~ _metrics ) =>
Commit( _hash, _author, _date, _comment, _metrics getOrElse Map.empty )
def parse( in: Reader[ Char ] ): Option[( Commit, Reader[ Char ] )] = {
val result = StatLogParser.parse( StatLogParser.extractedCommit, in )
if ( result.successful ) Some( result.get, ) else None
def iterate( in: ): Iterable[ Commit ] = {
val initsr = scala.util.parsing.input.StreamReader( in )
val str = Stream.iterate( parse( initsr ) ) { pr => parse( pr.get._2 ) }
str.takeWhile { _.isDefined }.map { _.get._1 }
class IdMap {
private var m: Map[ String, Int ] = Map.empty
def apply( key: String ) =
m.getOrElse( key, { val id = m.size + 1; m += key -> id; id } )
def main( args: Array[ String ] ) {
val fis = new FileInputStream( "/Users/tomer/dev/git-analytics/log.stats" )
val br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( fis ) )
var authors = new IdMap
var exts = Seq( "java", "scala" )
val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd" )
iterate( br ) foreach { commit =>
val aid = authors( )
val extColumns = { ext => commit.locs.getOrElse( ext, 0 ) }.mkString( "\t" )
val time = sdf.format( commit.timestamp )
println( s"${commit.hash}\t$aid\t$time\t$extColumns" )
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